The whole Ji family, a dead silence.

All the people opened their eyes and looked at standing on the high platform, even some thin figure, now it seems, but it is incomparably resolute.

Now Ji Lei, enough to let the whole Ji family disciples look up to the point!

Ji Qingtian watched Ji Lei's Halberd tip pierce Ji Yun's shoulder socket. He felt a blank in his mind. He couldn't accept it anyway. Now he has stepped on the most dazzling position of Ji's family! No, this position belongs to Jilei, but now Jilei is back!

Ji Qingtian's pupils turn red in an instant. At the moment, there is a burning pain on his face, which is severely fanned by a big ear scraper. Looking at Ji Yun who has been in a coma, Ji Qingtian suddenly reacts!

"Gilley!" Ji Qingtian's figure flashed, and in a flash he came to the stage. His eyes were covered with bloodstains and his face was full of killing intent: "it's a big family crime to hurt people openly on the stage! You Ji Lei is so bold that you seriously hurt the elder's son! Even if you are the son of the master of the Ji family, you can't escape the blame! "

Ji Qingtian and Ji Yun are all relaxed by the illusion of Ji Lei's sinking. They are even so relaxed that they ignore the fate of Ji Cang and Ji Shan. Ji Shan and Ji Cang are lessons from the past, but they are unaware of it!

Reggie cheated the whole family! However, at this time Ji Qingtian even found it is too late! The overall situation has been decided, Ji Qingtian now only can do, also has to force Ji Lei into the eternal hell! Even if completely angry Ji Zhen also at all costs, because only in this way, Ji Qing genius has a chance to make a comeback!

"I will put you to death today

Ji Qingtian says that, and he will rush to Ji Lei. But just as Ji Qingtian takes a step, a sharp vigorous wind suddenly blows in front of him. The strength of the vigorous wind makes Ji Qingtian dare not to be contaminated, so he has to retreat again and again!

"Ji Qingtian, do you really think I'm dead?" In front of Ji Qingtian, Ji Zhen's figure slowly steps out, with a look of indifference, but there is a burning anger that is hard to extinguish!

"Ah Ji Qingtian is about to bite his teeth. He thought he could execute Ji Lei when Ji Zhen couldn't react. Even if he didn't die, he would have to scrap all his accomplishments. However, Ji Zhen's reaction was so fast.

At the same time, Ji Qingtian's back, suddenly emerged a dark shadow, is facing Ji Qingtian tiger covetously.

Ji Yang, is also Ji Qingtian absolutely can not afford to exist.

The situation froze in an instant, and the atmosphere was so oppressive that it was hard to breathe. At this moment, Ji Lei suddenly coughed slightly, pointed to Ji Yun lying on the ground and said, "if you don't care about him again, he will really die."

Ji Qingtian sees this, just like waking up from a dream. He picks up Ji Yun, which has been soft and collapsed. He stares at Ji Lei with hatred, and then goes to the Dan Hall of Ji's family.

Ji Lei looks at Ji Qingtian Hui's back, takes a deep breath, and steps out slowly. He goes to the front of the martial arts stage, overlooking the Ji family's disciples and elders.

"What you have done before, I can regard as not seeing, but next time, Ji Yun's end is your end!" Ji Lei suddenly said in a loud voice. The voice shocked everyone's eardrums, so that the elder who had previously been in the Presbyterian and Ji Qingtian had been in trouble with Ji Zhen. Suddenly, he was sweating. Everyone's face was full of fear. He was afraid that Ji Lei would become the next target of killing chickens and warning monkeys.

"As long as my father Ji Lei does not die, my father, Ji Zhen, will always be the head of the Ji family. From now on, the Presbyterian will be subordinate to the master of the family. Everything must be obeyed by the master and not disobeyed! Those who disobey will be killed without mercy! Do you have any objection to this? " Ji Lei's voice is icy cold, such a arrogant to presumptuous words, Ji Lei now wants to say, because Ji Lei has the right to say this!

"No objection! Yes As soon as Ji Lei's voice fell, all the elders knelt down one after another, showing obedience with actions. Ji Wei looked at the dazzling Ji Lei on the stage, sighed in silence, and then knelt down in silence.

The great elder has fallen down. What can he do to compete with Ji Zhen and Ji Lei?

Ji family, Dan Tang.

Danxiang lingering in the chamber of secrets, Ji Yun reluctantly opened his eyes, looking in front of him is looking nervously at his Ji Qingtian, dejected and sighed.

"I lost?"

Ji Qingtian's eyes became dim, but still nodded, "you lost, we lost. Ji Zhen, Ji Lei and his son, have already settled their position...

"lost..." Ji Yun's eyes, gushed a little unwilling, then gradually became fierce, suddenly said to Ji Qingtian: "no! We haven't lost yet! "

Ji Qingtian hears the speech and laughs bitterly: "cloud son, don't deceive yourself, you've been hurt like this..." and then sighed, waved his hand, powerless way: "tomorrow for the father will take you out of Ji's house, here has been unable to stay, Ji Zhen father and son will not let us go."

"Father Ji Yun suddenly held Ji Qingtian's hand, "are you willing to be trampled on by Ji Zhen's father and son?! How long did it take for us to wait for Jilei to become a waste? How could we give up when we finally got to this point"But now there's no hope of turning the tables," Ji said with a sigh, and then with a self mocking smile, "what's the use if you don't want to?"

"There is hope!" Ji Yun said decisively: "there is still a glimmer of hope!"

Looking at Ji Yun's firm face, I don't know why, Ji Qingtian's heart suddenly raised a glimmer of hope, and asked: "cloud son, but what good plan?"

Ji Yun sneered and said, "in five days' time, Cang yunzong will come to Qingyun city to select his disciples. My child knows many young masters in Qingyun city... Maybe they can help us in the selection."

Ji Qingtian smell speech, feel there is a play, busy said: "quickly and father to talk about in detail."

"The four big families in Qingyun city and the eldest young masters of the other three families are my good friends. They will definitely participate in this selection. I have already known in advance that the final round of the selection is chaotic martial arts, which is to let the last four players compete on a stage and select a disciple. In this last game, I will ask them to take a little more seriously A little bit... "

Ji Qingtian's heart suddenly filled with joy. Ji Yun's words made him hope to rekindle. But then, he was a little embarrassed and said," Yuner, it's not that my father doesn't believe you, but Ji Lei is so strong. Maybe those three people together are all Ji Lei's opponents. "

Ji Yun shook his head and said to Ji Qingtian, "my father still underestimated my three friends..."

"they are all the most terrifying talents in Qingyun city..."

Ji Yun gave a dark smile and his eyes were full of hate: "Ji Lei... You made me make a fool of myself in public... I'm sorry. After five days, it will be Your death time, provokes me... You must pay the price! "

Ji Yun's eyes, in a flash, become a murderous opportunity awe inspiring! , the fastest update of the webnovel!