Ji Lei's figure appeared at the gate of the Presbyterian. To a certain extent, Ji Lei was also one of the reasons why the Presbyterian Council started to attack Ji Zhen. Therefore, his appearance naturally attracted everyone's attention.

"Gilley?" Ji Zhen saw his son standing in front of the door, his eyes flashed and confused, but he soon sank down and said to Jilei, "what are you doing here? Get out of here

If Ji Lei came to the Presbyterian, they would not let go of the opportunity to embarrass Ji Lei. Ji Zhen would never let this happen!

But Ji Lei didn't pay attention to Ji Zhen's words. He just looked at the angry faces and felt an impulse to rush up and give everyone a punch.

"Jiley, what is this place! You can break in without permission! How dare you be so presumptuous Ji Qingtian thought Ji Zhen's words would be uttered, but he killed a Ji Lei on the way and let Ji Qingtian's wish come to nothing, which made Ji Qingtian furious.

In the face of Ji Qingtian's rebuke, Ji Lei scoffed and then looked at the elders with bad eyes around him: "are you all here to impeach my father?"

"What are you talking about?" Ji Qingtian said: "your father is incompetent and selfish. The position of the head of the house naturally can't sit down. You have to change someone to be the head of the house. Don't you understand these rules?"

Ji Qingtian said a word, but it was directly ignored by Ji Lei. Ji Lei's eyes were like a knife, looking around the crowd around him and saying word by word: "I'll ask again, are you all here to impeach my father?"

Ji Qingtian's face suddenly becomes ugly. The strong atmosphere suddenly explodes. His eyes show a cold light. He looks at Ji Lei and says, "Ji Lei, it's a big crime for you to break into the Presbyterian Council. If you don't go out, I won't care about any feelings!"

"Ji Qingtian! What do you say, old man When Ji Zhen heard the speech, he was on fire. Suddenly, there were layers of aura on his palm. The powerful pressure fell on the whole Presbyterian, which made those people gasp.

"Bang!" The seats in the Presbyterian were all cracked and broken into tiny powder. A gust of wind blew and all of them disappeared.

The strength of Ji Zhenwu's spirit state frightened everyone. Originally, Ji Zhen did not intend to use force, but Ji Qingtian said three times and four times to slander Ji Lei, so that Ji Zhen's patience finally came to an end. Ji Qingtian completely angered Ji Zhen!

Ji Qingtian's face becomes particularly ugly. No one in Ji's family can match the strength of Ji Zhenwu's spiritual realm. Even Ji Qingtian has to retreat.

Ji Lei sees this, runs to Ji Zhen's side and whispers a few words to Ji Zhen. After hearing this, Ji Zhen has a trace of hesitation on on her face. Finally, she nods and takes back all the aura.

All of a sudden, they felt as if they had been granted an amnesty. At this time, they found that their clothes were already wet, and the pressure of the martial spirit realm was really terrible!

Ji Lei looks at Ji Qingtian and says, "Ji Qingtian, I want to ask you why you impeach my father?"

Ji Qingtian hears this, and his face shows a little banter. He says to Ji Lei, "do you want me to say more about this? Jizhen will Jizhen Jijia materials all on you, is a waste! You don't deserve the support of Ji's family for your talent like this! "

"Oh?" Ji Lei cold face, look at Ji Qingtian, and look at Ji Yun, said: "I do not deserve, do you this son with?"

Ji Qingtian wants to say something, but he is stopped by Ji Yun. Ji Yun walks to Ji Lei in front of him. His eyes are full of contemptuous eyes. He says to Ji Lei: "people who have no mouth to hide often die very early."

Ji Lei didn't change his face and said, "is that right? I don't know about it. I only know that the arrogant will die ugly. "

Ji Qingtian and Ji Yun smell the words, and their faces suddenly pull down. Between Ji Yun and Ji Lei, it's like the tip of a needle to the wheat awn, who will not let anyone.

Ji Yun held back his anger and sneered at Ji Lei: "have you defeated Ji Shan and Ji Cang and made you conceited to this extent? Well, I'll let you know the reality, how big a gap there is between you and me

"Jilei," Jiyun pointed to Jilei, and suddenly yelled: "if you can defeat me, then admit that you are the first day of Ji's family, and the account of your father's misappropriation of resources will be written off!"

"Beat you?" There was a trace of disdain in Gilley's eyes. "I don't think it's necessary."

"What?" Ji Yun thought it was Ji Lei's advice, but then, Ji Lei said a word that surprised everyone.

"If you Ji Yun can walk through three moves from my hand, I will naturally admit defeat."


The whole hall is shocked. Everyone thinks Ji Lei is crazy. What is Ji Yun? The first day of Ji's family, and he's just trying to challenge Ji Yun? Or three tricks? You don't have to do that if you want to get noticed, right?

When she said this, she was not proud of Lei Ji.

With anger flashing in her eyes, Jiyun gnashed her teeth and said, "I hope you don't regret what you said. If you lose to me, your ending will not be so lucky..."Ji Lei didn't answer, just looked at Ji Yun with indifferent eyes.

"Good!" Ji Yun waved and said to Ji Lei, "since you think highly of yourself, I'd like to see how you can defeat me in three moves! This place is too small! Go to the arena

The news of the duel between Ji Lei and Ji Yun immediately spread throughout the whole Ji family. The martial arts arena of Ji's family was surrounded in half a quarter of an hour.

Ji Zhen looks at Ji Lei standing on the stage, her face full of worry.

"Do you think Xiao Lei can win..." although Ji Zhen has always been optimistic about Ji Lei, the opponent this time is Ji Yun, which is not so easy to deal with.

On the contrary, Ji Yang has confidence in Ji Lei: "don't worry, master, you can win!"

Ji Qingtian looked at the two people confronting each other and wrung his beard with a sneer. "It seems that the two incompetent sons who defeated Ji Wei have made you swell up. It's good that you fall into my son's hands this time. Let you see what is called real genius. The two wastes of Ji Shan and Ji Cang are not worth mentioning at all!"

Jishan and Jicang looked at the two people on the high platform, and their faces were full of schadenfreude: "Jilei is dead this time!"

"Brother Ji Hai, do you think Ji Lei is stupid and wants to challenge big brother Ji Yun?" Ji ye said sarcastically under the stage.

Ji Hai also sneered and looked at Ji Lei's back coldly, "this trash seems to have not recognized his own strength. See how big brother Jiyun deals with him!"

Ji Lei didn't pay attention to the gossip. Ji Yun's face was cold and his fist clenched.

"If you give up now, maybe I can get you off the stage." Ji Yun said to Ji Lei.

"At this time, are you still imagining that I will give up?" "Or are you afraid of losing in my hands?"

"Hum, heaven has a way. If you don't go, I'm not to blame."

Ji Yun takes a lunge, flashes to Jilei, raises a fist, and hits Ji Lei's face heavily!

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