Chapter 97: Chapter 97: Vampiric Dungeon Diving VI

Chapter 97: Chapter 97: Vampiric Dungeon Diving VI

[3rd POV] [A few days later]

A few days had passed since Talia had taken out the Vampire Lords. And a little bit had happened. For one, Talia had begun to teach the girls some new Runes/Spells. Hope had already learnt the Patronus charm, surprisingly fast at that. That happened entirely because of Hope's usage of all her happy memories with Talia. Hope's words.

Clary and Isabelle had learnt some new stealth runes, allowing them to go invisible, eliminate their scent, sound, etc. As well as a rune that is specialized for tracking monsters/evil

creatures. With Talia being in the process of teaching them a few attack runes.

They had also went back into the dungeon, which is where they were at the moment. And if the quest completion was any indicator, they had gotten passed Floor 40.

While they had been doing that, Talia had been focused on getting ready for their eventual departure. Which mainly consisted of spreading her familiars out between Floors 99-79 and gathering mass amounts of materials, fruits, plants, monster drops, and magic stones. Tens, if not hundreds of billions of Valis worth. And enough to fund an entire Familia for years upon years.

She planned on making some sort of garden eventually, but at the moment, she was just gathering them, and then storing them safely away within her Tardis, which had some rooms specially setup to house different plants.

Currently she was in her Vampire dungeon, as she decided to finally get it done with. She was in the final area of the dungeon, which housed both the Vampire Princess, 2 Princes, and the Vampire King. She could feel the power pouring from the area, which was massively stronger than the Lords, by at LEAST 5x. And that was only the Vampire Princess and Princes.

'This...might be a bit harder than I thought' Talia realized, before she walked into the large castle, familiars at the ready.

"Hmm, you are quite a bit more impressive then I was expecting. Defeating the Vampire Lords was quite the feat" A masculine tone sounded out, causing Talia to glance to her side, a tall, black haired red eyed man standing there.

"Perhaps we can make her our pet? I'm sure she'd be a good pleasure toy" A feminine voice spoke, causing Talia to glance at a white haired woman standing next to him.

"Adame knows I could use a good fuck, so I'm in!" A final masculine voice sounded out, revealing a man with dark blond hair, red eyes, and a small grin on his face.

"So you're the princess and princes? I thought you'd look more...well, more" Talia said, glancing at them. Besides the power they had, they were pretty underwhelming all things considered.

"Perhaps I'll use you as my new chair? The last one broke a while ago" The woman spoke, causing Talia to sigh.

'I'm not even gonna bother talking to these morons' Talia said, not even remotely surprised, or scared.

'All of you come out, swarm them. Kill the dudes first, and then join me in fighting the woman' Talia thought, causing the shadows around her to surge, with her familiars slowly filling the room.

"And you think those bugs can defeat us?" The black haired man said, amused.

"I don't think they can defeat you, I know they can" Talia replied, before the Vampires began to surge against them.

"Weak" The man said, as blood red spears swirled into existence around him.

'Change of plans' Talia thought, as she blurred.

Kicking the nearest Prince, she launched him into his black haired brother, while giving him little time to react.

"You fool! You stopped my attack!" The Black haired prince roared.

"It's not my fault she's stronger than I thought!" The other man replied, before being cut off as the literal thousands of vampires launched at them.

'They won't last long against that' Talia thought, before looking to the woman.

"So you're the strongest of the three, right? A bit stronger than I was thinking, but nothing too surprising" Talia said, feeling the womans power. Which while impressive, it wasn't anything too insane.

'She'd have been much stronger than the Vampire me before I began this vampiric dungeon, but with all the blood manipulation growth, and familiars...I'm far stronger than her now. Ever since I came to this place, my vampiric abilities and physical attributes only continue to grow' Talia thought, as she had noticed it a while ago. The fact that her vampiric abilities only continued to increase, just being in the dungeon did this.

"Alright, let's fight" Talia said with a grin, before blurring and throwing her first punch at the


'This shouldn't take long'

It took a lot longer than Talia expected. Seems that Vampire Princess/Princes have a lot stronger regeneration capabilities than she expected. It took her an entire hour to kill the damn things, with their repeated regeneration.

