Ji Lei Wan didn't expect that when he was about to get the quench body pill, he would suddenly have such an accident. The figure was in front of Jilei and robbed the quenched body pill that should belong to Jilei. This made Jilei's heart boil up.

The man who cuts the queue slowly turns around, and his face makes Jilei's face droop.

"Ji Cang! What are you doing? Give me my hardener back Gilley said, with a calm face.

But the young man named Ji Cang looked indifferent. He looked up and down at Ji Lei. He snorted contemptuously between his nostrils. He didn't even want to leave more eyes on him: "your quenching pill? Do you have your name on this quenching pill? What's more, he said... "

On Ji Cang's face, a sarcastic smile suddenly appeared. He said to Ji Lei sarcastically: "you, a person who has awakened Huang Jie's martial spirit, what are you entitled to enjoy the Ji family's quench body pill? Don't you have a steelyard in mind? It's a waste to give you these quenching pills

Ji Cang's identity is quite high in Ji's family. As the son of the two elders, Ji Cang will be looked at in awe wherever he goes. This also makes Ji Cang become arrogant and extravagant since he was a child. He has always looked at people with his nostrils. If he met Ji Lei once, Ji Cang might be more polite. But what is the qualification of Ji Lei now How about competing for resources? Besides, giving Jilei quench body pill is just a waste of this precious pill.

Ji Lei's face is even worse when he hears the words. The cold light twinkles in his eyes. His Ji Cang just wakes up the martial spirit of the second grade of Huang Jie. It's easy for Ji Lei to clean him up. If Ji Cang goes on without any reason, he really shouldn't blame Ji Lei for being rude.

"Give me back the quench pill." Ji Lei doesn't want to talk nonsense with Ji Cang. He reaches out to Ji Cang.

Ji Cang glanced at Ji Lei contemptuously and then said, "here you are? Pooh! What's your qualification for this

Ji Cang, one by one, completely ignites Ji Lei's anger. Other people all look at him with pity. If Ji Lei goes on like this, it's a small matter to throw away the quench pill. If Ji Cang cleans it up, it's really bitter. Who can Ji Lei beat with his strength?

Ji Lei looks like ice. He looks at Ji Cang with disdain. He pinches his fist and makes a slight bone burst.

"Cough, what are you doing?"

An old voice sounded, from the middle of the Dan Hall, slowly walked out of a white robed old man, looking at the two people coldly in front.

"Elder long." Ji Cang see the old man come out, take the lead with him on the words: "Dan Tang quench body Dan is not enough."

Ji Cang's words make Ji Lei confused. He thought Ji Cang would bite himself first, but what he said was so strange.

Elder long was also very strange, but he said categorically: "no way. The Ji family's quench body pills are all handed. There will be no more or less. I have worked for 40 years and never made any mistakes."

Ji Cang hears the speech, the corner of his mouth shows a trace of tiny can not be checked smile, but still innocent way: "but Ji Lei has no quench body pill!"

"Nonsense, didn't you rob my quenching pill?" Ji Lei is furious and points to Ji Cang's nose and shouts.

Ji Cang put on an innocent look, shrugged his shoulders, took out two pieces of quenched body pills from his clothes, shook them in front of Ji Lei, and said, "these two kinds, one is from me this month, the other is from last month. Where did you take your quench body pill?"

"You fart Ji Lei Wan Wan didn't expect that Ji Cang could turn over his face so quickly. Only a scum like Ji Cang could tell such a ridiculous lie. Even a fool would not believe such a lie. Who would not swallow the quench pill for the first time but save it for the next month? If there is, then such a person's brain is not easy to use.

"You are clearly my quenching pill!" Jiley felt the anger in her body was rolling and could explode at any time.

"Who can testify?" Ji Cang deliberately turned up the volume and looked around. After being looked at by Ji Cang, those people lowered their heads one after another. At this time, they didn't want to fight for justice. After all, it was a bad fight with the young master of the second elder of the Ji family, which was not good for him. As for Ji Lei It's kind to him that he didn't get killed. If Jilei has a little self-knowledge, he'd better leave as soon as possible, so as not to get anything and get beaten up.

Looking at the people with their heads down, Jilei's eyes are filled with hatred and disappointment. At this time, elder long also opened his mouth and said to Ji Lei, "it seems that this is really Ji Cang's thing. You'd better not make a fool of yourself here."

