Volume 15 - CH extra

Name:Unique Legend Author:Hu Xuan
I rarely thought much about brothers.

After all, my family has a female witch who is even scarier than a brother, so I don’t dare to wonder if there’s any difference.

“Yang~Yang! Come out and play!”

Just like the start of many holidays, not long after I woke up and returned from borrowing Senior’s bathroom, Miao Miao and the others’ shouts drifted through the window.

“Coming!” Shouting back through the window, I quickly changed clothes while thinking. Who knows when a black robe will come to protest that our frequent shouting back and forth destroys the peace.

After getting ready, like usual, I didn’t dare to dally any longer and rushed out of the room, running through the Black Dorm’s entrance as if fleeing for my life. Sure enough, as soon as I left, I could see Miao Miao, Chifuyu and the others already standing outside waiting.

“Yang Yang is so slow. We’re going to eat dim sums today.” Telling me this, Miao Miao cheerfully rushed over and hooked her arm with mine.

“Oh ah.” After greeting Chifuyu and her, I noticed someone else who didn’t fit in at all, standing by and watching us: “Yado?” Why is he here?

Upon seeing Yado, I remembered the last time Leido came here to look for the five-colored rooster head and ended up being cheated back home with arm wrestling.

“I came to find Leido.” Yado answered me with a completely unpleasant expression.

Speaking of Leido, if he came here, I bet he can definitely be found somewhere with the five-colored steel brush.

“So Miao Miao asked him if he wanted to go eat dim sums together.” Pulling my arm, Miao Miao explained why he would follow them.

“Oh.” It really is complicated: “Do you want us to call Ziray to ask?” I bet Miao Miao and Ryan definitely didn’t help him contact. Chifuyu doesn’t even need to be said; it’s good enough if he doesn’t throw the phone.

Yado nodded.

I took out my phone and dialed the five-colored rooster head at once, and the other person quickly picked up: “Ziray?”

[Who!? Who’s looking for this uncle? Did you make an appointment first? Random calls will cause a disruption in the safety of this uncle’s personal time…]

Who knows which TV show’s lines began again, I heard half and became too lazy to hear it all, directly cutting him off: “I am Chu Ming Yang, did Leido come to find you?”

As if I’d poked a landmine, the other end of the call immediately spiked and transmitted many wild curses.

I pressed speaker and moved it away from my ear: “Leido seems to be with Ziray.” I can tell just by his voice’s reaction. Even if he’s not there, it shouldn’t have been long since he left.

“I know now.” Staring at the bruises gradually appearing on his arm, Yado’s face became even more sour.

Oh oh, I once again witnessed the power of the magical twins.

“Lend me the phone.” Taking my phone, Yado scrunched up his face and looked around: “I’ll go find Leido first.” After saying that, he ran off with my phone.

…Ah, otherwise, you can find someone by phone signal?

That’s too godly!

“Yado isn’t eating anymore.” Looking at the back of the person running off sadly, Miao Miao said with regret: “Forget it, let’s go by ourselves.” Saying that, she pulled us vigorously to the entrance of the school to set out.

“Stop for a moment, kiddos.”

We didn’t walk far when we were stopped again. This time the one chasing behind us was actually the glasses-wearing black cactus: “Have you seen my little brother Ziray?” He asked a topic similar to the one before, the same in that he was looking for his brother, but the cactus this time looked rather anxious, as if he had something important to do.

“No!” Chifuyu answered him in less than half a second.

“You can try calling to find him…” My phone just ran off with Yado, so it can’t help me for the time being.

The black cactus shrugged: “I also want to, but little brother Ziray blocked my number a long time ago, so I have no way of contacting him. The clan is looking for him for something, so troublesome.” After saying that, he even tsked.

“Uh…then I don’t have any idea either.”

“Never mind, it’s fine, you guys continue playing.” Saying that, the black cactus swiftly ran off again.

We exchanged glances and shrugged.