It was mostly the Princess that was a pain in the ass, entirely because of her being actually skilled in more than just blood manipulation. She seemed to be a master martial artist, and even had some skills in magic, nothing compared to Talia's, but without Talia being able to use her magic, it was...difficult.

"Fucking hell that was annoying" Talia said, sighing as the wounds on her body regenerated.

"It's been a while since I've actually been harmed..." Talia muttered, not entirely a fan of being wounded like this.

"Turning these three into familiars should be possible, but draining" Talia muttered "Let's try 5% of my magic for each of them. Should be enough"

5% of her total magic for each, turned out to be more than enough. With each of them slowly rising to their feet, taking a total of 15% of her total magic.

Gazing at their kneeling forms, she smiled 'Quite the additions. Perfect for the next fight'

Kill the Vampire Princess and 2 Princes - 20 Levels.

Turn 1 of the Vampire Princes or Princesses into your familiar - 18 Levels.

Turn both Vampire Princes and Vampire Princess into your familiar - 20 Levels, 2 Sword

Saint Techniques.

'With this I'll be what...8 Stars? Considering I didn't get the first star in Sword Saint, until level 20. My subclass will also be level 82...this rate of leveling is insane' Talia thought, happy

with the rewards.

The amount of levels did make sense, considering the length and difficulty of the dungeon. And she was pretty sure the system took her next world travel into account. Plus, the dungeon would most likely be closed for 2 months or longer, after she completes it. So it'll give her plenty of time to properly use her new classes she's rapidly getting.

'Should I continue with the Sword Saint class? It's...kind of tempting. As if I continue with this class, I'll probably max it out at level 400 after I complete these quests. And then I can use my couple of months to develop the class as well as Force Wielder...let's just see if it even let's me do that. Otherwise, I'll just go with Force Wielder....unless I get a class good enough to decide


'System, go ahead and claim the levels and the techniques' Talia thought, almost immediately being filled with power. Her aura surged around her, being strengthened by several dozen times, due to the sheer difference in strength between a each Star at the higher level of Stars. An 8 Star sword saint was several times stronger than a 7 Star, roughly 5-6

times at that.

Her form warped slightly as her beauty increased, just as a soft sigh escaped her lips.

[Sword Art - Heavenly Sword Constructs: A Sword Saint technique. Through the usage of aura, the user creates dozens, if not hundreds, of swords that surrounds them. Teach blade is just as strong as the users own sword. Meaning if the user has a sufficiently strong sword, this technique can be incredibly powerful. Each blade can also be infused with an element, giving them each different types of elemental attacks. Downsides: Drains the aura at a constant rate, drains more aura the more swords are summoned, the stronger the sword, etc. Must have immense control over aura, as otherwise, the swords will flutter out of


[Sword Art - Heavenly Tendril Strike: A powerful sword saint technique. A seemingly normal attack imbued with aura, this technique is anything but normal. After striking, the strike/aura within the blade splits off into dozens of smaller tendrils/beams of light that then attack the foe from a range. A powerful technique. The better the users control over aura, the more tendrils/beams the user can create. Downsides: More draining per tendril/beam, needs excellent aura control to use to full extent, can be dodged, and is not as damaging as a normal aura strike (unless several beams hit)]

'Not bad. Those two techniques are...going to be insane once I get good enough to properly combine them. And the level difference is incredible as well. As I can literally feel the difference in swordsmanship.' Talia thought, noticing the difference in technique and skill. She didn't have any memories of a Sword Saint or their swordsmanship (which she hoped would change soon), but she could still feel the difference, especially in sword talent and


'Now...let's face that Vampire King' Talia thought, as the familiars around her slowly disappeared, reverting back into her shadows.

She knew exactly where he was...considering there was a big ass door leading to the Throne

room, that was right in front of her.

Walking to the throne room door, she breathed in deeply, before pushing it slowly.

As she did, she was hit with a surge of power, rolling off the throne, where a man sat.

"...So you're the one that killed all of my children?" The man spoke, his deep voice billowing

through the room.

"I am" Talia replied, walking closer.

Getting to his feet, the man looked her down "Unlike my foolish children, I will not waste

time speaking to you. Let us finish this fight" His said, eyes glowing, as a blood red sword

formd in his hand.

'Dangerous...that sword is dangerous' Talia thought, glancing at the blade.

Without wasting any time, the Vampire King surged towards her at immense speeds.

