Volume 16 - CH 5

Name:Unique Legend Author:Hu Xuan
Chapter 5: Atmosphere

Location: Atlantis Time: 7:14 PM

I found that person Director Shan was talking about in the pond garden.

In fact, I saw from afar.

It wasn’t a stranger sitting on the bench; it was Liliya in a black dress. Clearly she had also decided to go to the dance today. All of her long hair was let down and tied into a princess style. But right now she was in the garden wiping her eyes while chewing…a riceball in her hand?

I bet I definitely saw correctly. Liliya was really chewing a rice ball, and it was even the triangular type. There was a bamboo box on the table, the kind that Ryan often eats out of for lunch.

The one Director Shan was talking about is Liliya?

Oh right, I did hear her say that her brother is the Qiou Fairy Prince…Damn, there can’t be such a coincidence!?

No wonder I’ve been thinking that name sounds familiar since the beginning. Turns out she told me the day before*. But that said, why did her brother hit her?

[T/N: V15C7]

“Who’s there!?”

Just when I was still hesitating about whether or not to speak, Liliya already noticed the noise and turned at once.

“Uh, it’s me.” Obediently coming out of the leaves, I spoke a bit awkwardly. Although the garden here was pretty dark, from this distance I could still tell that Liliya’s eyes and cheeks were slightly red: “Um…” I suddenly fell silent. At a time like this, it seems weird to ask someone who got slapped if they were okay. And anyway, I didn’t even see it happen, so it’s hard to ask.

“What!” Liliya frowned, stuffed the rice balls away and stood up.

“Nothing, I was just passing by.” Pretending that I was just about to go over, I turned my gaze away, “What are you doing here instead of going to the venue?”

“Not going anymore, I’m going back to the dorms to read.” Her tone wasn’t good. Liliya turned the slapped-red part of her face away. Because the garden wasn’t that illuminated, most of her was submerged in the black air, so she looked thin and weak.

For a moment, I didn’t know what to say to her.

Why did the damn Director Shan tell me to come here and be awkward; who knows how to comfort this usually ferocious girl!?


“Chu Ming Yang, two days from now at this time and place, I will bring the black robes’ Black History over. Don’t forget!” Not giving me the chance to speak, after Liliya left these words, she rolled up that bamboo box and ran off like a puff of smoke.

Black robes’ Black History?

She borrowed it?

From that infuriating Qiou Prince?

I felt amazed and couldn’t believe it. That person actually agreed to borrow the book from the black robes’ library for Liliya.

…Wait, could it be that she was hit because of this?

Looking at that expense of darkness, I suddenly felt sorry to her. If she was slapped by her brother for borrowing the book, I have to do something no matter what.

The noise from the dance venue was distant, so much so that it felt like some kind of radio turned low.

I stared at the garden pond and for an instant, I thought that it was strange.

About half a year ago, I was still an ordinary person. I was even fretting over entrance exams at that time.

The me back then didn’t realize that the Ghost Tribe, the Fairies, the school and even the sort of person like Senior existed. I was only an ordinary person, the kind of ordinary person that gets killed by a falling sign along the way…Alright, only my unluckiness is unordinary.

Then I entered the school, got scared, studied and just like that, half the year went by quickly.

How many people have I known during this period?

There are always things happening here everyday. I’ve been on such a tight schedule that I can’t remember what my ordinary student life half a year ago was like.

Maybe, I’ve integrated into this type of life more than I thought.

But whether that is good or not, I still don’t know yet.

“Student Chu.”

Right when I was in the midst of a rare normal brain activity, someone popped up behind me for the nth time tonight, but this time it was better; it didn’t collide or suddenly appear like a ghost.

I turned my head and saw Restua, who had already changed into ordinary clothes, and that martial arts expert I saw in the Black Dorm this morning. I remember he seems to be called Loen and is a teacher in the university.

“Hello.” Immediately coming to my senses, I greeted them.

“I thought the students rather liked the dance.” Loen smiled at me, then walked over and placed the box he was holding on the table. Inside was a flask and a couple of snacks. It was clear that they were here to enjoy the scenery and chat.

“Ahaha…I only came out to find someone, I’ve disturbed you.” Glancing around, I wanted to find a path and take off at once.

