Chapter 461 461. CURIOUS

Noah gained awareness in a pitch-black environment immediately after he passed out. He honestly hadn't expected that to happen, yet he would see where things were going.

For some reason, he could feel a weird force act on him even if there wasn't anything around him. He had no idea he was been carried about.

His situation reminded him of the first two times he died, only this time he knew that he was alive, but deep into unconsciousness.

Noah felt he could move his body, but always forgot to, he noticed his forgetfulness but that still didn't make him take that action. It was weird, but he didn't bother with it.

During that period he also didn't recall the events before he passed out, making him wonder what had happened. Still, something changed.

A green-silver light suddenly appeared in that dark environment and it gradually grew in intensity. His curiosity was piqued at that event and soon the silhouette of a woman unfolded in his eyes.

"This is how far back you are," A feminine voice so soothing reached him and he felt chills grow on his body.

"Who are you?" Noah managed to utter when the lady gradually left the light to step into that darkness, but her figure shone.

She was gorgeous. His heart shook.

"He brought you here, and yet you seem to have no recollection of why you're here," she asked stepping closer and closer to him.

Confusion sprung up in Noah's awareness. Her words were vague and strange.

She noticed his confusion and gazed at him.

"Look at your hand young man," She pointed out, and only then did Noah have the presence of mind to raise his arms and gaze at his hand. Which he didn't even know was visible.

His eyes fell on three deep-yellow cracks each, in his very arms. A wave of pain he had forgotten about swept his senses, and he recalled all that had occurred to him.

He felt his face twist in pain while the lady came closer until her glowing fair hands took hold of his hands.

"Rest young man. It had taken me a while to get here. I'll need your partial consciousness to allow you to fully heal. You're far different from any man I've come across."

Noah was panicking, but a wave of sudden calm filled him, and he felt that dark environment begin to wane and wane.

Noah opened his eyes in a room.

Feeling groggy he sat up before sweeping his gaze on that room. He ignored most of its detail to raise his hands.

To his shock they were fine. He felt fine too.

Wonder appeared in his head, and he tried to recall his time in the dark environment. He couldn't.

Noah got down from the bed only to notice his cloth-less state.

"How..." he muttered, stunned, even if another attire appeared in his hand; from his inventory. He put it on and approached the door of the room.

Noah placed his hand on the bronze knob, but a strange force warped him from his position. He opened his eyes in a big library.

He wanted to get worried, but his eyes fell on a lady picking through the books on the shelve before him.

He managed to recall her from his dream. Her features were stunning. Long leafy-green hair. They were so long they would reach her knees.

Her attire wasn't exactly revealing, but still was. It was a long white dress befitting of a healer, only that it clung to her body, allowing the world to witness her alluring curves in full display. It had been a long while since Noah had seen a completely normal-looking lady.

Still, her endowed body only enhanced her youthful features and beauty. Noah couldn't exactly describe her apart from ethereally beautiful.

"I hope you had a good rest young man," her voice sent waves of goosebumps over Noah's skin. It could make men run mad, as even he furrowed his brows in a tinge of surprise.

She noticed but didn't address it. Her gaze was even condescending and a bit disdainful. Noah could almost immediately tell she had had a bad time with men.

He nodded in response to her words. Not an ounce of power could be felt from her figure, meaning she was beyond him.

A wave of silence swept over them, but Noah didn't exactly know what to say.

She closed the book in her grip with a loud thud and placed it back on the shelve, before focusing her gaze on him.

She squinted her eyes at his breathtaking features taking note of the fact that he barely had eyes on her body. He was the most beautiful man she had ever seen In her long life. And she had seen many. Unfortunately, his power was lacking.

"I can see you're confused. Well, I can't hold that against you. You were brought here unconscious," she placed her hand on her chin falling a bit thoughtful.

"What are you, young man?" Her sudden question came as a surprise to a silent Noah. He furrowed his brows already defensive.

Did she find anything? He thought, beginning to bring up different ideas she could ask.

"Your soul realm. It's none like I've gazed at before," Her words managed to further stun Noah a bit. He had almost no excuse or lies to combat her claim.

"What do you mean?" He was going to play dumb in case she didn't have complete proof of her words.

Her gaze was unyielding.

"I'm certain you know what I speak of. Unless this has happened without your knowledge. Which I doubt," She explained stepping closer.

"Please elaborate," Noah kept himself calm. He had to show her that he truly didn't understand. But he didn't do it too excessively.

"The structure of your mind is completely different from that of those I've seen. It's fascinating too," her tone had turned curious.

Noah furrowed his brows and stepped back.

"The whiteness that surrounds your island is different from the sea that exists around the thousands I've seen," she explained.

"It had taken me a while to find you in it, and to my surprise, due to your deeply unconscious state, your descent had caused a portion of the whiteness to go black. It's strange." She continued.

"Let's not even begin with the fact that you were able to damage the very fabric of your body. And your healing almost completely dealt with it. It was only faster thanks to my help."

"In short, you're a whole lot of strange for me," She raised her head to look at him. Her condescending gaze had disappeared.

"Uh..." Noah tried to speak.

"It's almost as if you're not even human at all," she muttered, but Noah made no reaction whatsoever to her claim. He simply made a curious expression too.