Seeing this, Talia didn't waste any of her time, and summoned the full force of her familiar army. The vampire princess and princes lept towards their father, while the Lord Vampires joined them soon after.

"It will take far more than them to defeat me" The Vampire King spoke, as all of the Vampire

Lords dropped dead.

Ignoring him, Talia blurred at immense speeds towards the man, an almost sonic like boom sounding out as she reappeared in front of him, a full force punch slammed against his

stomach, launching him back.

Without giving him a second of time, she reappeared next to him, alongside dozens of high level vampires, all of them jumping onto him, holding him down with all their power. Talia's blow slammed directly into his chest, causing a splash of blood to trickle out of his mouth.

'Hold him down, the rest of you, attack him with all your might. Cut him and slash him until he doesn't get up any longer' Talia thought, causing more and more vampires to surge


Growling, the Vampire King slowly glowed a blood red color, as blood trickled out of his wound, and formed into a slash, severing the heads of the Vampires nearby. '...Maybe I should just drain his blood? Vampires depend on maybe that'll kill him faster' Talia thought, as the King broke out of the grip of the High Level Vampires. Slowly the Vampire Lords and Princess/Princes returned to form. 'Get that blade out of his hands, and then hold him down!'

Hearing her order, they sped off, all while Talia waited for the right moment. She knew that if she didn't have familiars, this battle would be incredibly difficult, but thankfully, it seems she had gotten to such a strength in Vampirism, that even the Vampire King couldn't stop her familiars, or even try to control them.

It took a little bit to get the man stuck somewhere, until it finally happened. Over 50 different vampires working together to keep the man down, while Talia walked to him, the mans blade on the side.

Looking down at the man, he growled as she slowly pulled upon her blood manipulation. And

she could feel it, the blood surging within him, the blood of the Vampire King. '...Every time I defeated a Level of Vampires, my control over blood has increased. Now...Now I've gotten to a level beyond the Vampire King, to the point that I can call on his the hell have I

never noticed this' Talia thought, inwardly frowning, wondering why this was happening, as the system definitely didn't say anything about it.

'Perhaps it's close to an evolution' Talia realized, before shaking her thoughts off, focusing

on the task at hand.

Pulling on his blood, she smiled as blood began to slowly pour from his wound, turning into a

ball of blood, that slowly got larger and larger.

"And so falls the Vampire King" Talia said, grinning as she downed the gathered blood,

sighing at the taste.

"Not bad, but my mates taste way better" Talia said with a small sigh. "Y-You w-will...d-die" The man stuttered out, causing Talia to raise an eyebrow, before

watching his body decay.

"Ah ah ah, none of that" Talia said, as she created a drop of blood, filled with 25% of her total

magic. Smirking, she watched as the Vampire King slowly glowed, before kneeling before her.

"Go ahead and bring that blade over here" Talia said, causing one of the vampires to walk over and hand her the blood red sword the man had. [Bloody Sword of the Vampire King - A sword made up of the blood of tens of thousands of deceaseed vampires. The perfect weapon for a vampire. Increases all vampiric abilities by 2x while wielding this blade. This blade grows stronger by absorbing the blood of others. Can evolve and gain new abilities by absorbing the blood of other creatures. Can absorb and fuse with other swords/bladed weapons, combining the attributes and strengths of them. This blade is bound to the Vampire King. But, due to you defeating the man, therefore becoming

the rightful Vampire King, this blade is now yours]

'Oh? System, go ahead and fuse that with the Sword of Gryffindor, the katana, my mechashift

weapon and my Lightsaber' [Sword of Gryffindor fused!]

[All attributes of the Sword of Gryffindor will be strengthened. All poisons transfer over]

[Lightsaber Fused!]

[Lightsaber's cutting/weightlessness fused. All other abilities of a lightsaber transfer over] [Mechashift Fused!]

[Mechashifts Ability to transform into other weapons fused. All other abilities of a

mechashift weapon transfer over[

'Neat. This sword should be good in combination with my Sword Saint abilities' Talia thought

with a small, pleased smile. The katana didn't have any real abilities, so it didn't have a


[Level Up x2!]

Talia glanced at this, just as pleased with this as she was with the sword. "Now, where is that hidden bo-"

"You're the one who slaughtered my children?"

