In a day, Ji Lei helped Ji Zhen to secure the position of the owner, Those elders who had been rebellious before Ji Zhen and Ji Lei were all silent. Because Ji Qingtian, their biggest reliance before, had quietly left Ji's house. Without Ji Qingtian, these elders couldn't make any big waves. As for Ji Wei, Ji Lei thinks from the bottom of his heart that he is just a straw bag, without Ji Qingtian, he is nothing As expected, the incompetence of Ji Shan and Ji Cang is inherited from their father.

Ji Lei doesn't care where Ji Qingtian and Ji Yun have gone. For one thing, Ji Lei has no intention to pursue the two father and son. Even if Ji Qingtian and Ji Yun escape from Shengtian, they are no longer afraid. Besides, there will be cangyun Zong's screening in Qingyun city. Ji Lei will certainly participate in it, so he also wants to take advantage of this time to practice more.

In just one day, the earth shaking changes of Ji's family have spread all over Qingyun city. This explosive news shocked the whole Qingyun city. Everyone knows that the light of Ji family has come back.

"So that's why you asked us?" In a luxurious restaurant, there are four figures around a square table. On the table, there are a lot of mellow tea, which is very valuable.

The people who tasted these teas were all dressed up as aristocratic families. A boy with a purple robe and a jade crown picked up his tea cup and sipped it. His eyes flashed with some unidentified luster. He looked at the person opposite and said, "Ji Yun, are you really confused or fake confused? You've lost to Jilei. Do you think you're the most powerful Ji family? "

Sitting in the opposite of that person, it was Ji Yun who had left Ji's house! The whole Ji family can not find him, but did not expect him to appear here.

Ji Yun, with a gloomy face, said to the boy in Purple: "Shen Tu Ke, what do you mean by that?"

Shen Tu Ke laughed, and then said sarcastically in his tone: "I'll tell you the truth. Once upon a time, you were the sixth grade martial spirit of Huang Jie in Ji's family. In the whole Qingyun City, there are no more than five people who can have such a level of martial spirit. Ji Lei's strength now, among the younger generation of Qingyun City, is also able to row on the number.

But Jilei hasn't been happy for a long time. Another problem that bothers Jilei follows. Maybe it's because he has taken too many quench pills. Now, Jilei's body seems to have developed a resistance to the quench body pill, or maybe the aura of the quench pill can't satisfy the growth of Ji Lei and matchless martial spirit. In short, the effect of quenching body Pill on Ji Lei is now, It's getting weaker and weaker. Unless you use a higher-level Lingyuan pill, Ji Lei's training speed will lag behind.

But Lingyuan pill is not a stone that can be seen everywhere. Where can we get it so well? So if Jilei wants to improve again, she has to find another way.

"Ji family's aura is a little poor," Ji Lei said to himself, "now there is no Lingyuan pill. If you want to improve your strength, you have to find a place, preferably a place with abundant aura, so that you can get twice the result with half the effort."

In Jilei's mind, a place suddenly appears, which meets all the requirements of Jilei for cultivation.

The zangyun mountain range is the largest and most dangerous place in Qingyun City, where the aura is the most abundant in Qingyun city. However, there are many dangers in the mountain range, so few people go there. But for Gilley, no danger is enough to stop him from becoming stronger. If there is, he will smash all these roadblocks!

When I told my disciples that they were going to stop Lei Jiyun mountain in the city, I didn't want to tell them that they were going to stay in the city. However, they didn't want to stop them from going to the city.

"For men, it's better to go out than stay at home." Ji Zhen is so worried about Ji Yang's explanation.

After a simple cleaning up, Jilei immediately set foot on the road to the Tibetan cloud mountains. However, he never thought that he would meet any unexpected people in the zangyun mountains...

in this way, he would not know what kind of unexpected people he would meet in the mountains , the fastest update of the webnovel!