Volume 15 - CH 7

Name:Unique Legend Author:Hu Xuan
After eating lunch with Ran and Restua, I felt like they still had things to say, so I left first.

It should be about time. I headed in yesterday’s direction toward that pavilion to meet up with Liliya.

Before I got close, I could already see Liliya alone from a distance, having arrived who knows how long ago. There was a rattan lunchbox on the pavilion’s table and she was eating a sandwich from the lunchbox while reading a booklet.

“You’re late enough!” As soon as she saw me appear, Liliya immediately put away the book and stood up to glare at me.

“Uh, sorry about that. It’s because I was eating with friends just now.” Walking into the pavilion, I said this with a smile, then sat across the table.

“Tsk, you made me think you would come right away and even bring along your share.” Taking out a carton with a restaurant’s logo packaging from the rattan lunchbox, Liliya coldly snorted.

I took the box, which was a bit heavy, and guessed that it should be something like a sandwich: “Thanks, I’ll eat it later then.”

Nodding once, Liliya cleared the mostly-finished food on the table to the chair by the side, then took out a super-thick white book from her own backpack. On it were gilded words that I couldn’t read: “There are many volumes of the Black History. Since you only said you wanted the Ghost King’s Tomb of the West, I only brought the book that records it.” Saying that, she opened the book. There were already several bookmarks inside as markers. The page she flipped to just so happened to be about the Ghost King’s war.

I immediately moved closer to look.

“I’ll explain the Ghost Tribe’s war to you first.” Clearing her throat, Liliya began to speak: “According to the records, the earliest fight against the Ghost Tribe wasn’t the battle with the Ghost King of the West. It’s just that this battle involved the allied forces of multiple races and effectively killed Evil Ghost King Yelu, the first of the four great Ghost Kings, so it is the most famous battle in history.”

“Multiple races?” Oh right, I remember that other people seemed to have said this too.

“Nn, with the Ice Fang Clan leading the armed forces. After several battles later on, the Beastmasters, Hunters, Winged Clan and so on joined one after the other…There are records here.” Pointing to a passage in the book, Liliya raised her head to look at me: “The Ghost Tribe is not allowed to set foot in the Sealed World. They are a dark race that resides in the Prison World. There are no other races in the Prison World, but the majority of the Ghost Tribe was twisted and converted from the early Sealed World, so they have a special enmity for the Sealed World. As soon as the opportunity arises, they will wage war against the Sealed World. The earliest one in the historical records can be traced back more than three thousand years.”

“About three thousand years ago, there was no such thing as the Ghost Tribe. During this period, the worst calamity was known as the Yin Shadow. It was supposedly the dark part left by the World Creator. At the time, the Yin Shadow also caused a disaster once. The Black Elves leading Idovia City, along with several major races of the time, once again sealed the Yin Shadow with sacred treasures, throwing down the Prison World. And the allied forces were also hit hard that time, losing about seventy percent of their members.”

“Afterwards, the residual effects of the Yin Shadow merged with the original Vicious Clan and gradually evolved into the twisted creatures known as the Ghost Tribe*, creating a large number of wars. The Ghost Tribe of that time remained till now and are also what we fight against these days. Since the Ghost Tribe was twisted into being, even now, there is no way to effectively eliminate them all.”

[T/N: I don’t remember if I ever mentioned it but in this case, “tribe” has the same meaning as “clan,” I just kept it as such because it stuck with me from the original translation and I can’t remember if the other groups were referred to as tribes too]

Explaining their origins in one breath, Liliya exhaled hard.

I felt a bit dazed hearing it, but also more or less understood her meaning. At any rate, the Ghost Tribe is just something that evolved twice: “Idovia is rich in Black Elves?” Speaking of which, aren’t Elves just Elves, how could there be Black Elves?

“No, the then city leader was a Black Elf!” Liliya corrected my question: “In that age, they were divided into Black Elves and White Elves. White Elves refer to the purest Elves, and Black Elves refer to those with mixed blood. More than three thousand years ago, those White Elves moved, one after the other, to a world close to the Lord God, so all the Elves in the world now are the so-called Black Elves from then.”

“Oh, so that’s how it is.” Then Restua should be one too.

“Next is a thousand years ago.” Turning the book to let me carefully see the words on it, Liliya broke down the main points to me: “Western Mound was seized by Evil King Yelu who abruptly appeared, causing heavy casualties and persecution of the Elves. The Western Mound Elves passed the message to various major Elven clans, and thus the third prince of the Ice Fang Clan stood out to lead forces to rescue their companions. At the time, the king of the Ice Fang Clan opposed his views, so the army he led was limited, almost entirely volunteers. It was only later that they began to slowly take in reinforcements from various races.”

“I remember the Guild seemed to also exist at the time, right? There are records saying they were attacked by the Ghost Tribe, so they didn’t participate in the war.” Flipping through the white robes’ Black History Record, I started to ask.