“If you don’t mind, do you want to sit and chat?” Saying this, Loen glanced at Restua, who had also sat down, and smiled at me: “It’s rare for the school Elf to be in a bad mood. Perhaps chatting will help him relax.”

Since he’s already said this, what else can I do?

“Apologies, I’ve been rude.” Restua smiled wryly, looking a bit downcast: “Under the Lord God’s care, even the night Elves are so warm. I hope my abnormality will not impact you two.”

Loen poured us a drink.

I was just about to take that cup to cover up my awkwardness, when I suddenly discovered a tiny hand reaching out from underneath the nearby table. As soon as I looked down, I saw a certain face that should have been pigging out at the venue while clinging to her master instead of appearing here: “Xiao Ting?”

The little black snake MeiMei, who was caught stealing food on the spot, crawled out from under the table, broke into a wide grin, and straightforwardly climbed onto the seat between Loen and I.

“Where’s senior Gasai?” How could he let this dangerous weird thing run loose!? What if she eats someone!?

Xiao Ting scratched her face then leaned against the table, blinking at me, “Master said he was afraid that prince would cause you trouble…and wanted Xiao Ting to follow, and eat if someone hits you.” Then she rubbed her stomach, glanced around aggrievedly and finally settled her eyes on the table’s snacks: “But no one hit you. Hungry.”

Do I deserve to get hit?

But I didn’t expect senior Gasai to notice that I went out. I really have to thank him for arranging a helping hand (mouth?) for me.

“You can eat anything on the table.” Not asking about Xiao Ting’s origins, Loen didn’t to care much about the snacks.

“Yay! Xiao Ting is going to eat!” Upon receiving his agreement, Xiao Ting immediately grabbed the snacks on the table, though she didn’t take the entire plate, which counts as showing enough respect.

I raised my head and unexpectedly saw that Restua seemed to be spacing out. He wasn’t looking at Xiao Ting, nor was he looking at us. He was probably thinking something as he stared at a cup with every fiber of his being.

Loen didn’t press him either, stroking Xiao Ting’s head while passing a cup of tea to her, “Student Chu, have you gotten used to school after being here for some time?”

Not expecting him to begin chatting with me all on his own, I was startled and instantly put my cup down: “I should be used to it. School…has been alright.” As long as things that block the road and bite people don’t appear, I’m pretty used to it. I’m even used to the classrooms and gardens dashing off.

“I’ve been out on a mission for about half a year. Once I came back, I saw many new faces. During this time, it looks like quite a lot of new students once again entered the school.” Speaking as if he was a teacher visiting parents, Loen looked at me: “Although there’s still some time before you might become my student, please guide me as well.”

“Please guide me.” I replied in cold sweat.

“I heard you have a clock number on you.” As soon as he spoke, he talked about something that I’d completely forgotten in a corner of my room and would often twitch, “Reversing time is one of time’s defenses. Since it has already been given to you, I think it will be helpful to you or others if you keep it on you.”

That worm number?

I remembered that worm the biting clock gave me and gulped: “I, I will.” I will wrap it up in tape and keep it with me.

Loen nodded with a smile.

After the conversation more or less ended, I guess that Restua still had no desire to talk. It’s probably because of me being here, which made it a bit difficult for him to speak. After all, I’m only a student. There are some private topics that likely can’t be explained straightforwardly.

“Um, I made plans with someone to dance, so I’ll leave first.” Seeing as how Xiao Ting had also finished nearly everything on the table, I lugged her up and hastily said: “Thank you for your snacks.”

After saying that, I hurriedly ran off.

Tonight I’ve been continuously encountering scenes that I can’t handle, which feels weird.

Upon leaving the pond garden’s limits, the sounds of the dance once again became louder. When I stepped back on the trail, I could see other students going to join it.

“Xiao Ting wants to walk~” After being lugged out of the garden, Xiao Ting began to struggle. I put her back on the ground, then she wiped her mouth and looked up at me: “Are we going back to the dance?”

“Nn.” Reaching out my hand, I looked in the direction of the dance party: “Let’s go together.”

Nodding, Xiao Ting was just about to give me her hand when she abruptly stopped. Her hand was only a few centimeters away from mine, but her whole body had gone stiff. Her small head turned to the side like a clockwork doll.

