Volume 14 - CH 11

Name:Unique Legend Author:Hu Xuan
*Happy Lunar New Year! This chapter takes place during V13C3, some underage drinking involved

Extra: That Day’s Truth

Location: Atlantis Time: 7:20 PM

It began like this.

After winter vacation started, all the students returned to their respective homes one by one. Except for some who stayed to supervise the barrier, no one else remained in the school.

Of course, certain people are the exception to that. For example, the robe levels without family or a few students who do not want to return home will still stay.

“Nuelle, do you not need to return to your clan?”

After the incident with the Ghost Tribe breaking through the school barrier, the dorm manager Restua’s problems had also increased. Breathing a sigh of relief after finally fixing the barrier with much difficulty, he saw a certain person, who wasn’t really well-liked, swaying in front of the crystal tower.

But no matter how bad the other person is, because of his race’s peace-loving nature, Restua still went forward to say hello.

Turning her head, the demon in front of him revealed a dazzling smile as she looked at him: “Aih, I don’t like going back to the Demon Clan. Nothing meaningful there, and I even have to look at a bunch of kinsmen. I might as well stay here since it’s a lot more interesting.”

Saying that, long fingernails painted with bright red flowers drew across the Elf’s practically perfect, beautiful face.

His expression not changing, Restua slightly dodged that hand that could be seen as harassing, still maintaining his smile: “Then since today is an eastern holiday, are you willing to drop by and give this dessert as condolences to our white robe who is still recuperating?”

Saying that, he took out a beautifully wrapped box and handed it to her.

“No problem, but adorable Elf boss, there’s a small price to pay when you make a deal with a demon.”

Saying that, before the Elf in front of her could react, she directly reached out and grabbed him to take advantage.

An Elf, such an interesting thing, what kind of Demon wouldn’t want to make a move?

A bit of cold separated the Demon’s face.

“Nuelle, do you want to make a move on a neutral Elf?”

Right before the Elf was almost taken advantage of, a passing natural enemy to some degree pulled out his own weapon and even-handedly put it in between the two people’s lips just in time, so perfectly that the Demon wasn’t able to receive any benefits at all.

Taking a step back, Nuelle laughed then shrugged: “Aih, I really lucked out today. And even if our blood lineages are considered rivals, you didn’t need to draw your weapon so quickly. If you accidentally scratch my beautiful face, you’ll have to pay for it with your soul.”

Long fingers pushed away the icy weapon, and she tilted her head to look at the weapon’s owner.

A second later, the weapon disappeared midair.

“I’m sorry, that was an instinctive reaction.”

After withdrawing his weapon, Andy who was carrying some data, showed a slight smile: “But why would a Demon be haunting this quiet place? I remember you would always rather go to the administration department than come to the Crystal Tower.”

Nuelle shrugged: “I have no choice, I’m currently playing with some kittens. They all came to the Crystal Tower and are probably sleeping comfortably inside now.”

Andy and Restua naturally knew what those kittens she mentioned were.

Apart from the students and administrators, only some illusionary beasts and small animals that live there remain at the school, and at this time, you would often see idle-to-the-point-of-being-bored administrators playing with those illusionary beasts; Nuelle is one of them.

“If it’s those little visitors, they are asleep at Kerta right now.”

Restua smiled gently and told her.

“Tsk, I just knew it.”

Shrugging, Nuelle shook the box in her hands: “Then I’ll go to the medical team first to visit that lovely kiddo of ours who is still recuperating.”

Saying that, she vanished in an instant.

The two who stayed released their breath one after the other.

“To be honest, when she moved toward you just now, did you really have no way of avoiding it?”

Looking at the already-empty place, Andy moved his gaze away and turned it toward his friend beside him.

He was very suspicious of this. If he didn’t step in just now, who knows what would have happened?

“Nn…I honestly didn’t react.”

Still wearing the same smile, Restua took the data from the other person’s hands: “Thank you for your timely rescue.”

Seeing how his smile was simply too bright, Andy suddenly felt that it was very likely that the Elf in front of him said the opposite of what he meant.

“You did react…”

Except that he doesn’t know what he was planning.

“Hehe, who knows.”

After the vacation started, the medical team began to have less work.

