Volume 15 - CH 6

Name:Unique Legend Author:Hu Xuan
After the explosions, I don’t know if someone used a spell or not, but the smoke and dust decreased at a fast and strange speed.

Watching the center of the disorder, Aslaine suddenly charged past the smoke screen and ran in.

“Wait!” Seeing how his terrifying his expression was, for some reason, I actually chased after him automatically.

When I ran after him, all the smoke and dust in the surroundings had subsided and I could plainly see that Aslaine, who crossed the layers of obstacles, had crouched down next to the center. There were two people collapsed in front of him.

Crossing the broken track with difficulty, I stopped beside Aslaine panting. Only then was I able to clearly see that it was Senior and senior Gasai on the ground. The two were covered in obvious scald marks and some wounds that should have been caused by the black shadows.

Aslaine raised his head to look at me, “It was probably because they fought too hard before, so when they used blasting, they couldn’t entirely avoid it out of fatigue. I’ll transfer them to the medical team first.”

“Eh? What about the competition?” That abyssal pearl was also gone. Is it okay for them to be transferred like this?

“Oh, the outcome was already decided before.” Snapping his fingers, a large-scale teleportation array immediately appeared on the ground beneath them, before Aslaine told me: “Did you forget? The first to touch the abyssal pearl was senior Gasai.”

Oh, ah, no wonder Senior and the others didn’t rush to snatch it afterwards.

Looking at the large-scale teleportation array on the ground, I suddenly stepped in: “I, I’ll go too.” I felt a bit worried seeing the silver totems on Senior’s hands.

“I also want to go!”

Before Aslaine had time to say anything, someone suddenly rushed into the teleportation array as well, directly pouncing on my back.

After getting a huge scare, I discovered that the one who pounced over was that Director Shan, who disappeared somewhere and popped up on her own again.

While blinking, the teleportation array had activated. In less than a few seconds, the surrounding scenery changed from the explosion disaster site to the healthcare center that I’d been to several times.

The inside of the healthcare center was a bit messy. Since there’ve been two matches already, there were quite a lot of dead and wounded with injured people being sent in and chased out everywhere.

And the medical team I saw this time has also increased. I’m guessing that they probably came from there to support.

Miao Miao, who had run off before, was helping others with treatment as well.

“Aslaine, this way.” As soon as he saw us turn in, the assistant, who was getting medicine, threw the item to a companion in blue before running over: “There’s an empty room in here.” Saying that, he pushed aside the people blocking the way while helping Senior in first.

With no objections, Aslaine supported senior Gasai and followed.

“Little Yang Yang, let’s follow them and see.” Director Shan pushed my back and went after them.

I originally came because I was a bit worried about their injuries. Being pushed by Director Shan like this, I hurried after them. After entering that room, Director Shan, who walked at the back, even closed the door of the ward herself.

The assistant who had already placed him on the bed was looking at the totems on Senior’s arm: “Tsk, came back again.”

Aslaine placed senior Gasai at the side as well and walked over: “Do we have to find Restua?”

“No need, it’ll be fine with me here.” Carefreely sauntering over, while both people were stunned, Director Shan had leaned next to Senior. Then she used her left index finger to arbitrarily tap on Senior’s arm: “Kid, is your head still clear?”

She wasn’t talking to the other two, so once she opened her mouth, we discovered that Senior had already opened his eyes halfway at some point.

“…Old monster.”

“Yo yo, a kid whose skin got scalded off and head boiled is calling who an old monster? Your master didn’t teach you to respect your elders, nn?” Freeing her other hand to pull Senior’s face, Director Shan completely didn’t consider the fact that the other person was still injured and could not use force: “You should be thankful that the greatest in the world, me, was still here. How ’bout you cry twice to show how touched you are?”

Wiping away that hand on his face, red eyes glared fiercely at the other person: “You think too much.”

Just as the two were bickering, the totem lines on Senior disappeared at a supernatural speed, so fast that even the assistant was shocked, like a rash that unknowingly receded.

Then, Director Shan withdrew her hand and snapped her fingers. An ice cube fell on the floor and quickly melted: “Hey, that wilderness lion head medical team member, I’ll lend you this.”

The instant I heard her say it, I almost laughed out loud.

What the hell is a wilderness lion head medical team member!?

The assistant was also frozen for a moment, then he protested without knowing whether to laugh or cry: “This isn’t a wilderness lion head. Even if you are a director, you should restrain your speech a little…”

Standing beside him, Aslaine already laughed.

Turns out they’ve long known that Director Shan is a director. No wonder the other two didn’t make a move when Director Shan fixed Senior up just now.

“Director Shan, it’s been a long time.” Aslaine bowed: “I’m honored to be able to meet you here.”