“The Guild was probably founded more than a thousand five hundred years ago. At the time it wasn’t divided by level so thoroughly and strictly like it is now. Many people had multiple jobs. After the Ghost King’s War erupted, a traitor appeared within the Guild, bringing in the Ghost Tribe, and a fierce clash broke out. There were great losses when the Guild was attacked. The records detail that the Water Fairy Clan, which was heading toward the allied forces to assist along with a few other Fairy Clans, received the Guild’s SOS on the way, so they turned to help the Guild expel the Ghost Tribe. Since the assisting Fairy Clans didn’t arrive on time to the battle with the Ghost King, the fight against the Ghost King was very difficult.”

“At that time, the Ghost King had the help of the Dark Cult.”

As soon as I heard those two words, my entire heart jumped and I felt a sense of fear.

Not noticing my strange state, Liliya continued to speak: “The Dark Cult had always been a cursed clan. In the war against the Ghost King, they (the allied forces) lost several times because of him. There were two major battles later on in the Ghost King’s War. The first was not recorded, but after it, the Dark Cult member helping the Ghost King suddenly vanished. The second time they faced Ghost King Yelu, they finally succeeded in killing the Ghost King and sealing him in the Ghost King’s Tomb, which is in Western Mound.” Pointing to the picture in the book, she kept going: “At that time, because the Dark Cult member was no longer there, people thought the Cult truly became extinct on that battlefield. However, according to the Guild’s tracking, traces of the Dark Cult have still appeared later on. They moved to another world to hide their identity. As soon as they are discovered, they will be killed, and as the Guild’s real intelligence pointed out, it wasn’t until three hundred years ago that the Dark Cult truly went extinct, with none ever seen again.”

Truly went extinct?

For some reason, I felt a bit relieved. So then Senior is probably right, I’m not that but something else…Wait! I’m not a “thing” either, I’m a normal, little ordinary person!

“Oh right, why are there no records of the first battle?” I noticed that issue.

“I don’t know either. Maybe the first battle was unexpected, or maybe someone doesn’t want this battle to be recorded. At any rate, it’s been lost. Not even the traveling bards at the time sang about it. Everyone only knows about that battle against the Ghost King.” Liliya shrugged with an asking-me-is-useless expression.

A battle they don’t want people to know?

I felt a bit puzzled. After more or less reading the relevant information, I felt like the mystery only increased rather than decreased. The white robes’ records were more than what I saw yesterday but not to the extent where everything can be explained in detail.

So the main point should be in that book Yǔ lǐ spoke about.

But at my level, there’s no way to see that book.

After roughly explaining the main points to me, Liliya only read out the remaining small passage for me before she fell silent.

I flipped through the book. Inside, it very thoroughly described some routes in the war against the Ghost Tribe and the situation at the time, as well as several smaller clashes.

What caught my attention was the part where the Guild was attacked.

“Oh right, I remember the Ghost Tribe isn’t very good at avoiding detection?” I have the impression that it wasn’t just Senior, the others almost always recognized the disguised Ghost Tribe upon seeing them.

“That’s right, the Ghost Tribe can be seen through no matter how they disguise.” Liliya nodded with a look of disgust.

“But I read in the book that a traitor in the Guild brought the Ghost Tribe in and attacked from within. Why didn’t anyone in the Guild notice at the time?” Since they’re so easily discovered, how come the Guild people didn’t notice all of a sudden?

“Nn…That’s because of the Spirit Door.” Saying this a bit uncomfortably, Liliya pouted: “You remember what we opened last time, the one upstairs in the Black Dorm. That’s one type of Spirit Door. After the traitor connected it in the Guild, large amount of Ghosts poured in. They used this method at the time to attack each race. It’s nearly impossible to defend against and is easy to suffer heavy losses.”

“I see.” I almost forgot there was that method. Back then, Andellar and those Ghosts also sprang out from there. As soon as it was mentioned, I still felt some lingering fear.

Then that means, it was Andellar who set up the Spirit Door in the Guild that time.

Speaking of which, his position in the Guild was pretty high at the time. Why did he suddenly want to betray?

In regards to that person’s behavior, I’ve always been unable to understand him.

In the white robes’ record book, I found something interesting.

During the battle, the allied forces had pointed straight at Western Mound, and moreover, there were other divisions to wipe out the Ghost Tribe running amok everywhere. At the time, many of the divisions were hit hard, but the allied forces did arrive rather safely there.

Among them, the allied forces encountered troops led by the Dark Cult member and experts of Ghost King Yelu several times.

If the Dark Cult member was leading, why is there no record of the allied forces suffering severe losses?

Only the words of the allied forces losing were written, but it didn’t say if they were hit hard or brutally attacked.