After leaving the school entrance, we headed toward the shopping street while fooling around. Miao Miao said she found a delicious dim sum house here a few days ago. Later she’ll be ordering a lot and everyone can take turns ordering each flavor.

Ryan said he had no objection to this, but he really wanted riceball-flavored dim sums.

Very soon, we arrived at that dim sum house Miao Miao spoke about.

The brand-new white outer walls gave off the feel of a southern island. Because it was hidden in an alley, I might not have thought that there would be a dim sum house like this hidden in the shopping street if Miao Miao didn’t lead the way.

Hanging outside the white building were a few wind chimes. When the wind blew, they made a pleasant sound.

Upon seeing us enter, a neatly-dressed waiter immediately greeted and ushered us in.

Since it was a holiday, there were quite a couple of people. I didn’t walk far when I saw Brother Dallow, who I met previously at the Black Dorm, sitting in a relatively inconspicuous spot as if negotiating with people. As soon as he saw I’d just walked in, he raised a hand as if to greet me.

I hurriedly nodded and noticed that, of the people sitting across from him, one of them was someone I didn’t know. The other was his brother. There were open notebooks in front of all three people. It looked like they were having some important discussion.

Not walking over to disturb them, I saw him return to his group’s conversation just now after greeting me, so I followed Miao Miao and the others to the second floor.

After sitting down, Miao Miao took the menu and began ordering a large amount.

Taking advantage of the free time, Chifuyu and I started to chat: “I don’t know if it’s me, but I keep getting the feeling that there are a lot of siblings in the school.” I always see a bunch just by casually walking around.

Chifuyu and Ryan exchanged glances, before he nodded: “This is normal. Usually, if someone in a family enters a special abilities school, most of his siblings will continue to choose the same place.” Pausing, he took the tea and poured everyone a full cup, “Using that juvenile delinquent as an example, I know that, apart from Julian, his other older siblings all came out of our school and now most of them work in the Guild, if not, carry on the family business.”

“I think I remember this…” Because of how familiar Julian seems to be with this place, I guess that he’s probably a graduate too: “Ryan too?” Not daring to casually talk about the matter with Senior Gasai and Chifuyu, I turned and asked another person.

Ryan shook his head: “I was the first to come here, got tricked into coming.”

“Ah?” Tricked?

“It’s a long story, so never mind.”

His eyes on the riceball dim sums being served, Ryan automatically bypassed the explanation process.

“Miao Miao knows a lot of sibling partners.”

Raising her hand, Miao Miao, who was obviously interested in this topic too, happily joined the conversation: “The one from Alis Academy just now also counts. It seems like ordinary brother partners have high cooperation, and because it saves them the trouble, many brothers are too lazy to find other partners, like Ali and Dallow.”

No wonder I haven’t seen brother Dallow’s partner before. Turns out it was self-enrichment.

“That juvenile delinquent’s clan doesn’t need partners, what a special case.” Chifuyu humphed and said: “The assassin clan are notorious for noncooperation and people rarely dare to look for them to be partners.”

I have a lot of experience with the noncooperation. Besides not cooperating, they will also be very self-centered. No wonder the five-colored rooster head and the black cactus don’t have a second person by their side. Even their own brothers repel each other. It feels quite tragic.

While thinking this, I asked another question: “Is there a reason why brother partners are more convenient?” As soon as I asked Chifuyu, I immediately regretted it. Those thick glasses faced me, as if in silent protest.

I forgot his brother has a problem, belonging to the unable-to-call category.

“Normally speaking, brother partners will save a lot of trouble. After all, they’re all on the same side, and it’s very convenient to communicate.” Miao Miao immediately answered my question, sparing us the awkwardness at the same: “And this way, partners can sometimes even use blood ties spells, so many siblings like to take on missions together.”

“Blood ties spells?” There’s even something like this?