At the very least, there was definitely a lot more free time when corpses that died from various strange ways weren’t lining up anytime anywhere outside.

After comfortably brewing a cup of coffee, Tyre enjoyed a rare moment of leisure.

You have to know that this sort of time wouldn’t last long, because later the medical team will definitely tell him where to go and support, so he has to hurry up while he can.


A sweet voice came from outside, then came the sound of the door opening, before Tyre, who was about to enjoy a leisurely evening tea time, put the cup in his hand down and looked at that little sister who said she was going home but ran back to interrupt his lazy time: “Miao Miao, why did you run here instead of doing your own stuff?”

Carrying a fruit basket in both hands, Miao Miao cheerfully smiled: “To visit the patient. Isn’t Liliya injured and still recovering? Miao Miao came to visit her.”

“In the third ward, go there yourself.”

Pointing at the door next to him, Tyre humphed.

“I also have something for Assistant. Today is New Year’s Eve.”

Taking out a beautifully-wrapped cookie from the fruit basket, Miao Miao said pleasantly: “Yang Yang even sent us dessert boxes.”

Staring at the girl in front of him, Tyre curved into a smile: “That brat also sent me one. Turns out that’s all the original world has.”

Speaking of which, that brat actually even used someone else’s array. If he (Tyre) was an array teacher, he would definitely train him to death once school started.

That said, why did that brat send him a dessert box?

“As long as it’s from Yang Yang, Miao Miao will love it. The others too.”

Putting the cookie on the table, Miao Miao hummed and didn’t continue talking. Then she turned toward the temporary ward that currently still had people.

As soon as the door opened, the first thing that came from inside was a flowery scent, before she saw several different flowers in the room.

Finally, it was that still-recuperating person on the sickbed staring at her.

“Liliya, this is for you.”

Before the other person could open her mouth first, Miao Miao put the fruit basket on the small table at the side and looked at the bouquets in the surroundings: “A lot of people sent flowers.”

Liliya withdrew her gaze, coldly smiling: “You can take them. They’re not from very important people anyway.”

Her tone wasn’t good or bad, but it wasn’t particularly hostile.

“When Liliya rests today and can go home tomorrow, Miao Miao will ask you for them again.”

Revealing a wide smile, Miao Miao opened the backpack she placed on her knee: “Chifuyu said that today is New Year’s Eve in Yang Yang’s country, so we have to eat hot pot.”

“What does eating hot pot have to do with me…Hey! Don’t take out your stove here!”

As soon as she thought of that opponent, Liliya’s mood became a lot worse. Just as she was about to curse a few more words, that electric stove miraculously taken out from her backpack caused her to stop.

“Everyone went home. Chifuyu and Ryan also have things to do, so Miao Miao came to you guys to eat.”

After thinking about it, her clan didn’t have this sort of New Year custom, and everyone else was busy doing their own things, so she decided to come here to find the person with the most free time to eat hot pot together.

“You’re part of the medical team and yet you have so little common sense? Who would eat hot pot in a sick ward!? And I’m a patient; can I eat something like this!?”

Seeing her take out a thermos full of soupstock from that tiny backpack again, Liliya hurriedly tried to stop this incomprehensible behavior.

A lower class is a lower class. Even their actions are so abrupt and rude.

“Don’t worry, Liliya’s injuries have already healed well enough to go home, and Miao Miao has prepared great ingredients, which can also nourish your body.”

Continuing to pull out box after box of washed ingredients, Miao Miao happily told her.

“Such nonsense—” More than half of the entire bed became covered with ingredients. Completely unable to overlook this, Liliya slapped the bell beside her.

Less than a few seconds later, the ward’s door immediately opened, and Tyre stood outside still drinking his half-finished coffee: “What the hell are you guys doing in there?”

“Eating hot pot, I’ll call you later when it’s done cooking.”

Miao Miao raised her busy head and said with a smile.

“Sure, be careful not to burn my ward down.”

After saying that, the door closed and the person left.

Liliya was dumbfounded.

Is this really okay?

You shouldn’t be allowed to start a fire in a ward, right…

What’s with these people?

“Wait a bit, we’ll be able to eat soon.”

