Jilei walked slowly towards the light source, and approached the window slowly. However, he saw two figures talking inside. The conversation between them was clearly heard by Jilei. However, Jilei found a more important message. Isn't the green armor man the illusion he saw outside the city of danwu? The man in black was the gatekeeper who met at the gate of misty city. It turned out that both of them belonged to Gongsun family! According to the conversation between them, the name of the black robed man should be Gongsun Shifang, and the green man... Is the eldest son of Gongsun family, Gongsun Wuchang!

Listening to their conversation, Jilei's heart suddenly surges with a desire, that is to rush in now and chop the two brothers under the halberd! Once this idea germinated, it could no longer be contained. It grew up crazily and quickly occupied Jilei's consciousness.

Ji Lei was about to restrain himself, and his halberd was gradually raised.

But just as Jilei is about to start, a hand suddenly comes out from behind and pulls Jilei into the dark!

"Are you crazy? Do it now, isn't it for death? " Yuwen Mingzuo saw with his own eyes that Ji Lei wanted to do something, so he couldn't help but murmur.

Ji Lei didn't answer, but Yu Wen Mingzuo said that, which immediately calmed down a lot. This is the territory of Gongsun family. Even if Ji Lei was powerful, it was outnumbered. It can be said that the moment just now was the front line of life and death. Fortunately, Yuwen Mingzuo stopped Ji Lei from acting rashly.

"Where have you been?" Ji Lei can't help asking Yu Wen Mingzuo's smell of soil.

"I found a place." Yuwen Mingzuo heard the speech, and immediately came to be interested. He said to Jilei, "I planed that place for a long time, and finally I dug the entrance for me."

Ji Lei can't help frowning when he hears the words: "did you dig the grave?"

"Don't make a fuss. What I'm telling you is serious!" Yuwen Mingzuo waved to Jilei, "come with me."

After that, Yu Wen Mingzuo goes to a direction. Ji Lei sees the situation and follows him.

After walking on tiptoe for a long time, Yuwen Mingzuo suddenly stops and stands in front of Jilei, and then points to the bottom of his feet.

Jilei looked at Yuwen Mingzuo's finger, then frowned: "this is...

" I heard something moving down here earlier, but I couldn't find the entrance, so I just dug one myself. " Yuwen Mingzuo, a smile, a snuff of ashes, all shake down.

"It's a pity you don't go to the tomb." Ji Lei shook her head helplessly, and then followed Yuwen Mingzuo into the hole which was not very big but just could hold a person. It has to be said that Yuwen Mingzuo's ability to dig a hole is really not small. Behind the hole is a passage. Although some people are crowded, they can still walk. Ji Lei follows Yuwen Mingzuo all the way. There is no light in the black ground. However, Ji Lei and Yu Wen Mingzuo dare not light any fire for fear that there will be a little exposure of the Gongsun family.

Fortunately, the road dug by Yuwen Mingzuo is very crowded, and Jilei has no chance to go wrong. They grope for progress along the way. Although the progress is slow, they are always moving.

After walking for about half an hour, Yuwen Mingzuo in front of Jilei doesn't leave. Jilei knows that this is the end of his journey.

"I didn't expect that you could dig such a tunnel in such a short time. You are really good at it." Ji Lei's words praise Yuwen Mingzuo's level from the bottom of his heart. However, after hearing this sentence, Yuwen Mingzuo shook his head blankly and said, "I didn't dig this road...

" what? " Ji Lei is shocked. He thought that the road was dug by Yuwen Mingzuo, but Yuwen Mingzuo said solemnly: "I just dug a hole. Who knows that after digging the exit, there is a tunnel below."

"That..." Ji Lei was shocked and didn't know what to say. Then she pasted her face forward, only to find that it was empty below! The end of the tunnel is like a cliff, and there is a considerable distance below. When Jilei adapts to the darkness here, he will clearly see that under the end of the tunnel, there is a wide circular square with a low base wall around it, and the middle is hollow, just like a Colosseum.

Ji Lei and Yu Wen Mingzuo look at each other. As soon as their steps move, they jump down from the high place. It looks a little high. However, Jilei steps on the base wall and has a buffer point. Then he jumps down to the bottom and completes his action in one go.

"It seems to be a square here?" Yuwen Mingzuo walked slowly to the corner of the base wall and picked up a wooden stick. There were some burnt marks and broken cloth on it. It was obviously used as a torch before.

"The stick is still very strong. It should have been left here not long ago, so in fact, someone came here not long ago?" Yuwen Mingzuo frowned, and then he threw the stick aside at will. "It seems that you can go in there?" Yuwen Mingzuo points to an arc-shaped hole in front of him and says to Ji Lei. When Ji Lei hears the words, he looks in the direction that Yuwen Mingzuo points to. Sure enough, there is an opening there, and there is no door. In this state, Ji Lei and Yu Wen are in a state of wide openingMingzuo will certainly not miss it.

Ji Lei points to the door. Yu Wen Mingzuo understands and immediately goes in with Jilei.

After entering the door hole, Jilei's eyes were instantly bright. The two sides of the door were covered with candles, shining with bright light. To Jilei's surprise, they couldn't even see any light outside the door.

There is only one passageway in the door hole, but the walls on both sides of the passage are full of bloody palm prints and bloodstains.

"This..." the atmosphere suddenly became a little strange. Under the light jumping, the blood marks were suddenly bright and then they could not see clearly. They walked forward, but they did not know why. They always felt that there was a gust of wind blowing behind them... "Jilei... Did you realize that there was something strange here..." the voice of Yuwen Mingzuo suddenly took some shaking, but this one It is also normal. In such an environment, no matter who will feel hairy on the back, the blood stains here feel that the criminals who are about to be executed will seize these walls and want to survive before they are executed. However, the final solution is still to kill people. The bloodstain here is a good proof. In a flash, Yu wenmingzuo's head is full of vitality And then there are the most tragic scenes.

Jiley just frowned, but did not speak. But as he went on, the scene changed again. The walls became iron railings. One was as thick as a man's waist. Some of these railings were rusty. It was obvious that they had existed for a long time.

Jilei suddenly realized that the bloodstains he had seen before, together with the iron railings here, would... No! This is a prison below!

At the thought of this, giraton shuddered. What kind of prisoners were Gongsun's family used to imprison such a strong railing? What kind of prisoner would be treated like this?!

Jilei was thinking like this, and suddenly a heavy roar came from the bottom of the dungeon! "Roar --!"

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