Shocked by her strange behavior, I followed her gaze.

There was nothing in that direction, but in the black night, there seemed to be a faint red glow.

Actually, it wasn’t strange to see that sort of light in the school, because there were many illusionary beasts and random insects. I’ve even seen rainbow ones, much less red.

But I don’t know why Xiao Ting seems to react to that light.

She blankly stared there for a while, so long that I was slightly afraid. When I was wondering whether to call senior Gasai, she suddenly returned to normal and turned her head.

“Xiao Ting?”

Blinking, the little black snake MeiMei, who seemed like she stopped working just now, looked at me with a confused expression: “Aren’t we going to the dance?”

“R, right.” But what happened to you just now?

“Then let’s go quick.”Seemingly unaware that she had been in a weird state, Xiao Ting grabbed my hand and swung it, urging.

“Oh, okay.”

Looks like I’ll have to talk to senior Gasai.

When we came back to the venue, Director Shan was already gone.

The venue still had a lot of people and the dance music had changed. I don’t know what number song it was. Those who were tired of dancing were replaced by a batch of newcomers and the dance floor was still full.

“Chu!” Soon after we entered the venue, senior Gasai ran over.

“Master~” Before she even spoke, Xiao Ting had clung herself to him.

“Nothing happened to me, thank you.” Thank you for your mouth-widening aid, even though I didn’t really want to see someone suddenly get eaten by a strange mouth when they’re about to hit me.

“That’s good then. It seems like Ziray didn’t succeed. The Qiou Prince left halfway through the dance.” Smiling and telling me this news in a tone full of regret, senior Gasai patted Xiao Ting’s head.

“Uh…” I want to tell him about Xiao Ting’s abnormality just now.

“Master~I want to eat~” Seeing the venue full of food, Xiao Ting had begun tugging her master’s hand.

Senior Gasai gave me an apologetic smile while being dragged away by the little black snake MeiMei: “Sorry, I’ll take her to eat something first.”

I think I should send him a message on my phone instead.

To be honest, this dance party was a bit boring, in my opinion, because I was the kind of person who never attended events like this. Apart from the food, it wasn’t that interesting…Yikes! Why did I even run back here!?

Director Shan isn’t here this time, there’s no way I can peacefully leave, right!?

Is there a wall, I want to smack myself against it…

“No matter how many times you smack yourself against it, you won’t become smarter.” A frigid voice came beside me. As soon as I lifted my head, sure enough, I saw Senior standing not far away with a transparent cup: “Smack against a kenzan, the pain will last longer.”

Senior, I believe smacking a kenzan probably wouldn’t make the pain last longer; instead, it’d pierce right through my head and send me to the medical team!

“Che.” With a cold laugh, Senior turned his gaze back to the dance floor.

The music became more intense and fast.

I saw Aslaine performing a dance similar to bullfighting with another female sister I didn’t recognize under the ruckus of a group of people. There was a bit of a duel-like but also fun atmosphere.

That female senior’s red shirt drew a wide arc in the air, very beautiful.

The people around them gathered in a circle, forming a beat for them and applauding. Soon, more people surrounded them too, and the atmosphere fired up to its peak.

The dance was short and ended in just a few minutes. Amid that large group of people, Miao Miao swiftly sprang out and appeared in front of me in a flash: “Yang Yang, I was looking so long for you, do you want to dance?” She said with a broad smile, face flushed. It looks like she probably hadn’t rested at all since I left till now.

“Oh, okay.” It just so happened that the music stopped to switch to the next song. If I don’t dance now, when will I?

“Hehe, it won’t be too hard.” Miao Miao pulled my hand and said in an experienced tone.

Right at this moment, the band suddenly started playing, and then it played weird music completely incompatible with a dance. The point was, I think that music sounds damn familiar. What’s with that grand and mighty drum sound from the start!?

Miao Miao, who was pulling my hand, stopped all of a sudden and her expression became extremely odd.

I bet that is absolutely not a song for dancing.

That’s the prelude to a man becoming self-reliant!

The entire dance floor had stopped. Everyone looked at the band that had still been normal just earlier with baffled and surprised expressions.