“Nn yeah, it’s strong since it is the power of two people.” Miao Miao told me happily: “It’s taught in grade two. In fact, it doesn’t have very strict limits. Most of them can be used as long as there are blood ties, like aunts and cousins. The only distinction is that the purer the blood ties, the stronger the force.”

Aih, it’s a pity that I don’t have any brothers in the school, otherwise, I kind of want to try this thing that Miao Miao’s talking about.

“Oh right, Yang Yang seems to have an older sister.” Moving aside to let the waiter serve the dim sums, Miao Miao enthusiastically blinked her big eyes while looking at me.

“Uh…She’s a normal female student.” Just a bit like a witch.

“Miao Miao also wants an older sister to talk to, but Miao Miao is the only child in her family, so envious.” Turning her head to look at Ryan, she curved into a wide smile: “What about Ryan’s younger siblings?”

Can they disappear too?

I really wanted to ask this, but didn’t have the guts to voice it.

“Little sister is still young, little brother…has grown pretty big the last time I went back. I can tell he has an ability, so I guess he will probably enter high school as well in two more years.” Ryan said while eating an riceball.

“What kind of person is Ryan’s brother?” Tilting her head, Miao Miao, who was clearly very interested in other people’s families, asked curiously.

“Nn…a very good kid. When I was about to enter the school, he even hid in my luggage but got discovered as soon as I took it, so he didn’t come.”

“Their brotherly relationship is not bad.” Sitting beside him, Chifuyu shrugged: “Last time I went to his house with him, his brother even grabbed onto Ryan to talk with all his might. He also thought that I was an eyesore as his partner.”

…I can probably imagine that scene.

“Miao Miao knows this, in the end, Chifuyu was even told: [Sooner or later, I’ll replace you] on the spot.” Miao Miao laughed and told me: “Miao Miao went that time too. Ryan’s little brother is super cute.”

“Hmph, let’s see if he has the ability to replace me.” Chifuyu turned his face, not believing that the little imp could beat him at all.

Looks like Chifuyu seems to have some kind of grudge with Ryan’s little brother.

“Oh right, speaking of this, has Yang Yang ever heard Senior mention a brother?” Switching the topic, Miao Miao suddenly blinked her big eyes and glowed.

Senior’s brother?

My brain suddenly burst out that scowling face multiplied several times, then chilled completely: “Senior seems to be an only child.” It’d be terrifying if there were more of that personality.

Miao Miao let out a seemingly-disappointed sigh.

“What are you talking about here?”

Just when our conversation proceeded halfway, someone abruptly patted my shoulder, and we all turned our heads. Unexpectedly, I saw the demon, who was supposed to be on duty in the school, creeping behind my chair: “A couple of cute little kids, what a coincidence.” Saying that, she automatically sat down in the empty seat beside us.

“We were talking about brothers. Does Nuelle have any brothers?” Miao Miao politely poured the uninvited guest tea before immediately asking.

“Oho? Of course I do, but they are not in this place, but rather the Demon Clan.” Lifting the tea cup, Nuelle revealed a stunning smile.

“When I left, they were still crying at my send-off. Seems like if I don’t visit for one or two hundred years, they’ll forget who the boss is.”

At first when I heard it, I was still thinking that the demon actually felt familial love too, but what happened in that latter part!?

“How are Nuelle’s brothers like?” Miao Miao, who was interested in other people’s brothers, followed up right away.

“The three are all weaker than me. If I didn’t promise to come over here as an security guard, they would probably be my slaves now.” Answering in the completely wrong direction, the demon gave Miao Miao an offensive reply.

“Nu, Nuelle?” Miao Miao widened her eyes, dumbfounded.

“Ah ha, just joking.” Noticing Chifuyu and Ryan suddenly glaring, Nuelle shrugged then corrected herself: “The three are all demons, and in our clan, they’re considered pretty strong. But their levels aren’t that high and they were afraid of me getting angry, so we got along rather peacefully.” She coldly snorted, and this made me think that she might’ve actually wanted to say she’d used the three brothers as servants in their getting along. After all, demons seem to be different from humans to a certain extent. That type of relationship isn’t something we can understand either.