Elder long clearly pretended to be confused. Now Ji Lei has become a waste. Ji Lei, who was once at the height of the sun, has become an ant that everyone can trample on, and Ji Lei's father has been caught. The wind and waves of Ji Lei's family will not be calm any more. Ji Lei's weakness has become the bargaining chip of Ji Lei's ambitious people to hold Ji Lei's father, and Ji Lei's father's influence in Ji's family It is bound to be weakened by Gilley.

Among those ambitious families, there is Ji Cang's father and the two elders of Ji family.Elder long is standing on the side of the two elders. Obviously, it is a very wise choice. After the second elder, there is an elder's house that supports him, but the owner's side is weak. Maybe one day when Jilei's father falls down, those elders will become the new owners of the house? As a wise man, elder long soon had a sense of propriety in his heart.

Looking at Ji Lei's angry face, Ji Cang's face suddenly sank, and said to Ji Lei, "do you hear me, elder long told you to go away? Are you still here in disgrace? I tell you, after you Ji Lei's body quenching pills, all belong to my Ji Cang! Because you are a waste, you are not entitled to enjoy the precious resources of Ji family

All of them were afraid to speak. A few felt sorry for Ji Lei, but it couldn't be done. Who told him to provoke Ji Cang No one stood up just now, let alone anyone

But elder Long's face is a calm look, it seems that he acquiesced to Ji Cang's words!

Ji Lei glares at Ji Cang. Seeing this, Ji Cang grabs Ji Lei's collar and threatens: "you boy, get out of here, or I'll break your legs!"

"Pa!" As soon as Ji Cang's voice fell, a flash of light and shadow flashed. Before Ji Cang had time to react, there was a bloody palm print on his face, and the burning pain hit him instantly. However, for Ji Cang, the pain was not comparable to the humiliation of being slapped in public by Ji Lei. In the next moment, Ji Cang's expression immediately became ferocious.

"How dare you beat me Ji Cang's mouth shed a trace of blood, it seems that Ji Lei's slap is not light.

All the onlookers were shocked by Jilei's behavior. Although such behavior vented his anger, it was a little too reckless!

"Jilei is dead..." Among them, someone said with a smile: "Ji Cang is very revengeful. With this palm, Ji Cang must break Ji Lei's arms!"

"Well, who told him to make it himself? It's not good to provoke Ji Cang. I don't have any self-knowledge Do you think you're the genius you used to be? "

Ji Cang spits out a mouthful of blood, wring a few green tendons beside his temple. Without saying a word, he swings a fist at Ji Lei!

Ji Cang thought he could subdue Ji Lei with one punch, but he was wrong.

When Ji Cang's fist is close to Ji Lei's cheek, when Ji Lei's face is crooked, Ji Lei reaches out and takes Ji Cang's fist down.

It was so easy to receive!

"What?" Not only Ji Cang, but other people are also shocked. Elder Long's narrow eyes immediately stare at the eldest.

"It's too light for you," said Ji Lei with a hook on his lips. Suddenly, he folded his hand, turned over his body and suddenly put his elbow on his abdomen, which made Ji Cang's abdomen hurt violently. Before Ji Cang yelled, Ji Lei flew up, mixed with anger, and kicked Ji Cang's face, which was a direct kick to Ji Cang's face!

"Come on

Many people can't bear to close their eyes, but what they can't bear to see is the picture of Ji Cang covered with blood.

After Ji Lei kicks a foot, he still doesn't get angry. He pulls his hands and raises Ji Cang over his head directly. Then he falls down violently!

"Bang!" Ji Cang's body is splashed with thick dust, and Ji Cang is also hit by Ji Lei's fall to the ground, bleeding, fell on the ground and fainted.

Dan's eyes are wide open from her. And then he raised his voice to elder long.

"This is mine, one for this month and one for last month."

After that, Ji Lei left without looking back, leaving all the onlookers in the red chamber. They were all you. Look at me. I looked at you. But no one said anything.

"Just now Ji Lei defeated Ji Cang, didn't he? " Some people don't believe what they see in front of them. Ji Cang, lying on the ground, is still bleeding.

"Yes Yes... " A hard answer.

"It's just It's a second kill... "

Elder long was stunned but could not return to God. He had no other feelings except shock. Looking at Ji Cang on the ground, he could not speak for a long time.

Everyone has a feeling of dyspnea. It seems that they have been strangled at the throat. The person who holds his own throat is a waste that has long been looked down upon and despised by himself. At this time, he is looking at you and smiling coldly.

After a long time, elder long remembered that Ji Cang was still on the ground, and said to the disciples around him, "quickly carry Ji Cang to the Dan Hall! Hurry to cure! Hurry to cure! "

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