Opening the stove and cooking the soup stock, Miao Miao smiled at her, then poured in mushrooms, some vegetables, and meat and bones from the bottom of the soup, before taking a spoon out from her bag and stirring it slightly: “Does Liliya’s Fairy Clan also eat hot pot?”

“I don’t eat this sort of thing.”

Glaring at the ingredients piled over half the bed and that boiling soup, Liliya sullenly jumped off the bed, then sat down on a nearby chair: “I’m a Fairy aristocrat. How can I possibly eat this squeezed in a group of people?”

“Oh, so Liliya has never eaten hot pot.”

Turning the bag upside-down, several seasoning jars rolled out. After determining that nothing was inside, Miao Miao tossed the bag aside and helped the seated person drip out two tears at the same time: “How pitiful, no warmth.”

She heard that it’d be very warm to eat together with the whole family on New Year’s Eve. When they went to the Water Fairy Clan before, everyone ate cheerfully and happily. It’s a pity that Liliya didn’t eat hot pot together with everyone.

“Wha, what do you mean ‘no warmth’!? I don’t want to eat this sort of thing!”

Jumping up from her chair, Liliya loudly retorted.

“Hot pot is delicious. It’s about to boil. What does Liliya want to eat? We’ll eat meat first, okay?”

Saying that, Miao Miao opened a box and tipped fresh meat into the pot.

“Did you listen to what I said—”

Just when she was about to complain, the sound of the door opening interrupted Liliya.

“Aiya, what fun thing are you doing?”

Then, the situation developed to a even stranger degree.

Liliya glared at the newcomer Demon and began to consider the possibility of changing rooms.

“I want more spiciness.”

Holding a bowl, Nuelle, who originally came to send condolence gifts and now joined the hot pot line, scooped a bowl of seafood and took the seasoning: “When the weather is cold, it’s best to eat something like this. I heard the original world also has many hot pot flavors. How about we eat together next time?”

“Miao Miao wants to go!”

Smiling broadly, Miao Miao nodded hard.

The hell, this room is supposed to be a place for this lady to quietly rest!

While thinking this, Liliya resentfully bit into a piece of meat to vent her anger.

But having said that, this thing doesn’t taste that bad, actually…

While the hot pot’s soup worked hard to boil, the ward’s door was pushed open again: “Miao Miao, sorry I’m late.” Geng walked in carrying a large bag and an apologetic smile.

“Geng Geng~”

Waving at her good friend, Miao Miao passed over a clean bowl.

“I just came back from the original world and bought some soda for you guys along the way.”

Grabbing a couple of sarsi cans from the bag, Geng dragged a chair in from outside.

This should be this lady’s ward, why are there more and more people?

Looking at the new addition to the population, Liliya continued to take a bite of hot pot.

“Geng, there’s no more alcohol.”

Looking at the sarsi, Nuelle swung her long demon tail: “It’s better to have some alcohol when there’s something worth celebrating.”

She didn’t like this little thing.

“Miao Miao and Liliya have never drank before, so you can’t.”

Geng patted Miao Miao next to her, then took a bowl and filled it with soup: “Happy New Year, Liliya.”

Hearing someone talk to her, Liliya nodded first on reflex, not knowing how to make conversation.

Fairy aristocrats don’t celebrate the new year at this time…

“Aiya, I want to drink.”

Taking out her phone, Nuelle dialed a number: “I’m calling a servant to buy it for me.”

You can’t have alcohol in a sick ward!

She really wanted to tell the Demon in front of her this, but the other person is also a black robe she respects. For an instant, Liliya entered a state of internal conflict.

Not long after the Demon hung up, a whole box of alcoholic beverages was immediately delivered.

You can’t drink alcohol in a ward!

Looking at that box of alcoholic beverages, Liliya decided to truthfully tell her most respected black robe this, “Oh right, Miao Miao just saw Andy in the school too.”

Miao Miao, who was half-finished eating, jumped up: “Hot pot needs more people to taste good. Miao Miao will go find him.”

After saying that, she vanished at once.

This is my resting ward!

Liliya was completely speechless.

Five minutes or so later, the Demon’s natural enemy appeared in the ward, with an additional Elf in tow.

“Thank you for your invitation.”

Elegantly sitting in the room, Andy took the bowl and chopsticks Geng passed over: “I heard that last time you guys also ate this thing from the original world in the Water Fairy Clan. It looks pretty good.”