“Oh I see.” Miao Miao took a sip of tea, her expression thoughtful.

“Oh right, why are you here?” Pulling away the brothers topic, I looked at the demon who should have been on duty at the school and asked.

Nuelle raised her eyebrows: “Can’t I skip work?”

Alright, you say you can, then you can.

After drinking tea with them for a while again, I said I still had some homework to do and left the dim sum house first.

As soon as I stepped out of the dim sum house, I immediately saw Yado, who was grabbing onto his brother, standing not far away waving at me. After I quickly ran to him, I saw that his hand was still holding my phone, before he passed it to me: “I’m returning this to you.” The phone was already shut off and didn’t have any damage at all.

After thanking him, I took the phone and carefully put it in my pocket. I raised my head and then noticed that Leido’s and Yado’s cheeks all had clear punch bruises: “You guys…fought?”

“No, it’s because Ziray accidentally hit me, that’s why.” Leido rapidly answered: “If Yido asks you, don’t say any nonsense!”

I bet the five-colored rooster head definitely hit you on purpose instead of accidentally. He’s been wanting to find you for a death match for a long time already. Of course he wouldn’t let go of any chance to strike.

But seeing how Leido looked a bit nervous, I suddenly wanted to joke with him: “What will happen if Yido knows?” Seeing as how both of them appeared to be paying a lot of attention to this, they probably really are afraid of Yido asking.

It seems like Yido has always been their hearts’ keeper. No matter what the conversation topic is, the two younger brothers will think of this older brother; you could say that it’s close to becoming a brother complex* plot.

[T/N: The anime definition of a complex]

“If it was a fight, Yido will get angry. We don’t want him to get angry.” Rubbing the bruise on his face, Leido told me, his expression aggrieved but also carrying reverence for his brother: “You know too, it’s just like that.” He shrugged and smiled.

Of course I know, because Yido is the one who treats them the best in the entire world.

These brothers seemed to have held on to this all along. Since I’ve met them till now, this hasn’t changed at all.

“Oh right, Yang Yang, when you have time, come to our Water Fairy Clan to play again. Yido says he hopes you guys can come over more often to chat.” Leido suddenly bent halfway and pulled my cheek: “Remember, you must get Ziray to come together.” He even emphasized this sentence. It was impossible for me to pretend that the wind was too loud.

Haha…you hope a complimentary gift will come along, huh.

“No more nonsense.” Smacking his brother’s shoulder, Yado turned to look at me: “We have some things going on today, let’s meet again another day.” His expression didn’t change from start to end, still in high contrast to Leido’s. Honestly speaking t, if both of their expressions were a bit more similar, I probably wouldn’t even be able to tell who is who.

“Okay, see you next time.”

After saying goodbye, Yado, who seemed to be in a real hurry, grabbed his twin brother and quickly disappeared in front of me.

In fact, brothers in all races seem to have pretty similar ways of life, except for the Demon kind.

With respect, friendly affection and whatnot, though there are also those like the five-colored rooster head, who live their lives in a very subtle way.

All of a sudden, I thought of my sister. If she was a boy…

For some reason, as soon as I thought of this, I felt a chill.

Sometimes, not thinking nonsense is better for your mental health.

“What are you damaging your brain for again?”

A very familiar voice came behind me, and as soon as I turned, sure enough, I saw Senior, who probably came out to make a big purchase. His backpack was bulging a little. It looks like he bought quite a lot of things.

Expensive goods, I absolutely knew it.

“No, I was just chatting with Miao Miao and the others.” I shook my head and saw that Senior seemed to be going back to the Black Dorm and hurriedly followed: “Senior, do you have any brothers?”

“The hell did that kind of thing come from!” Answered me in a bad tone.

“Senior doesn’t have?”

“Nonsense, have you ever seen!?”


Pretend I didn’t ask.