Volume 16 - CH 4

Name:Unique Legend Author:Hu Xuan
Chapter 4: Enmity

Location: Atlantis Time: 5:21 PM


That person dragging an eye-catching dragon robe ran over.

To be honest, it wasn’t the TV serial dragon robe I imagined (if he actually wore that, it would scare people to death). Instead, it was an improved suit style…but the “improvement” went too far!

What the hell is that three-dimensional painting with a golden shiny background and dragon!?

“Chu, your friend.” As if arranged, senior Gasai, Aslaine and the rest all immediately turned away. Even Miao Miao, who was enthusiastic just now, also let go of my arm at once and lowered her head, pretending to pick up buffet food.

Hey hey, don’t you guys have any compassion?

I spent three seconds considering whether to pretend I didn’t know him, then turned and ran.

Three seconds later, this opportunity was lost as well, because that shiny dragon robe had already rushed in front of me, carrying a gaze that many viewed as insanity, and shiningly twirled before my eyes. With that grand golden color and dragon embroidery as foils, his hair was even more vivid than usual…It wasn’t my misconception; it really became more vivid.

It can’t be that you even ran to color your hair before coming here!?

“Yang~I called your phone and you actually didn’t answer!” As soon as the five-colored rooster stood in front of me, he immediately complained.

“My phone?” I fumbled out that phone, and sure enough, there was an unanswered call: “Uh…I guess I didn’t notice.” The damn phone definitely didn’t ring! It always rings when it shouldn’t and doesn’t ring when it should!

“Forget it, at any rate, this uncle just wanted to find you so we could come here together.”

Ah…Turns out my phone already anticipated that something like this would happen, so it automatically cut off the ringtone. I suddenly felt grateful toward my phone. If I actually came here with him, I think I would’ve died before even arriving, dying from embarrassment. I can tell just by looking at those so-called friends, each one currently darting away farther than the other.

Clearly unbothered by other people’s gazes, the five-colored rooster head draped his arm around my shoulder with a very friendly look: “Yang~have you decided on a dance partner yet?”

“Uh…I’ll be with Miao Miao, you?” Since we’re still considered friends, I bit the bullet and chatted with him.

“Ha, this uncle has never needed a dance partner.”

That’s true, I think even the food would feel embarrassed…

Just when the two of us had chatted about nothing in particular for a long time, I suddenly felt as if my back was eerily cold, for some reason.

To make an analogy, that feeling was as if someone was rubbing your back with a kenzan* from a freezer. Apart from the iciness, there was also a sting followed by a malicious gaze.

[T/N: a flower holder with brass needles used in ikebana arrangements]

I immediately turned my head.

There was a person standing just a few steps from me, actually, I should say three people. The other two flanked him and looked rather like bodyguards or underlings and whatnot. All three were dressed in black formal wear, but I’ve never seen their clothes before. Probably this world’s aristocrats and whatnot. Apart from their clothes looking good, their accessories also looked very valuable.

Yikes, after coming here, I actually often wondered how much money I can get from selling other people’s things!

“Who the hell are you?” Likewise noticing that this person didn’t come in good will, the five-colored rooster head frowned, releasing an equally unfriendly attitude.

The person with blue eyes and short silver gray hair looked at the two of us from a condescending angle.

…Turns out you can really see the nostrils from this angle, but the key requirement is for the person in front of you to be tall enough. Otherwise, if he looks up, you’ll probably see the tip of his nose and the like.

“I didn’t expect to see someone from Rogeria here.” The guy who looked at people with his nose had a frigid tone as if he didn’t feel anything. Moreover, he himself looked serious and cold, giving one a hard-to-approach feeling.

The point is, his tone is utterly disdainful.

The five-colored rooster head seemingly began revolting on the spot: “I never thought the dingy Fairies would also know the great name of the Rogeria Clan. You’ve admired my family for a long time, huh? Aih, even if you have privately paid attention to this uncle’s clan for a long time, there are still no discounts for assassinations.”

“You dare to speak to our young master like this!” The two people standing on the left and right immediately charged at the five-colored rooster head.