On the whole, I sincerely admired these instruments for being able to play traditional Chinese music. Sure enough, the mystery of this world isn’t something that ordinary people can guess!

However, the question is, why did the band suddenly switch to this type of music?

“As expected, only this music can represent the innermost feelings of a man.” That five-colored rooster head, who was simply here to ruin the dance, was crouching beside the band, very moved as he expressed his own opinions like this.

The point isn’t whether this music can represent your innermost feelings!

“Ziray, what are you doing!” After the entire venue became stupefied, Miao Miao was the first to speak, shouting as she pointed at that person who may or may not have intentionally come here to cause trouble.

“Inviting them to play some nice music.” The five-colored rooster head said in a very matter-of-course tone of voice.

The problem is that I think every one of those band members had a blanched expression with black lines. They probably didn’t willingly put on this music.

“How is this nice!?”

After being shouted by Miao Miao, the others who were originally in shock came back to their senses one by one. Someone wanted the band to stop, but perhaps coerced again or something, the band actually didn’t dare stop.

“Alas, ordinary people just don’t understand this. Such sophisticated music is full of profoundness and spirit. This song suits this uncle the most.” Standing up and striking a “don’t forget me” pose, the five-colored rooster head acted as if the eyes of everyone wanting to kill him were neon lights, completely unaware of the fact that there were numerous experts at the site.

[T/N: This pose lol]

I say…it can’t be that your nerves cramped up because you did not get to beat someone up, right?

“Juvenile delinquent, are you repenting with music over there because you caused yourself to lose too miserably?” Very soon, Chifuyu, who appeared out of nowhere, challenged him.

“Ha, even if we did lose, it wasn’t this uncle’s fault; you guys were too weak!” The five-colored rooster head squabbled back in less than half a second.


“You didn’t know that we won the sports competition yesterday?”

I immediately turned to look at Senior: “We won?” At the end of yesterday, it dissolved into a chaotic mess. I couldn’t even hear who won and lost. The others didn’t say anything, so I thought that the five-colored rooster head’s side won.

“It was 7868 points vs 7713 points, of course we won.” Shooting me a glance, Senior said with a cold snort.

I see. But how was that dramatic score calculated? People who count normally probably would’ve had to count until their brains cramped, methinks.

“Which is why the winning team’s prizes will be sent to the dorms in the next few days.” Senior added on this sentence.

Oh right, I forgot there were prizes. I hope they aren’t strange or scary or freakish stuff. After meeting Director Shan, I don’t expect anything from the school at all. No wonder the school is so terrifying. It turns out that there is someone like this stirring things up behind the scenes.

In between Senior and my conversation, the five-colored rooster head had jumped down to the dance floor and confronted Chifuyu head-on.

The other students (and visitors and teachers) who were originally dissatisfied with the music change had cleared a large space on the dance floor and surrounded it. Obviously, the two people’s duel was currently a lot more interesting than dancing. There were even people shouting “fight fight” and whatnot.

“Yukino Clan’s four-eyed boy, today’s matters will end today. This uncle has found you repulsive for a long time already. If I don’t get rid of you today, this uncle would not live up to the name of the ‘lone sword’ by the people of the jianghu!” Simply venting his anger for failing to beat the prince, the five-colored rooster head swung out his claws, sinisterly sizing up the foe before him.

“As you wish. I’ve found you repulsive for a long time too.” Picking up his glasses, Chifuyu unceremoniously pulled out a red triangular paper charm, flourishing a short broadsword with a swish.

Seeing as how they appeared to truly intend on fighting, I decided to look at Senior, who was still enjoying the show beside me: “Don’t we have to stop them!?” After all, this is a dance, not a fighting arena!

Senior glanced at me, then handed the cup in his hand to a passing waiter, without any intention to stop them, “Every time the dance comes to an end, something like this always happens. Get used to it.”

This isn’t a matter of getting used to it or not!

Wait, what did you just say? It’s always like this every dance?

“It’s not lively without a fight.” With an exhale, Senior tugged at his collar, very kindly giving me this additional sentence. In the future, I will definitely not be joining the dance.

With a clang, the five-colored rooster head and Chifuyu officially announced the start of the fight.

Because they considered the size of the venue, everyone moved another distance back and gave way to a huge space. Even the band had already escaped far away.

