In Jilei's heart, there is always a secret. In fact, he has awakened the spirit of martial arts ten years ago.

When he was six years old, when he was practicing in the wild, a thunderbolt fell from the sky and hit Jilei's forehead. However, Jilei did not die. Instead, he got an ancient book, which was deeply imprinted in his mind. When he started to study, a martial spirit from outside began to take root in Jilei's body.

This is called the Wuhun of matchless martial arts. Its growth needs to devour the original spirit of the warrior. Ji Lei's original martial spirit was engulfed by the unparalleled spirit, and finally became a yellow terrace.

Ji Lei sits on the bed with her eyes closed. On the other side of the snake's spirit, a brand-new yellow dot gradually appears. Inspired by Ji Lei's aura, it gradually condenses into a shape.

Jilei's heart beat quickened a little bit, and there was more blazing in his eyes. What kind of startling ghosts and spirits would the spirit of thunder snake and the ten years of Jilei's training be?

When the appearance of matchless martial spirit is finally condensed, Ji Lei's body is filled with countless auras. The aura released by the matchless spirit almost burst Jilei's body.

Jilei did not dare to neglect, so he quickly absorbed all these auras. Under the constant nourishment of the aura, Jilei's body was filled with strength, which made him feel full before, which made him enjoy it very much.

What makes Ji Lei more excited is that the aura of matchless martial spirit slowly entangles the spirit of thunder snake, and finally, it all penetrates into the small blue snake.

"Hiss -" the little snake hissed excitedly and recovered after years of strength. The spirit of thunder snake immediately absorbs all the aura. Soon after, Ji Lei discovers that the level of the spirit of thunder snake is gradually growing.

"Huangjie Yipin Second grade of huangjie The third grade of huangjie... "

Until the third grade of yellow level, the level of thunder snake spirit stopped rising, and finally stabilized at this stage.

However, Ji Lei did not have any dissatisfaction, because his other martial spirit, unparalleled martial spirit, at the beginning of the grade, was actually the third grade of yellow rank!

Moreover, when Jilei starts to absorb the aura around him, the rank of Wushuang Wuhun will start to rise with the increase of absorbing aura.

In other words, the level of Wushuang Wuhun can be improved!

Ji Lei has never heard of such a spirit. In this way, if Ji Lei's strength becomes stronger and stronger, the level of matchless martial spirit will naturally become higher and higher. Not to mention the yellow and xuanjie, even the earth level and the sky level are not impossible!


In Jilei's hand, a light suddenly comes out. A stick like object is pinched by Jilei. The cold touch, the carved surface, the sharp cold light, the cold luster and the incomparable martial spirit, are actually a magnificent drawing halberd!

What a beautiful halberd Ji Lei's eyes are full of light, staring at the drawing halberd, and his eyes are not willing to move a little. The detailed lines and powerful shape make him indulge in it.

At the front end of the halberd, the silver light flickers, as if it contains infinite power. A faint dragon pattern runs through the whole halberd. The Dragon Power diffuses from the dragon pattern, and has a mysterious power that people unconsciously want to submit to.

"The dragon pattern halberd is cast on the basis of the real dragon's tendons. On the whole handle of the painted halberd, the ancient dragon power is hidden. Once it is fully awakened, its power is enough to block out the sun and burn mountains and boil the sea."

Ji Lei's eyes gradually become frightened. The origin of the dragon pattern halberd is still so terrible. With the upgrading of the level of the unparalleled spirit, the dragon power in the dragon pattern halberd will be released slowly.

Just as Ji Lei was stunned, the dragon pattern halberd had become a light and shadow, wrapped around Jilei's arm, and finally turned into a little dragon. However, the little dragon now has only one outline, and Jilei can't see its face, let alone the Dragon scales on her body.

Ji Lei doesn't want to expose the fact that he has matchless spirit, so he quickly hides it back. The most terrifying thing about this kind of spirit is not how mysterious its origin is, but its terrifying growth, which also makes the future of Jilei unlimited.

After that, Jilei continued to practice in the house. Every corner of wushentian had aura. It was just a matter of sparse and rich spirit. However, Ji Lei's family did not have that rich aura to support his cultivation, at least in Jilei's room.

Girai bares her upper body to make her body contact with the aura in the air. Cross your legs, sink your heart, and prepare for meditation.

In an hour long practice, Jilei uses her greatest strength to absorb some aura in the air. However, the aura of Ji's family is really thin. Jilei has been sweating all over her body, but the aura absorbed into her body is very little.

"No, the aura here is too rare." Ji Lei suddenly opens his eyes. Martial artists communicate with aura with Wu Hun. Before, he didn't wake up. Ji Lei didn't feel that way. But now Wu Hun has awakened and is sensitive to aura. Until today, Ji Lei finds out that the martial spirit of Ji family is so barren."I finally know why Ji's family gives out quenching pills every month." Ji Lei's eyes were full of fatigue, "there is no quenching pill, completely rely on natural cultivation, want to be promoted until monkey years."

Ji Lei is now one of the most important accomplishments of the quenched body state. This is an important period to refine the body and lay the foundation for the following cultivation. Naturally, the amount of aura required by Jilei is not small. From the first level to the Ninth level, the aura required by Jilei is quite frightening.

The quench body pill, after refining, has a large number of auras. These auras are easy to absorb, so they are very popular with martial arts.

What's more, Ji Lei remembers that today is the day when the quenching body pills are distributed all month. All Ji family disciples should have gone to the Dan Hall to get pills now, right?

According to the regulations, Ji Lei's disciples can get ten quench body pills every month. This is undoubtedly a burst of timely rain. Ji Lei is worried that he can not find the aura to practice.

Open the door, Jilei then hurried toward the Dantang. At this time of every month, Dantang is always very hot, so when Jilei arrives, there are already people standing outside.

Jiley had no choice but to stay behind those people.

When Jilei appeared, the people around him immediately focused their eyes. Some people began to point at Jilei. Obviously, Jilei's appearance made them very surprised.

"How can jiley be here? Is he also entitled to the quench pill? "

"Who knows, it depends on the relationship? After all, there is a father of a family master... "

Hearing what they said, Jilei was very surprised. Why did they feel strange about their presence here? Shouldn't you be here?

It's easy to line up for a long time. Jilei can finally see the bright little jade bottles in the Dan Hall. What's in there is the quench pill that Jilei badly needs.

But just as Jilei was about to stand in front of the elder who was handing out the pills, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Jilei and directly blocked him in front of him, holding the only two jade bottles on the table in his hands.

Jilei's face darkened when he saw such a scene. , the fastest update of the webnovel!