“Of course it’s good. Little Miao Miao’s workmanship is top notch.”

The person who was hanging around outside just now moved inside, and the door opened to let air in. Because quite a lot of people had squeezed in, the entire space seemed somewhat smaller.

Watching two black robes appear in the room at once, Liliya suddenly felt moved.

They are actually black robes…

And the rarely-seen Elven manager.

Noticing her gaze, Restua smiled back: “We’ve really troubled you this time with the barrier incident. I hope the atmospheric elves can bless your wounds to heal.”

“Ah…You’re, you’re welcome.”

Her whole face heated up, and Liliya hurriedly responded politely.

Ah, my god, if cooking hot pot can let her see so many black robes, then next time she’ll let Miao Miao cook as much as she wants. While thinking this, Liliya gratefully took the bowl the Angel helped her fill. With the black robes and Elf as a foil, that hot pot seems to have become more high-class.

Under this atmosphere where everyone was cheerful, Nuelle opened the first alcoholic beverage, then it was Tyre. Geng only poured everyone soda, before beckoning them to eat more.

Things started to feel wrong when Andy fell back with a thump.

“Ai ya ya, turns out Angels can’t drink alcohol.”

Taking advantage of the mess on the table to steal his cup and replace the soda with alcohol, Nuelle interestedly looked at the Angel who collapsed after one cup and considered whether she should first take advantage to make up for what he interrupted today.

But an Angel’s alcohol tolerance is really terrible, getting knocked down after a cup.

Liliya dazedly looked at one of the black robes who collapsed: “Is, is Mister Andy alright?”

My god, a black robe just fell down in front of her.

If this was during a mission, he probably would’ve died.

“It’s fine, let him sleep for a while and he’ll wake up.”

Restua smiled, then supported Andy to a bed outside.

If he continued to put him in front of the Demon, who knows whether he would lose his purity…

Walking back into the room after securing the person, he was immediately caught by another drinker: “Today really is a day to be celebrated. Let’s drink a cup too.”

Tyre hung onto the Elf’s shoulder, very pleased with this beautiful creature.

“Sorry, I’m not that used to this drink…”

“Aiya, drink, that Angel drank too.”

Creating a fuss together with him, Nuelle simply threw the soda out the window.

And so, the get-drunk operation began.

“No no, Miao Miao and Liliya can’t drink.”

Snatching the cups that the Demon had completely replaced, Geng strongly adhered to the original world’s rule that minors cannot drink.

“We already said that today is a holiday. Of course we have to drink some.”

The Demon happily snatched the cups back and stuffed them into the hands of the younger two.

“No, kids can’t drink!”

“Miao Miao isn’t a kid anymore.”

Someone started to refute on behalf of her age.

“I’m not either!”

Although she didn’t know why she wanted to join this pointless battle, Liliya also refuted.

“Aha, since none of us are, there’s no need to hold back.”

Grabbing the nearest Miao Miao, the Demon, who felt that the world should be chaotic from the bottom of her heart, took her cup and poured it into the mouth of the little cat in her hands before Geng could stop her.


Irritably snatching her junior back, Geng rolled her eyes at the other person.

“Miao Miao drank. If you’re not a kid, Liliya should too.”

Her whole face turning red instantly, Miao Miao held the full cup and broke away from Geng’s hands to move toward Liliya nearby.

Smelling a whiff of alcohol, Liliya frowned on reflex: “I’m not drinking this low-grade cheap drink. Get it away from me…Hey! What are you doing!?”

The Demon, who had gone behind her at some point, grabbed her hands: “Little Miao Miao, come on!”

“You rude people, don’t try to make a move—mfft—”

Already ignoring the fact that the one who grabbed her from behind was the black robe she respected, Liliya kicked to resist, and then got brutally betrayed.

“Don’t let a minor drink!”

Protesting too late, Geng watched the two-against-one tragedy happen with black lines on her face.

“Miao Miao isn’t a kid~”

Putting aside Liliya, Miao Miao, who poured another cup on her own, cheerfully avoided the person next to her and bounced over to the other chair to vigorously drink.

“Miao Miao, don’t drink anymore.”

Then, Geng got up and started to chase the completely drunk Miao Miao all around the room.