“Four-eyed nerd, this uncle will not quit until he beats you into a pile of mud this time!” Turning his beast claws, the five-colored rooster head raised his heels entirely like a wild beast that would charge forward at any time.

“You flatter me, I’ve also wanted to beat you into food waste for a long time.” Moving into position to use his sword, Chifuyu was, in contrast, steady and unmoving, as if even the air in his body had quieted down.

“Ha, go die!”

*“it’s a sheer waste of breath to talk to (someone) with whom one can’t see eye to eye” is the best expression for these two people. With a kick, the five-colored rooster head rushed forward like he was flying, so quickly that there was no time to blink. In an instant, his beast claws shot sideways.

[T/N: Credit for this translation goes to ichacha.net]

With no time to waste, Chifuyu lightly turned his wrist and immediately blocked the attack from the side. Then he swung his hand away at once, his sword angled as it sliced up in an arc.

Of course, it was impossible that he would let himself be cut. The five-colored rooster head flipped back, simultaneously swinging out his other hand and grabbing that sword. Upon being touched, the surface of the sword abruptly exploded into raging golden-red flames, nearly burning the beast claw’s owner.

Likewise startled by the flames, the five-colored rooster head immediately paused to kick at the sword and land a good distance away: “You evil four-eyed nerd, you actually wanted to burn the dragon robe this uncle has treasured for years!”

“Even if that sort of clothing burns, it wouldn’t be a waste!” Chifuyu, who has long discriminated against the dragon robe, expressed his contempt in a tone of utter disdain.

Speaking of which, I’m more curious about that sentence the five-colored rooster head spoke; could it be that he actually began treasuring this piece of clothing during elementary or middle school?

I honestly feel a little bad for his family.

“Yang Yang?”

All of a sudden, I heard a voice that was both a bit familiar and a bit unfamiliar. I looked over to the side, and the sight almost scared me half to death. Even Senior came over from nearby.


Walking in from the entrance was the school administrator who was said to be completely blind. His long silvery-purple hair was tied behind him, and he wore formal attire. Beside him was Hou in gothic clothes of the same style.

“Are you also attending the dance?” After greeting Hou, Senior frowned as he looked at the administrators in front of him.

“Di said it was rare for it to be so lively and wanted to check it out.” Pulling his companion’s arm, Hou told us in a helpless voice: “He clearly said he wasn’t feeling well in the morning.”

Curving into a faint smile, Di patted the hand of both administrator and friend. That pair of beautiful but unsteady eyes didn’t look at us, and it still felt as if he was seeing a more unfathomable layer of the air: “I was fine already by afternoon. Although this place is not within our administrative limits, it is such a joyous night. Isn’t it great to breathe in the joyous atmosphere together?”

“It can’t be that you plan to go down and dance?” Looking at the venue interior that was currently burning hot, Senior asked in a voice of complete disapproval.

“Of course not. After all, Chen has also come back, I wouldn’t dare to do this.” Revealing a slightly mischievous expression, Di seemed to have felt that it was a bit of a pity and soon added on: “If it were possible, I wish I can.”

“No way! You said you wouldn’t do anything before coming here!” As soon as he heard this, Hou instantly jumped up.

“Which is why I said I wish I can.”

“It’s best if you cannot.” Senior made it clear that he was on the same side as Hou.

“Aiya, what a disappointment…”

Their conversation left me no room to break in. While listening, I secretly turned my attention back to the fighting arena.

Then I was once again scared half to death.

In the midst of fighting, Chifuyu, like Ryan did yesterday, threw his red sword toward the five-colored rooster head. The five-colored rooster head, who should have been about to be cut based on logic, actually didn’t get cut and forcibly kicked the sword away. By sheer coincidence, he didn’t kick the sword just anywhere and, instead, just had to kick it in our direction.

What I saw was that red sword slashing toward Di’s head, who had his back facing the dance floor.

Normally at this time, if no one resists it, you’d see someone’s head blooming on the spot.

But since it was deflected, no one saw.

Soundlessly appearing behind Di like a ghost, it wasn’t Senior who conveniently caught that sword, much less me, of course. Leaping up and catching that sword was a completely unfamiliar boy.