“Why the hell not, this uncle has no connections to your family, though you should be careful. Do not offend others, or else one day you’ll get cut off from your leader’s money and not even know why.” The five-colored rooster head, whose words were also biting, didn’t care about the others’ background at all and charged back at them at once.

There were already people noticing us here. I saw senior Gasai and Aslaine, who’d rushed far away just now, walking over one after the other.

“Siovi, are you going to cause a commotion at this dance?” Senior Gasai accurately shouted out the person’s name, instantly calming down the two left and right hands who were summoning weapons.

Turning to look at the two seniors, the one called Siovi icily humphed before turning to look at me again: “Are the aristocrat clans already dealing with the lowly nameless human race?” His tone was still obnoxious.

Strangely enough, I don’t remember ever offending this sort of person recently. He doesn’t seem to be targeting the five-colored rooster head, just me. If that’s not the case, I shouldn’t be the only human in the whole place, right?

“Even the noble royal family are just meaningless souls if there are no ordinary people.” Senior Gasai patted the five-colored rooster head’s shoulder to have him move back, then told that person this.

“Hmph…Blood ties represent everything. Even if these nameless people are not here, noble lineages are still noble. They won’t change because of one more or less people!” Not showing much respect to Senior Gasai, he narrowed his eyes, completely disdainful.

But his remarks seemed to have irritated quite a few people. I saw that there were already some people’s expressions changing from watching a show to wide-eyed stares.

Speaking of which…why do I feel as if I heard something like this somewhere before?

“Noble blood ties will not become more noble by despising others.” Aslaine immediately refuted his words.

The despising Siovi coldly looked at Aslaine for a long while. All of a sudden, his (Siovi) hand grabbed the hair by his (Aslaine) face, forcing his head down: “I do not want to hear the noble Hunters clan, especially you, help the lower races preach to me.”


With a smack, Siovi’s hand was slapped away.

And the one who hit him was me.

[T/N: For a second, I was about to quit translating forever because of you Chu]

I deeply felt that since I entered the school, my courage seems to be increasing along with my strength.

Apart from fighting monsters, running through tombs, being chased by Ghosts, beating up Ghosts, talking back to Senior (I think this is what I do with the most courage), I’ve even slapped away the hand of some damn aristocrat now. As expected, life is full of first times everywhere.

Drats, it can’t be that I’m going to die some inexplicable way after offending so-and-so bigshot like this?

Siovi looked at the hand that I slapped away, and his originally icy expression frosted over again, looking rather crazy.

I should’ve bought insurance before coming to the dance.

“You lowly race actually dared to touch our Qiou clan’s prince!” Those two left and right hands were more enraged than him, flanking me on both sides.

According to regular TV shows, I should be beaten up next, until even my own mother wouldn’t be able to recognize me.

I actually hit a prince, how wonderful. Hitting a prince should be the biggest thing I’ve ever done in my whole life, right.

I had a very profound feeling. I never thought that one day I would actually get involved with a prince, and it wasn’t the good kind of involvement.

Just when I felt that being beaten up like this is also worth the ticket price, Aslaine and senior Gasai had already each taken care of a person, knocking those two people clutching my arms unconscious on the spot.

“Prince Siovi, please discipline your subordinates properly.” Aslaine shot a glance at those two on the ground and coldly snorted: “If you don’t want to lose royal face here.”

“…Every time you call me prince with this type of attitude, I really want to kill you on the spot.” Uttering shocking words, Siovi stared at Aslaine with an expression as if he was looking at his nemesis. While watching them, I secretly kept my hand on Minas, afraid that this person would suddenly make a move.

Aslaine frowned as if he wanted to retort.

Then, it was at this time that the savior usually appeared.

“What are you arguing here for?” Senior, who had still been talking to someone before, walked over from a distance, abruptly breaking the tense atmosphere: “Siovi, do you have any complaints against my friends at this dance?” His tone was also icy, even more so than his opponent.

Sure enough, opponents of an ice cube just need to have millenium ice to restrain it.

