The fire of the battle ignited the whole field in an instant. Ji Yun's fist breaks out with a very strong force, which points directly at Ji Lei's cheek. When Ji Lei faces Ji Yun's attack, he doesn't have the slightest intention to flinch. He puts his palms up and his aura gushes out in an instant, which resists Ji Yun's attack!

"Three levels of quenched body environment?"

Ji Yun's fist was resisted, which also made him detect the strength of Ji Lei. This result made him a little unacceptable: "why, why do you have the triple strength of quenching body state?"

Ji Yun used all the methods he could use and bought 50 quenched body pills at a high price. Only then did he raise his strength to triple level of quenched body state. Ji Lei, apart from Lingyuan pill, had no other way to improve his strength. Ji Yun had a deep understanding of how poor the aura of the Ji family was. So he thought that his strength should be integrity The highest home!

But what Ji Yun doesn't know is that there is an unparalleled spirit in Ji Lei's body competing with him for aura. If all these auras are absorbed by Ji Lei, Ji Lei's strength will be several times more than that of Ji Yun!

"Why can't I have it?" Ji Lei blocks Ji Yun's attack with ease and without any difficulty. At the moment, Ji Lei finally realizes the beauty of powerful strength.

"It must be Lingyuan pill!" Ji Yun is eager to tear Ji Lei apart. If Ji Zhen hadn't taken Lingyuan pill, the Lingyuan pill would have been Ji Yun's sooner or later. Now Ji Lei has taken Lingyuan pill, then he can compete with himself!

"Is the attack over? Then it's my turn. " Ji Lei dusts his sleeve, then jumps up suddenly. The aura gathers on his fist and smashes down at Ji Yun at a very fast speed!

"Tiangang boxing!"

Ji Lei's fists are full of aura, and they are scattered to Ji Yun. Ji Yun's eyes are slightly cold. He can smell the violent breath on Ji Lei's fist style. If he is unlucky, even Ji Yun won't feel too good.

Therefore, Ji Yun didn't hold up the University and immediately chose to dodge. However, Ji Lei's fist style was like locking Ji Yun. No matter how Ji Yun dodged, the fist style was like gangrene with bones, which could not be thrown away.

"Am I right? Is Jilei chasing Ji Yun Many people have seen this scene, but they are not clear about the situation at the moment. They have always thought that Ji Yun should crush Ji Lei with overwhelming advantage. They did not expect that Ji Yun not only didn't treat Ji Lei, but also was chased away by Ji Lei.

Ji Zhen see this situation, the heart suddenly raised hope, maybe, Ji Lei really can beat Ji Yun!

But Ji Qingtian is not so happy, his face is a little gloomy, he expected the situation did not appear, on the contrary, let Ji Qingtian's face some hang.

"You can't let Ji Lei win..."

Ji Lei's fighting style is always chasing Ji Yun. When Ji Yun sees that he can't escape, Ji Yun's heart is horizontal, so he can't shake it with aura!

"I'm afraid of you even though I'm fighting for Aura!" Ji Yun roars, and all the aura in his body is released in a flash. He rushes to Jilei and collides with Jilei's fists, which makes a huge noise!


Ji Lei stands steadily on the ground, while Ji Yun is slightly tilted by the strong air waves, and her steps are also unstable. It takes a lot of effort to stop.

"The first move." Ji Lei compares Ji Yun with a number. After they have a face-to-face, it is obvious that Ji Lei has a slight advantage. No matter how you look at it, Ji Yun looks a little embarrassed.

Ji Yun dark a bite teeth, hate to look at Ji Lei, "but a move, the outcome is still unknown!"

Ji Lei shakes his head. Although Ji Yun's strength is almost the same as that of himself, he is in a state of three levels of hardening. However, it seems that Ji Yun's aura is quite superficial, and his body strength is not as strong as Ji leiqiang, who has never stopped practicing for many years. This first move can explain the problem.

"I'll solve you in two ways."

Ji Lei rushes forward again, exhausting all his strength and instilling all the aura into his palm. For a moment, Ji Lei's palm faintly rolls up a rolling heat wave, and the breath blows on Ji Yun's face. His powerful power makes Ji Yun's heart tremble.

"I... Won't lose..." Jiyun's face was gloomy, and he took a round pill like thing out of his arms and swallowed it while Jilei didn't pay attention.

Ji Lei's second move at this time is also ready. The thunder and lightning spirit urges him. With the blessing of the thunder and lightning spirit, Ji Lei has a higher speed than ordinary people. In an instant, he has already circled behind Ji Yun and hit Ji Yun with one hand!

Ji Yun subconsciously responds, but still can't catch up, raw eat Ji Lei a palm!