Based on what I heard about the Dark Cult from other people, he should be a difficult enemy to deal with. How come when they faced him, apart from losing, the casualties weren’t as heavy as with the other experts?

I don’t understand this part, but the white robes’ book doesn’t clearly describe it. I guess Liliya probably doesn’t know about this part either.

After mentally noting down my question slightly, I flipped through that book again. It was still mostly explaining about the battle, no issues.

Rapidly skimming through it, I closed the book and gave it back to Liliya. After all, it came from the white robes’ library. I feel embarrassed to ask if I can borrow it back to see: “Thank you.”

Seeing me return it so quickly, Liliya was a bit stunned: “You finished reading so fast? Does it not have the part you’re looking for inside?”

She already asked like this, so I had no choice but to nod in embarrassment: “I did find it actually, but some of it isn’t clear…so…”

Taking the book, Liliya was silent for a moment.

“Actually, another friend of mine told me to look for the black-covered Black History. The first page I opened to had a parchment picture of a battlefield…”

“That book is in the black robes’ library.” Without needing me to finish, Liliya suddenly cut me off with a solemn expression: “Is that friend of yours a black robe? Or Prince Icy Flame?”

“Uh, neither. He seems to have seen it a long, long time ago. I guess at that time it hadn’t been put back into the library yet.” Not daring to reveal the matter with Yǔ lǐ casually, I could only say this to Liliya.

“If it’s the one in the Black Dorm, it should have indeed recorded everything, but during the battle with the Ghost King, there were many secrets that can’t be exposed to this day…let me think…” With a slight look of distress, Liliya pursed her lips.

“Ah, it’s fine if I don’t see it, actually.” Seeing how Liliya appeared to have a bit of a headache, I hurriedly told her.

“If it’s the black robes’ library, I should be able to get my elder brother to borrow it…”

“Eh? You have an elder brother!” I’ve always thought that Liliya was probably an only child, because when we first met, I felt like she was rather fierce, giving off the sense of a pampered miss, and thought that she was the legendary only-daughter miss.

Liliya rolled her eyes at me: “You really don’t have manners. Of course I have an elder brother. Although same father different mothers, we’re definitely related by blood.”

“Eh? Same father different mothers? Aren’t you also from the human side?” Could it be that they have a reason deeper than a marine trench like Chifuyu and the others do?

“My mother is an Inawan woman from the human race, and my father is the king of the Qiou Fairy Clan. My elder brother’s mother is also a Qiou Fairy.” Glaring at me while explaining, Liliya, who was indeed well-born, sulkily told me: “My elder brother is currently a black robe. I don’t have a good impression of him, but I should be able to try if it’s a request.”

“Aih? Is this alright?”

Liliya nodded: “It’s fine, I kind of want to see a black robe’s book anyway. I can take a look with this opportunity.”

Hearing her say this, I remembered that Liliya seemed to really admire the black robes: “Liliya, you seem to really like the black robes.” I bet her future goal must be to advance on the path of the black robes.

“Non, nonsense, everyone wants to become a black robe, and my elder brother had nothing better to do over there than to say that white robes are nothing rare, as if I have nothing compatible with him besides our blood. If I don’t get black robe soon to anger him to death, I won’t be satisfied either!” Clenching her fist and thumping it on the table, Liliya said indignantly.

Oh ah, turns out we also need to add her resentment toward her own brother.

I finally know why she is so obsessed with black robes, this explains it.

“Then, you add…that…May God bless you.” Nearly saying “may the Buddha bless,” I quickly closed my mouth and changed to something more commonly used.

“This young lady will definitely get a black robe at a younger age than that guy.”

With a smile, what else can I say.

Just when Liliya made such a hot-blooded pledge on her life, we heard a sudden noise drifting over. To say it was music wouldn’t be right. It seemed to be some kind of animal calling out.

As soon as she heard that sound, Liliya’s face immediately darkened: “We’re dead, rest time is already over and they’re gathering. I’m going back. You’re not allowed to say that you met me today!” She pointed at me and shouted: “This young lady doesn’t want other people to say that I collaborate with enemies in private. That’s all.”

Saying that, she instantly disappeared before my eyes once the teleportation array opened, standardly coming and going without a trace.

Picking up the sandwich box and thinking about how there were still more chaotic sports games in the afternoon, I suddenly felt a bit down.

Opening the teleportation array, I moved myself back to the team.

In just a few short seconds, I was transferred from a quiet place to a super lively noisy place.

“Chu, did you rest enough at noon?” Seeing me at once, Aslaine walked over and smilingly asked: “The mixed riding battle will carry out later. The people in the other groups have come back too. You should prepare a little. We need five people per group.”

When he said that, I immediately noticed that, sure enough, those from the other three games had already returned here. The number of people suddenly doubled and the field became a bit crowded.