Director Shan turned and circled Aslaine: “Oh oh, your talent is pretty good too. Then then, you wanna come over to our side for some part time work? Although we don’t have a salary, you can encounter very interesting things.”

Aslaine smiled and refused tactfully: “Thank you for your invitation, however, I think my level has not reached that yet, so I am afraid I’ll be a burden to others. After I successfully earn black robe qualifications, even if you don’t say it, I will still fight for it*.”

[T/N: It’s a bit unclear here, but I think he’s referring to the part-time position]

For some reason, I kept thinking that there was something wrong with that part-time work.

“Aih, aih, I’m quite satisfied with what you said. The Shirley children are all so cute, making me even want to kidnap your older brother Dallow along. You just so happen to be a pair, how wonderful.” Taking out her folding fan and shaking it open, Director Shan said regretfully.

“If there is a chance, we brothers will serve the three of you.” Aslaine still smiled very tactfully.

Just as the two were talking, the assistant had healed almost all of Senior’s injuries. Then he pulled his right arm himself and with a click, the joint that was shaken apart reconnected.

“Where’s Gasai?” Turning his arm, Senior looked at the person next to him.

“Fine, more or less the same as you.” Beginning to help senior Gasai treat his wounds, the assistant said while scolding: “Why do you two have to be so messy every time you come here? If you’re going to trigger it, don’t stand at the detonation point and get blasted! Would it kill you to take two more steps and escape!?”

Senior shrugged and lied back on the bed with a boom: “People can’t die at the school anyway.”

The assistant freed a hand and knocked his head.

“But it’d be very troublesome for us.”


Senior first froze for a moment then turned his head.

After being more or less finished with treating the still-asleep senior Gasai, the assistant withdrew his hands: “Gasai will stay here with me for a while. He seems to have some blast trauma. I’ll let him return to his team in the afternoon.”

“Nn, then junior, you should also check a little to see if anywhere else hurts. I’ll go back to the team first. The third one should be starting soon.” After greeting, Aslaine quickly left the healthcare center.

“Kid, I can accompany you to sleep.” With the desire to see the world in chaos, Director Shan approached the bed and even started to lower the clothes on her shoulders.

Before Senior could launch an attack, the assistant pulled Director Shan down and then pushed her out the door: “Please don’t disturb the injured’s rest, thank you.” Saying that, he pushed outward and directly shut the door.

…Great, you actually dared to deal with a director like this. You’re not afraid of being fired?

The assistant, who was clearly not afraid of being fired or looking for trouble, dusted off his hands before snapping his fingers. I saw what was originally the other wall of a single room suddenly dropping, quickly disappearing, and then connecting to the next room to become a large double room.

After moving senior Gasai to the other bed, the assistant turned to look at Senior: “You stay here and rest too. I’ll come in to inspect later. Just try to run away.” After warningly giving such a sentence, the assistant walked out to do other things.

The opened door showed no sign of Director Shan’s shadow. I reckon she ran off somewhere for some reason again.

Patting the pillow, Senior, who was half lying on the bed, narrowed his red eyes and suddenly looked over at me. I then immediately realized I was the only one left now.

“Uh, uh…Senior, it’s great that you guys are okay.” Being stared at by that pair of red eyes till my whole skin was covered in goosebumps, I took a step back, then another step, a bit afraid that Senior would rush over and beat me up.

That sensation was like being stared at by some kind of beast.

Speaking of which, you’re obviously here because of hell’s water, you don’t need to glare at me like this!

Under the stalemate of us glaring/being glared at, senior Gasai made a sound over on the next bed before quickly waking up.

As soon as I got the chance, I fled there at once: “Senior Gasai.”

Blinking, senior Gasai looked at me, then turned to look at Senior: “Oh, I see.” Saying that, he propped himself up to half lie on the bed: “I’m fine, my injuries should have all healed.” With that, he smiled almost like usual.

I nodded and felt like I should leave too. I’d be disturbing others from resting like this: “Then, I’ll go back first.” I secretly glanced at Senior. He was also looking over here.

“Nn, let’s do our best in the afternoon.” Senior Gasai smiled and patted my shoulder.

“Okay, you guys have to rest well.”

After saying that, I immediately slipped off.

Right after closing the door of the ward, I saw a familiar figure outside the healthcare center at a glance: “Chifuyu.”

The other person suddenly vanished when I shouted at him.

That’s strange, why did Chifuyu run for no reason? It’s not like I bite. If he wants to see senior Gasai, he probably wouldn’t be bitten either, and plus, they’re in the same team.

Walking out of the healthcare center, I could somewhat hear the noises from the sports field outside. Ryan’s match has probably begun already.