[T/N: ice cube vs ancient Icy]

“Chu! Your brain better quiet down!” Senior, who turned to smack my head, turned back in less than half a second, not caring at all about me clutching my head about to die in pain or live in pain.

The noble royal staring frigidly at Senior suddenly laughed strangely: “Of course I don’t have any complaints against Prince Icy Flame’s friends. I just wanted to advise you not walk with this sort of person too often. Otherwise your noble and elegant blood will weep for you.”

“You shouldn’t care about my business!” Senior rudely gave him six words.

The Royal who was rebuffed shrugged and wasn’t interested in continuing to negotiate. He kicked at the two unconscious on the ground, turning and leaving only when they were kicked awake.

Those two subordinates immediately followed without even daring to cry out.

And just like this, a conflict somehow ended.

Senior turned to glance at me, then looked at Aslaine, who was plucking out his hair: “He came to find you?”

“How could that be? Siovi came to cause trouble for Junior Chu and the others just now, so Gasai and I came to take a look.” Raising his eyebrows slightly, Aslaine made it clear that it wasn’t his problem: “But even after not seeing him for so long, his attitude is still so impulsive.”

“Nn…” Senior’s expression seemed contemplative. After a long while, he stepped back and stared at the five-colored rooster head and I: “That person is the prince of the Qiou Fairies and is also the heir. You guys should not get involved with him directly.”

The five-colored rooster head turned his face away with an unhappy look.

I bet he must have been thinking about how to cover up a body bag and avenge himself just now.

“Ali knows that person?” Compared to the covering-up-body-bag question, I noticed that the prince’s attitude toward Aslaine was even more hostile, as if he killed his grandpa and grandma as well as his entire family and the dog they’ve been raising in the dog house.

“Nn, I was once his partner for a short time.” Not evading it, Aslaine curved into a faint smile and explained to us: “It was roughly half a year. Since our families have dealings with each other, I’ve known him since we were children. Originally, my partner was Dallow, but because of a mission, he needed to ask Dallow to find another temporary partner first, and Dallow agreed. However, our personalities are unable to work together. After half a year, it dissolved, and because Dallow’s partner had an accident and left forever, our partnership was terminated like this.”

Getting along with that person for half a year…

I suddenly felt that Aslaine was a strong person. If it were me in his place, I would’ve been dead in half an hour.

“Siovi isn’t exactly easy to get along with, so if possible, it would be better if you two juniors avoid clashing with him again for as much as you can.” Warning the five-colored rooster head and me seriously, Aslaine patted our shoulders, “Alright, since the dance began, everyone should put away their unhappiness and relax in the music. It’s a pity that this beautiful night was used to discuss this matter.”

Once he reminded us, I realized that after the conflict ended, the venue had started playing relaxing and melodious music. Most of the people watching the show before had also scattered, leaving just us still chatting.

Geng and Miao Miao, who had walked a bit far, jogged over here. Senior shook his head right when they were about to say something, so the two of them didn’t continue asking.

“Then I and this beautiful lady will go dance first.” Clearly not wanting to talk more about what happened just now, Aslaine already made an invitation gesture at senior Geng, and the two of them cheerfully stepped in first.

“Yang Yang, are you going to dance first?” Miao Miao blinked her big eyes and looked at me with that super cute face.

“Uh…I’ll eat something first.” As soon as those people left, I immediately became hungry.

“Okay, then Miao Miao will go find Ryan and the others first.” Saying that, Miao Miao elegantly lifted her skirt and ran off to the other side.

The grimacing five-colored rooster head stepped aside with a gloomy look.

“Ziray, where are you going?” I had a bad feeling.

“To cover that prince’s trash can and fix him up.” The five-colored rooster head, who, sure enough, got this idea, looked at me with a wicked expression, “Otherwise he won’t know who the boss is, and this uncle’s hands will itch.”

Are you sure you can really beat him?

And he’s also a prince!

I immediately turned to look at Senior and senior Gasai who were still left. They definitely heard too; they should say something to dissuade him!

“Ziray, if you don’t make those two leave first to deal with other matters, it will be easy to lose.” Senior Gasai glanced at Senior and coughed.

No way…did I hear that right?

