"What about that?" Yuwen Mingzuo is about to be maddened by Jilei. At such a critical time, Jilei unexpectedly drops the chain?! You should know that if you sneak into Gongsun's family, if you miss a breath, you may miss a great opportunity! And such a good opportunity Yuwen Mingzuo is not sure whether it will be


Ji Lei stands in the same place, also very anxious. When they are hesitant, Gongsun's family has already changed a group of patrol soldiers, passing through the east gate. If Yuwen Mingzuo doesn't come down again, he will be found.

"Alas." Yuwen Mingzuo sighed dejectedly, then jumped down reluctantly and walked to Jilei. He looked at him helplessly.

"My thunder is too loud. If I use it, it will certainly attract the attention of Gongsun family." Ji Lei said.

Yuwen Mingzuo Tut, but there is no blame Ji Lei, who calls this a question of martial arts? But in this way, the plan to sneak into Gongsun's family at night will certainly be in vain.

"I'm going to get rid of it. You patrol first." In the gate, a voice suddenly rings out. Ji Lei and Yu Wen Mingzuo hear it. They close their mouths and hide in the dark.

Then, suddenly, an inspector came out of the Gongsun family, went outside the Gongsun family, found a field, and whistled.

Ji Lei suddenly has a plan in mind. He gently elbows Yu Wen Mingzuo and says in a low voice, "see you?"

Yu Wen Mingzuo immediately understood and nodded.

The soldier was enjoying the comfortable feeling when he opened the valve and let out the water. Suddenly, he was covered by a hand. Before he heard the sound, he felt a cold feeling on his neck. The sharp edge of Jinggang dagger stabbed into his blood vessel and cut off his life.

"Change it quickly." Yuwen Mingzuo stripped the inspector of his clothes. His figure was not much different from that of Jilei. In addition, in the dark, as long as Ji Lei lowered his head, others would not realize that. In fact, under this suit of clothes, he had already changed people.

Since there is no other way, we can only let Ji Lei disguise and then mix into the patrol team. Although it is a bit dangerous, Yuwen Mingzuo knows that this kind of patrol team is all sleepy at night. Even if it is walking and patrolling, it is only a form. It is not very likely that Jilei can be found.

So, Jilei obeyed Yuwen Mingzuo's words, put the suit on his body, and then picked up the weapon of the dead patrol soldier and walked into the east gate.

Yu Wen Ming Zuo saw this, and then stepped on a tiptoe, flying on the high wall.

After Ji Lei enters Gongsun's family, he is cut off from Yuwen Mingzuo. He doesn't dare to rush into Gongsun's house directly. Now that he is a patrol soldier, he has to mix with the patrol soldiers first.

Ji Lei finds the patrol soldiers with few people. To his surprise, there are only three patrolmen in each team. Unexpectedly, the Gongsun family will be so stingy when setting up the military defense. "It seems that the Gongsun's family had expected that no one would come to visit..." Ji Lei sneered in his heart. The Gongsun family was just perfunctory and sent a few miscellaneous soldiers to form a team. Even if the patrol team is a patrol team, it seems that they have confidence in the dignity of their own family in the misty city.

However, such confidence can not stop such intruders as Jilei from showing their skills here.

Jilei followed the group of people all the way. He who was at the back could stab them in the heart with one halberd. However, Jilei did not intend to do so for the time being.

The two people in front of them are chatting with each other while walking, while Jilei is silent all the time. They are a little strange. It doesn't seem to be his usual style!

So he turned his head, but it was Ji Lei's sharp halberd awn that met them!

There is a piercing sound, and Ji Lei's Halberd stabs them in the chest. Then, Jilei looks at the two people who have been cut off by one move, and then drags them into the darkness and leans against a corner which will not be found.

After all this, Ji Lei leaves in a hurry, but he is light handed. He wanted to find Yuwen Mingzuo, but he found that no matter where he went, he couldn't find Yuwen Mingzuo.

"Where's this guy... Gone?" Jilei murmured in a low voice. Then she looked up and found that there was a light in the courtyard not far away, which was slowly emitting light.

"Who else is up so late?" Ji Lei has doubts in his heart, so he sneaks in quietly.

"Big brother." A young man in black pushed through the door and came to the young man under the light.

Seeing the young man in black, the young man pulled a chair and let him sit down. "Shifang, I know that you have been working at the gate of the city recently, so I want to ask you some questions for coming so late."

Hearing the speech, the young man in Black said, "whatever elder brother wants to ask, just ask."

The youth of green armour nodded and then said, "did you ever see two foreigners when you were guarding the city gate? They both look extraordinary. "

Hearing this, the young man in black frowned a little. After a day of guarding the door, he could read more than a thousand people. How could he pay attention to the extraordinary appearance and plain appearance of so many people coming in and out?So the young man in Black said, "well, I've seen so many people that it's impossible for everyone to remember. What's more, with so many people I've seen this day, how can I have any impression on anyone..."

the young man in Black said, "don't you have any impression? Those two people went together, Unlike the appearance of ordinary people, they have extraordinary strength, which should be easy to distinguish This question made the black robed youth suddenly think of something. He said to the youth of Qingjia: "I remember. When I was guarding the gate today, there were two people walking together. One of them was a third grade Dan master, and the other was his younger brother. But I guess it should be from what


"San pin Dan Shi?" Hearing the speech, Qingjia youth immediately raised the spirit, "what happened later?"

"When they entered the city, I wanted to send someone to follow them, but later, I didn't know where they went..."

"they went to Xiao's house." The youth of green armour says slowly.

"Xiao family? What do they do at Xiao's house? "

"I don't know," said the youth, shaking his head. "However, I guess these two people should be the people who injured du'e."

"What shall we do? Do you want to search the whole city? " The black robed youth asked in a hurry. It was not a happy thing for the Gongsun family to be beaten like that for the third child in his family. Such a serious impact on the reputation of the Gongsun family should not be tolerated. "Now the whole city search is tantamount to telling others that we have suffered losses, but... I think, since these two people have targeted the Gongsun family, then... Do they have any intention against the Gongsun family? Or... We can wait for them to come from the touluo net...

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