"The Yellow rank is the best, and the strong mountain palm is the best." Ji Lei is also very skilled in these martial arts skills. With the power of a moment, Jiyun is instantly ejected, and the sound explodes across Jiyun's eardrum. Then, a strong explosion, with a light flame attached, burns Ji Yun's clothes and burns a large piece of flesh and skin!


Ji Yun's figure falls to the ground powerlessly, and starts bursts of smoke and dust.This moment, the whole Ji family, silent.

"Jiley... Won?"

"How can jiley win?"

"He beat Ji Yun!"

Ji Zhen can't help but be overjoyed. A stone falls completely in his heart. Ji Lei uses two moves to beat Ji Yun to the ground. It's hard to stand up again.

But in Ji Zhen happy, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Look! Ji Yun stands up! "

"What?" Ji Zhen didn't believe it at first, but when he looked at the stage, he really saw that Ji Yun was standing upright with blood all over his body. His burnt black hair adhered to a large area of skin and flesh. It looked like he was scarred, but his breath was several times stronger than before!

"How can Ji Yun's breath become so strong?" Ji Zhen didn't understand, but Ji Yun was very familiar with the sudden rise of aura. The next moment, Ji Zhen understood it immediately, and then turned to Ji Qingtian, full of anger: "Ji Yun dare to use the increasing pill!"

Ji Qingtian's eyes were bright and cold, but he did not speak.

"Stop! Stop it Ji Zhen wanted to stop the game, but was pulled by Ji Yang.

"Master, you see, young master, it doesn't seem to mean to shrink back."

Ji Zhen has a look. Ji Lei's expression is just a little unexpected, but she is not afraid at all. She is even eager to try.

Ji Zhen this just hate ground to throw a hand, the tone is full of warning means: "if my son what happened, I will never let you go!"

Ji Yun's hand, holding a big sword with blood red luster, step by step towards Ji Lei, and Ji Yun's strength at the moment has soared to the level of quenching body!

However, I don't think it's better for you to laugh at me

Ji Yun licked the blade of the big knife: "although taking the explosive elixir will make me unable to get out of bed within three days, but it can increase my aura. It's enough to deal with you."

Jilei sneered: "it's fake to win with external force."

"It's just a loser's excuse for himself!" Jiyun waved a knife with fierce momentum: "as long as I can win, no matter what method, at all costs, I will do it!"

"My blood king sword, but I've never tasted human blood... Today, I'll take you Jilei to have a knife. It's not unjust to die under the Wupin martial spirit!"

Jiyun waved a big knife, broke out a very strong momentum, the smell of blood flooded in, "try my blood bath knife method!"

There was a heaviness in jiley's eyes.

"It seems that... The third move has to be used..."

Ji Yun, dancing the blood king sword wildly, rushes to kill Ji Lei. He does not allow such people as Ji Lei to exist. He not only wants to defeat Ji Lei, but also kills Ji Lei!

On Jilei's hand, a golden light spot appears quietly, which entangles Jilei's arm layer by layer.

The halo surrounds Jilei's hand. Facing Ji Yun's fierce attack, Jilei's chest suddenly rolls up.

"Die for me!"

Ji Yun's eyes have become red and full of blood. The blood King knife has cut through the air, rolling up gusts of strong wind, carrying a strong smell of blood!

Blade across Jilei's neck, a burst of blood rushed to Jilei, until Jilei's heart!

Ji Lei's palm turns, and the dragon pattern halberd appears in Ji Lei's hand immediately. Ji Lei meets Ji Yun and doesn't flinch at all.

"Ji Lei wants to fight Ji Yun hard?" Ji Zhen can't help but knead a sweat for Ji Lei. It is obviously not a wise move to confront Ji Yun, who now has five levels of strength comparable to quench body state.

"Let's have a look first. If it's really dangerous, I'll do it." Ji Yang comforted by the side.

"Gilley!" Ji Yun jumped up high and the blade danced until Ji Lei came!

"Blood bath knife method!"

"Greedy wolf halberd!"

The Dragon grain halberd and the blood king sword collide together, and a fierce flame suddenly blows out. Around Ji Lei and Ji Yun, the air explodes in an instant, which collapses the entire performance platform by several inches!


The huge air waves rolled and cracked, two different colors of aura, collided with each other, started a huge explosion, issued a deafening sound!

The martial arts stage was suddenly swept by thick smoke. The smoke was diffuse and hard to disperse!

After a long time, the smoke slowly dispersed. Under the gaze of a pair of eyes, Ji Lei's figure stood upright and motionless. Ji Lei's Halberd tip pierced Ji Yun's heart and penetrated his body.

Ji Yun's knife fell to the ground. The fierce blood on the blade became pale.

Looking at the figure of Ji Lei, the whole Ji family, the atmosphere is as silent as death. At this time, the air seems to stagnate. , the fastest update of the webnovel!