Glancing at my watch, eleven was soon becoming twelve. The amount of time I spent at the healthcare center wasn’t small but wasn’t that much either.

I remember that the program said twelve to one-thirty was rest time. After lunch, Liliya and I agreed to see the white robe library’s Black History at yesterday’s location.

“Yang Yang!”

While I was thinking, someone suddenly smacked my shoulder from behind and I was almost scared into running on the spot. As soon as I turned around, I saw Miao Miao with a wide smile and let out a sigh of relief.

“Are you going back to the sports field?” Miao Miao looked at me with her head tilted: “There’s no need to go back, because the third match ended just now. We won.”

“How do you know?” If I remember correctly, Miao Miao should have basically been in the same place as me before?

“Oh, Geng Geng sent me a message. She helped us record the video. I heard Ryan killed nearly 80% of the enemies on his own!” Miao Miao was strangely excited as she told me: “Each team sent out twenty people this match! Ryan alone eliminated fifteen of them and we got an overwhelming victory.”

“Hahaha…” I really felt bad on behalf of those fifteen people.

“So Miao Miao has to get to the restaurant quickly to grab food now. Yang Yang, let’s have a picnic together later?” She tilted her head as she looked at me and for a moment, I really wanted to nod.

However, I immediately remembered what I agreed to with Ran: “I’m sorry, I agreed to eat together with Ran at noon, do you remember? The Seven Hills student from the barbecue last time.”

Miao Miao nodded: “I understand, see you in the afternoon then, Yang Yang.”

After greeting me, Miao Miao quickly left.

Watching Miao Miao leave, I thought about going back to the sports field first. After all, I only agreed to eat lunch with Ran but didn’t agree on where. Who knows whether he’s currently looking for me everywhere.

As soon as I turned my head, I knew that I didn’t need to look anymore.

Ran stood not far away waving at me.

“Your sports competition’s announcer said that rest time has already begun.”

Walking over with a very traditional wooden four-layer box, Ran said with a gentle smile.

“How did you know I was here?” The situation before was very chaotic so I just turned to this place. I bet there were probably only a few people in the white team who noticed I also disappeared.

“Oh, after the explosion passed, I saw you following that saber-wielding male into the teleportation array together and wanted to say that it was probably in this area.” Ran shrugged and said in a tone that couldn’t be more natural.

“I see…” Forget it, the structure of these people are basically all question marks anyway. Being able to find me isn’t that strange of an event. I think I shouldn’t make a big fuss over nothing: “Oh right, where do you want to eat?”

Glancing at our surroundings, on the whole, pavilions and whatnot were very common around the school paths. When I entered the school, I asked someone and found out, after memorizing signposts and getting lost countless times, that those pavilions change spots everywhere, so I’d often see them parked in a different place.

“Where does Yang Yang often go?” Not immediately answering, Ran asked me back instead.

“Uh, it should be the White Garden of Wind, I guess.” I remembered that Ran seemed to have gone to that place too. During the athletic meet, he did the opening of the eye for the five-colored rooster head and me.

“Then we’ll go there. I also like that place a lot.” Saying this, Ran smiled happily.

Nodding, I led the way in front. And like this, we walked toward the White Garden chatting on and off.

Along the way, we could see that most of the garden pavilions were used by students, as well as some out-of-school students gathering with those in the competition. The sound of chatting and laughter could be heard everywhere, completely relaxed from the tense atmosphere before.

The path to the White Garden wasn’t that far in fact and we arrived within a few minutes.

As always, it was rather quiet inside with only the sound of wind and some slight noises. I didn’t see anyone else appear. Looks like Miao Miao and the others probably didn’t come here to eat and instead chose the meeting place area.

The instant we stepped into the White Garden, I felt as if something was wrong.

I said it was completely empty…however, that wasn’t true. I don’t know if my eyes are cramping, but I seemed to see many white “floaters” flying in the air the second we stepped in. The outlines looked like they should be human, but when I wanted to look closer, they were gone.

…You’re killing me here!

It can’t be that the White Garden chose today to be haunted?

Probably noticing that I suddenly went stiff, behind me, Ran patted my shoulder: “Yang Yang, what’s wrong?”

I turned my head and said to him, a bit scared: “I think I saw something I’m not supposed to see…” And quite a lot of it too, a bit weird.

Stunned for two seconds, Ran suddenly laughed.

Just when I didn’t know why he would laugh, he opened his mouth: “You probably saw the wind Elves in the White Garden. Looks like Yang Yang’s level really has improved.” Pausing, Ran was still all smiles as he passed by me into the range of the White Garden: “The wind Elves seem a bit restless today, maybe because of the sports competition.”

Following him in, I looked around my surroundings and didn’t see those things from that instant just now.

Wind Elves?