The track and sports field that were ruined in the large explosion before had been restored to their original whole appearance. Not a single damaged area could be seen.

“Five people?” I looked around and saw Miao Miao and the others chatting a little further away.

“Nn, four people as the horse and one on top. You get a point if you grab the headscarf of your opponent, and two points if you knock someone down. Our white team just lost two games in a row, so now we’re tied with the red team. In the mixed battle, everyone needs to get as many points as possible. Don’t lose.” Aslaine was all smiles as he told me.

“Uh, we just need to grab and push, right?” Looking at the opposing team teeming with a murderous spirit on the opposite side, I felt a bit scared.

“Right, it doesn’t matter what method, as long as it makes them lose at our feet!” Suddenly taking out his saber, Aslaine said to me: “When necessary, sending them to the medical team is fine.”

I knew it!

Do you guys even have one competition that can be peaceful and then ahahaha end without casualties!?

“Something that ends like that can’t be called a competition.” A cold voice came behind me.

I stiffly turned my head and, as expected, I saw Senior, who was sent to the medical team in the morning and was now alive and kicking as he stood glaring behind me.

As soon as they saw Senior return, the entire team burst into cheers.

On the other side, senior Gasai also similarly returned to his team.

“If you dare to fall off without even being hit at the start, you just wait to be planted on the field forever, no need to come back.” While warning me, Senior tied his hair into a ponytail.

Woo…You’re telling a normal person to face a bunch of demons, how can I win…

I felt a sense of sorrow.

“Yang Yang, we can be a group!” Noticing us here, Miao Miao ran over pulling Ryan along: “Ryan will be the person on top. We still lack two people.” She said with a cheerful smile.

I looked at Ryan for a moment and nodded.

At least I probably won’t fall down at the start as the horse below. That way, Senior’s reason for planting me wouldn’t exist anymore, good thing.

With a “pa,” someone directly smacked me behind my head, causing me to almost fall forward.

You still have complaints if I can’t be planted!?

Senior turned his head, not paying attention to me.

“Junior, did you find a group yet?” Aslaine casually asked. Senior, who was asked, nodded and said the names of a few people in his class.

During this gap in time, Miao Miao brought over a few people I don’t know. I heard they were schoolmates from Class B. Everyone was passionate about destroying the enemy groups.

“As long as the rider does not fall or get the headscarf snatched, it won’t count as a loss.” Miao Miao told us simply.

Standing beside us, Ryan nodded: “So that means I can go over and immediately assassinate the other side?” Clearly, after going through the hunter game, Ryan became very fond of making the other side die unknowingly with a question mark.

“The organization only said that we can’t fall on the ground. It didn’t say that we can’t grab the other side’s horse and get rid of them!” Miao Miao, who was always very gentle, told us with a clenched fist and sinister expression.

Are you really the Miao Miao I know?

You got possessed by something unclean, right!?

[Sorry to have kept you waiting!] Suddenly shooting up into the air, Lucia shouted vigorously: [Did everyone rest properly at noon? When the riding battle begins later, don’t break your intestines!]

Her saying this mysterious intro made my whole body start to shake.

What’s with the “don’t break your intestines”!

[The rules of this riding battle game are based on the ones in the original world’s Eastern schools. The rule is that four people act as the horse, one as the rider. Everyone will be issued a headband. The goal is to collect the enemies’ headbands, not their heads. Those who lose their headbands or fall on the ground will cause their entire group to leave the field. Leaving the field will cause one point to be deducted from their team, which carries considerable weight. Please be careful of your opponents’ attacks!”

After roughly explaining, both sides’ groups on the bottom began to stir noisily. Soon after, people dressed as staff members immediately appeared to issue headbands. As soon as Ryan took his headband that was the same color as his sportswear, he tied it around his head, and at the side, Senior and Aslaine also took one. This let me instantly know that they’re probably the main attackers.

Secretly glancing at the opposite side, sure enough, Senior Gasai and Chifuyu had tied their headbands too. The most terrifying thing was that the five-colored rooster head actually had one as well. That headband just hung crooked and shaking on his five-colored head and looked very out of the blue.

“Come come come! This uncle will definitely let you come one die one, come two die a pair!” Once he tied it, the five-colored rooster head immediately provoked the people on our side, then someone provoked back right away and it soon became clamorous.

If I didn’t know he was an assassin, I honestly would’ve thought that the five-colored rooster head was very suited to being an *influencer.

[T/N: Someone who plays along in a plot, tricks bystanders into buying or giving a certain reaction]

Then I remembered something. Turning my head, I looked at Senior not far away: “Um…Don’t we need to first do some investigation before attacking?” Typically, when you watch cartoons, isn’t there some kind of council time before the standoff, who stares at whom or which way of attacking would be more advantageous etc.

Senior raised his eyebrows and coldly humphed: “Just kill whoever you see.”

…I knew it.