A powerful feminine voice sounded out, filling the room. Talia stopped as she felt the power

behind the voice ... Whoever that the strongest thing I've met so far, besides Michael' Talia thought, spreading her senses in an attempt to find whoever was speaking. "A mere mortal? A MERE MORTAL DARES!?" The voice boomed, as Talia heard a soft crack

sound, turning, she watched with serious eyes as space cracked, and out stepped a

tall...powerful woman. [Hidden Boss - Adame] [Minor Vampire Goddess of Blood]

'Oh fuck...' Talia thought, as she stared down the woman.

Gazing at the woman, Talia blinked as a thought entered her mind 'System, can I use my other

abilities now? Since I defeated the Vampire King with only vampiric powers?'


Hearing this, Talia grinned slightly "You know, it's been a while since I've been given a

proper fight, let's hope you'll be enough!" Talia said, as magic poured out of her being.

"A mortal

thinks they can defeat a God? You truly are foolish" Her voice sounded, causing

Talia to grin widely.

'Magic or Swords? That's the real question...' Talia thought.

'Magic will probably be for the best, as I can see this becoming a threat to my life' Talia

decided, knowing it was better to not underestimate a literal Goddess. "Fiendfyre" Talia said without hesitation, as flames poured from her hands, booming towards the vampire goddess who scowled.

Without even a moment, the flames fluttered out of existence, before the vampire goddess


"A weak magical attack like that will do nothing but irritate me, worm!" Adame spoke, as

spears made out of her blood slowly formed in the sky, dozens of them continuing to form one after the other.

'Best to teleport from that shit' Talia thought, teleporting to the sky's above the castle. "You think you can flee from me?!" Adame roared, reappearing in the skies with her. In response, Talia sent a beam of pure Dragon Flame at the Goddess, causing her to form a shield

of blood, blocking the attack.

'...Alright, I can already see how this'll go if I continue to fight her like this. The only way to really beat her, is to completely overwhelm her, that much I can already see. Looks like...that spell will be needed' Talia thought, realizing that this would come down to her using her Seaʀᴄh the nôᴠel website on G00gle to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

strongest spell right off the bat, so she didn't exhaust herself. That, and she knew that this Goddess probably had other tricks that she hadn't used yet. So, it was best to go all out, and kill her before she can even think of using them.

Breathing in deeply, Talia looked at the Goddess, before speaking "Widen Magic, Penetrate

Magic, Maximize Magic, Boost Magic"

As Talia spoke, Adame's eyes widened as she attempted to attack, only to have all her attacks blocked/tanked by several familiars that sacrified themselves to tank the blows. Looking upon the woman, eyes glowing silver as she imbued the spell with more than just normal magic, as blue magic circles began to rapidly form around her, and in the skies above.

Slowly, she opened her mouth, and spoke her most powerful spell, the spell that had the potential to shatter worlds.

"Super Tier Magic... Fallen Down"

And then...everything went...dark.

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That's the end of the chapter!

Boom! There's the reveal of the hidden boss...who's only a minor god, aka way weaker than a

true God. If this was a true god, Talia would have probably been pushed to near death. This is also the reveal of Talia's strongest spell. It's the strongest spell in her arsenal, and

hails from Overlord. It was the strongest shown spell in that world as well, so that's why it's her strongest. It's even stronger than Ainz's, due to it being imbued with more than just magic, being stronger from her leveling, and a whole host of boosts she has. Plus, it is even stronger against undead enemies, so sorta perfect for the situation. She'll be getting a shit ton of levels next chapter, and a lot of new items, evolutions, and whole host of things. This will also signify her last dungeon for quite some time, as the cooldown before her next dungeon will be longer than before, due to the strength of each dungeon and the rewards. But that was kind of a given, considering the previous chapters. Next chapter will mostly be her getting her new items and stuff. With the chapter after that

being her completing a different dungeon. There's probably 3 more chapters of this volume before they go into their next world.

Next volume will be LONG, like, the longest arc so far. That much is guaranteed, considering the world it is in, and the amount of shit to do there. It is also going to be a LOT of items,

rewards, info dumps, etc. Sorry about this, but I can't do anything about that. Sorry about the fight scenes, but...for one, I'm awful at fight scenes, and two, most of them would end quickly with Talia's natural strengthening and progression in vampirism.