“This uncle knows!” Saying that, the five-colored rooster head left in a flurry of motion.

I took two steps back and looked at senior Gasai who was still smiling gently even now.

Normal people probably would have dissuaded!

“Before dancing, let’s go eat something.” Still smiling amiably, senior Gasai gave Senior a push and turned toward the buffet area in a good mood.

Senior saw my shocked look and suddenly revealed an evil smile: “Since he’s going to fight anyway, he’ll have to fight without being detected. It’s also his fault for not knowing who the other person is.”

After saying that, he followed senior Gasai to get a plate.

This is an excuse to lead kids astray, right!?

Don’t learn this, good kids!

After the episode just now, most people’s attention had turned toward the center of the dance, so the buffet area had less people instead.

I didn’t know whether the people here had eaten before or the food had increased on its own. When it was my turn, the table was actually still full. They were all dishes that were satisfyingly look at, and the exquisite dinner aside, there were also many snacks and drinks, enough to stuff yourself to death.

By the time I was finished being seduced by the food, some time had passed. When I turned my head, there was no trace of where Senior and the others had run off to. I was the only one left at the buffet area without even half a person I knew there.

I glanced around. If I don’t go to the dance area, there are also tables and chairs nearby. Not too many people there either, so I moved over to eat.

This dance was huge. I even saw elementary-school-age children. Nearly all the students in the school should have come here. The dance area was packed and people were chatting in groups everywhere.

At any rate, I don’t have many acquaintances here. Not having to chat and be social put me slightly at ease.

Miao Miao, who caught Chifuyu, was currently dancing in the center of the dance floor. Who knows where Ryan disappeared to again. I could probably find everyone I know nearby.

No one bothered me so I guess I had a rather pleasant time eating, until someone tactlessly disturbed me—

“Yang Yang!” Something with multiple fabrics slammed into my back just like Miao Miao did before, nearly making me spit out everything I was drinking.

As soon as I turned around, an entire black line fell down.

[T/N: Not sure if I mentioned that those lines look something like this: -_-||

The one who said she was going back but it turns out she didn’t go back and is still staying here for some reason, Director Shan, was currently embedded in my back and happily hooked her neck with mine: “Yang Yang kiddo, I heard that this morning was spectacular.”

Hurriedly pushing her off, I turned my head in fear: “Director Shan…”

I spoke only two words before Director Shan instantly knocked my head with her fan: “Like I said before, are you trying to keep me from having fun today?”

“I’m sorry…I forgot.” I forced a smile as I watched her sit beside me. She was still wearing that kimono, which looked unusual among the bunch of suits.

“I heard you almost got into a fight with the prince of the Qiou Fairies just now?” Holding my drink while automatically enjoying it, Director Shan asked in an easygoing tone.

“I think so.” In fact, that whole thing was a misunderstanding.

“Kiddo, you got some guts. The Qiou prince is a black robe.”

“Pfft—” I immediately spat out the mouthful before I could swallow it, “Cough cough cough—”

As if she’d already predicted this, Director Shan leaned back and dodged that mouthful of tea, leisurely continuing to eat her snack and even taking out a handkerchief for me, “Aih, it’s not like I’m snatching your drink. Will it kill you to drink slowly?”

I accepted her handkerchief and coughed another two times, then put down my cup and looked at her dumbfounded: “You just said that Fairy prince is a black robe?” I’m doomed! If I’d known he was as a black robe, I wouldn’t have dared to get involved with him even if I had to die. When I heard it before, I thought he was at most a purple or white robe. I didn’t expect him to actually be the same level as Senior.

“Nn ah, he was admitted at the same age as the Count (Randall). Although no one is currently able to beat that stinky brat’s record, he’s quite good already.” Director Shan happily looked at my dumbfounded face, then swallowed the last snack, “At present, the Qiou Fairies are one of the most prominent families in the Fairy Clan, the same one as that class rep of yours. They have a very lofty status.”

I felt like my whole brain turned blank.

The same clan as the class rep…which means that I probably offended a very terrifying family.

After musing it over, I think I should go buy insurance, otherwise it’ll be a huge loss if I mysteriously get attacked outside the school one day.