“Everyone drink some more, I’ll order more.”

Saying that, Nuelle made a call to her servant, instructing her to bring a few more boxes.

“Stop it!”

Catching Miao Miao and taking the cup, Geng shouted at that friend who was currently receiving the goods.

At the side, Tyre and Restua, who didn’t join the girls’ battle, continued to toast each other.

The entire sick ward began to be noisy.

“This is this lady’s ward; why are you guys being so loud here!”

After a few minutes of the Demon forcing her to drink, Liliya escaped the Demon’s hold and began to declare her ownership of the room with one foot on a chair.

“We have to set off firecrackers for the new year~”

Miao Miao took out a string of fireworks from her pocket and lit them. Beside her, Geng seemed to have instantly pounced over to snatch the fireworks and throw them out the window.

A few seconds later, a huge noise sounded outside and soared up to the sky, exploding into brilliant fireworks.

“Such beautiful colors.”

Nuelle happily watched the fireworks exploding one by one outside the window and toasted the two adults sitting.

“The Fairy Clan’s are prettier. This is nothing…”

Sitting on a chair and looking out the window, Liliya humphed with a slur, then got pulled down by Geng who said it was too dangerous.

After the fireworks ended, Miao Miao shrank down under the window, then grabbed her phone and began dialing. The other person quickly picked up:

“Yang Yang, happy new year.”

Pausing, she continued with a laugh: “Are you happy?”

The other end of the call was stunned.

As soon as she heard the name of a certain opponent, Liliya immediately rushed to grab the phone and succeeded after a few seconds: “Chu Ming Yang…come duel me…”

A hiccup cut off her unfinished words.

“Duel!? You can’t fight here!” Still remembering that this was the healthcare room, Miao Miao shouted.

“Get over here…” She yelled at the other end of the phone, before it was taken away.

“Hehe, happy new year.” Miao Miao giggled as she told the friend on the other side.

“Aih, don’t call to bother Yang Yang.”

Glancing at the time, it had already gotten quite late before they knew it. Geng immediately took the phone, the two younger still trying to grab it. She moved away at once: “Yang Yang? I’m sorry, Mikayla and Liliya were forced to drink by Nuelle just now.”

Stopping for a moment, she once again dodged their grabs: “Sorry for disturbing you, happy new year.” Although the junior schoolmate at the other end was somewhat confused, he still responded.

Just when she was about to hang up the phone and confiscate it, a hand suddenly reached out behind Geng and took the phone: “Hello, cute kiddo, want to come over and play together?”

The other person refused in just a few seconds, and she shrugged: “Then alright, happy new year. See you when school starts.”

Saying that, she ignored the two little ones who still wanted to snatch the phone and immediately hung up.

Taking back the phone and confiscating it, Geng turned her head and was about to suppress the noise when she unexpectedly discovered that Miao Miao and Liliya had fallen asleep together on the floor.

“Tyre, lend me a clean room…Tyre?”

Dragging the two girls, Geng raised her head and found that the assistant, who was still drinking with the Elf just now, had fallen to the ground, with several boxes of empty bottles nearby.

She gave up.

Dragging the two girls, Geng resigned herself to finding a ward to put them in on her own.

“I’m going to sleep for a while too. This time I got the super high concentration alcohol…”

Yawning, Nuelle shook her tail and left the room, directly climbing up to the bed with the Angel and falling asleep.

And so, the entire room only had a certain sober Elf and a still-boiling hot pot left.

“Nn…Does this mean that I’m on cleanup duty?” Looking at the mess all over the room, the Elf smilingly drank the Demon’s last bottle labeled with a warning of high alcohol content.

Such a beautiful night.

It was said that the day after that hot pot night, everyone who drank all got a severe hangover headache.

The only one who didn’t drink and escaped misfortune, Geng sullenly took care of the two girls who rolled all over the bed.

From the Angel’s side, it was said that there was an Elf who drank too much and only woke up after sleeping and being taken care of for three days, but that’s a story for later.

And so, this incident was told when a few friends gathered together after school began.

And after the protagonist of this book, Chu Ming Yang, finally understood what was going on with that phone call, he also made an important decision in his heart:

“Never bring anything with alcohol when we meet up in the future!”