I suddenly remembered that Restua often said he communicates with the atmospheric Elves. It’s most likely this sort of thing.

Randomly choosing a spot to sit, Ran beckoned to me, then opened what he brought. Just like last time, his wooden box was full of touching hometown flavors. Apart from the mung bean soup, there were also some home-cooked dishes that my mom often makes. After that were stir-fried dishes that I’ve only eaten a few times. All of them were still hot, once again making me realize that learning the spell would give me the great feature of keeping warm at any time.

“Are you interested in the wind Elves?” Ran asked while taking out the food.

“…I guess so.” I really want to confirm whether I saw ghosts or something else. If I don’t get this cleared up, I might not dare to come in here alone afterwards.

“It’s actually very simple. As long as you have good intentions, they will take the initiative to come closer. You see.” Picking up a cake, Ran stretched out his hand and not long later, I actually saw that cake floating up, as if it was being brought up into the air by someone.

Then, a faint figure began to appear in the originally-deserted place followed by a soft, white cloth floating in the air. A white transparent hand was reaching for that dessert and finally, the complete outline of something similar to a woman appeared.

That whole “thing” looked transparent white, but after coming into focus, I could clearly tell that it was a woman. The other person noticed me watching her with wide-eyes and turned to smile at me. A second later, both of her hands closed around that cake, and she fled off to the white forest at a speed fast enough to fly.

“This is more or less what happens.” Ran withdrew the plate and said with a smile: “Once you become familiar with the Elves here, you’ll encounter more of them.”

How should I say it…

Why did I suddenly think of the scene of feeding pigeons in a plaza after seeing his movements?

Smilingly looking at me for a while, Ran was about to say something when he abruptly froze. He then stopped his action to look toward the entrance of the White Garden: “Someone came in.”

Puzzled, I looked over too.

Then, we saw a certain very familiar person step into the White Garden.

“Aiya, what a coincidence.”

The person stepping in also froze before putting on a gentle smile. His green eyes still gave one a warm feeling: “When I walked into this area, I sensed a commotion among the wind Elves. It turns out you two are here.” Pushing back a strand of pale golden hair that fell by his neck, Restua smiled as he greeted us.

After seeing the person before came in, Ran relaxed at once and even nodded at Restua: “If you don’t mind, would it be alright for you to have lunch with us together?”

“It would be my honor.”

After randomly sitting nearby, Restua abruptly stared at Ran, carefully studying him for a long time as if there was something on his face. Then his expression suddenly became a bit strange like he was slightly perplexed: “Could it be that you are…”

“Nn? Is there a problem?” Ran smiled back, not at all troubled by this sudden action: “The problem being that something on my face is making you recall bad memories?”

For some reason, I subconsciously felt that this question Ran asked was a bit weird, weird enough for Restua to also be stunned for a moment. Then he immediately put away his overly obvious expression and changed to his consistently gentle smile: “No, I was being too rude. Please forgive me if it had made you feel unhappy. You gave me a feeling similar to an enemy; although I have not formally met him more than a few times, it was certainly very similar.”

“So that’s it.” Ran touched his face, though he wasn’t bothered by it: “It is probably a common face. Several people have mistaken me for it before, causing quite a lot of trouble.” He shrugged, then took out a few white porcelain bowls and chopsticks from the bottom of his box and handed them out to us one at a time.

“I am really sorry.” Restua nodded and took his bowl and chopsticks.

“It doesn’t matter. The previous mistaken identity cases were more dramatic.” Turning to look at me, Ran revealed a wide smile: “I wonder if the person who looks like me has bad relations with others. There’s been several people who resorted to violence in a row. Fortunately, Seven Hills Academy’s security is strong enough. I didn’t need to make a move and the campus guards naturally handled them.”

“Uh…You’ve never got to explain?” This issue is really troublesome. I felt unlucky just by imagining it.

“I did, but it didn’t seem too effective. But, due to the school, these things have been few and far between recently, otherwise I really wouldn’t be able to stand it.” Telling us this without much care, as if he was saying a joke, Ran took out cups and poured us mung bean soup.

Perhaps because Restua, as an Elf, was beside me, I saw a lot translucent heads poking out of the white forest behind us, appearing and disappearing every now and then, and I could even slightly hear some crisp laughter like the wind Elves were playing around in the forest.

Eating the food, I was originally planning to ask Ran about the Black History, but it’s not convenient to ask since Restua is here. After all, he’s very close with Senior. I can’t guarantee that Senior wouldn’t hear about this.

Faintly, I always felt that it was best to not let Senior know. He doesn’t seem to like me investigating this sort of thing.

But for some reason, my intuition says that this is exactly what Yǔ lǐ wants me to search.

Am I part of the Dark Cult?

I have no idea either.