But that said, why was the Qiou Fairy Prince trying to cause trouble for me or the five-colored rooster head?

That fellow shouldn’t know us. Seeing the five-colored rooster head’s reaction, I don’t think he has any relation to him either.

Director Shan stared at me for a long time before suddenly curving into a strange smile: “Yang Yang kiddo, actually, I was passing by here before and saw a young girl with that Qiou prince in a garden nearby.”

“Ah?” What does them being in a garden have to do with me?

“Then it seems like that girl was slapped and is now crying in the garden.” Flinging open her fan, Director Shan waved it and narrowed her eyes at me.

“Oh…” I hope she wasn’t hurt.

“So as a man of the future, don’t you think you should go over and comfort that girl after knowing this?”

“Eh?” What does that have to do with me?

Basically, I probably wouldn’t know that girl Director Shan is talking about, right?

“What do you say? Chu Ming Yang kiddo?” With one arm on my shoulder, Director Shan prodded my shoulder with her folded fan.

“Uh…I do want to go, but Ali said I can’t leave the place without finishing the dance.” Honestly, I don’t want to go at all, since I don’t even know that prince’s someone.

“Do you think this place is greater or do you think I’m greater?” Putting away her fan, Director Shan smiled in a seemingly naive way.

“…You’re greater.”

Which means that I can leave the place, right?

“Then get going!”

After being expelled from the dance, I was searching for someone in the nearby garden without a clue.

Essentially, I didn’t know why I needed to be here at all, but what Director Shan said was right. When I came out of the venue, there was nothing coming out to stop me, and I left smoothly.

I went around a few big and small gardens nearby but didn’t see anything. Who knows if that girl left by herself. I decided to look in a garden further away, and if she really wasn’t there, I’ll have to go back and explain to Director Shan.

“What are you looking for?”


Just when I was planning to head toward a garden a bit further away, out of nowhere, a voice suddenly drifted out behind me and almost scared me to death.

“Ryan, do you mind appearing in front of me next time?” Scared like this, sooner or later there’ll be a day when my heart gets scared right out of my mouth.

“I did walk past in front of you just now.” Ryan told me.

Oh, so it should be my fault that I didn’t see you, right?

“Eh? How are you outside?” I thought Ryan would be in the venue together with Chifuyu.

“…Why would I go in?”

This was a very good question. To be honest, I don’t know why Ryan would go in either. He can disappear. There’s probably no one who wants their dance partner to just evaporate in the air after halfway through a dance.

“Did they provide rice balls?”

Clearly rice balls are a bigger draw than the dance. Ryan opened his mouth to ask about his livelihood.

“…I didn’t see. Do you want to go ask the chef?” I don’t recall seeing that thing.

“Tsk.” Ryan turned his head with a look of regret, “Then I won’t go to the dance.”

“Eh? Miao Miao and Chifuyu are inside.” And I see you’ve already changed clothes.

“Rice balls aren’t inside.”

Or else you think rice balls are more important than friends, huh?

“What were you looking for?” After he finished talking about his love for rice balls, Ryan went back to the original topic.

“Oh, I’m looking for a female student.” To tell the truth, I don’t even know if that person is *round or flat, “Just now, someone told me that she should be near the gardens, but I’ve looked around the vicinity for a while without seeing her. Ryan, do you know anything?”

[T/N: Meaning that he doesn’t know a thing about her]

Honestly, I only asked with the mindset of just asking. I never expected Ryan to actually nod.

He pointed to the back. If I remember correctly, that was in the direction of the pond garden, near the Black Dorm, the place where the five-colored rooster head and I were first chopped down by Andy, “Over there.”

“Oh, thank you.” Afraid that person would leave, I immediately ran toward that direction, running while turning my head back to shout: “Oh right, I heard that there will be food served later. Do you want to go see if there are rice balls?”

Still standing there, Ryan nodded slowly then vanished like this.

Honestly, if he wasn’t my classmate and friend, I really would’ve thought that he and Ah Piao belonged to the same country.

[T/N: wandering spirit]