"Are there Huaxing pills in the deserted city?" Ji Xing's eyes are shining with light. Although she can't be sure, since the slovenly man just now is a monster, even if there is no shape elixir in the wasteland, there must be something that can help demons turn into human beings. "Let's go to Zisha first." Jilei said to Ji Xing that huaxingdan should be remembered first. He doesn't have to look for it now. The top priority is to go to the Shacheng, which is the dirty man, before dark. Jilei is fed up with the damned giant bug desert. Especially when the man says that there are insects under the ground, Jilei doesn't want to stay here for a moment.

Jilei followed the direction pointed by the man, and walked to the sand city with light feet and hands. If the step was heavy, a sand bug would appear. Although Jilei was not invincible, it was annoying that there were always bugs coming out.

Jilei walked for a long time, and finally walked out of the giant bug desert, because he looked forward and saw the outline of a city ahead. The sloppy man didn't cheat him. There is a city here.

Seeing this, Jilei hastened to speed up the pace and ran up. When Jilei ran closer and closer, she found that the gate of the city was full of people, and the gate was also tightly closed.

But Jilei can clearly see that there are some people standing on the wall, looking down at those who are blocking the gate. There is some noise outside the city gate, but Jilei can't hear what they are saying.

When Jilei was near the city of Zisha, he found that the group was making a lot of noise, shouting and even cursing to the people on the wall. But the people on the wall turned a deaf ear and did not mean to come down and open the door.

"What's the matter?" Jiley walked up to the crowd and asked, pulling a man.

"Shit! The grandchildren of the Li family have seized the city of fine sand, and they will not open the door! " The man was so angry that he could hardly see the fire in his eyes.

"The Li family?" Ji Lei seems to have heard of it. It seems that it is also a family in the misty City, but it is not very big. It seems that it was a subordinate family of Gongsun family before...

"are all the Li family members on this?" Jiley asked.

"All of them. Don't you think the three brothers of Li family are the family of misty city? We are going to drive out all the families from outside when we enter the city! Say to enter the city to hand in ten second-order demon crystal! Fuck! What kind of boss! I don't know who they used to be

Above the city wall, there are indeed three figures, standing high above, with their faces full of indifference. Looking at the breath, the strength of these three people is indeed much higher than that of the people below the city.

"Don't you change cities?" Gilley continued. "Where are so many cities? In the west, the three cities in the East are the territory of Wen family, and the other cities are still a hundred thousand miles away from here! Now that it's getting dark, it's only the sand city that can hide from the tide of beasts The man said with great anxiety. He also looked at the sky. The sun was gradually sinking, and it was almost evening.

"Is Wen's home in the east?" Ji Lei has a bottom in her mind, but she doesn't know that Xiao Lingxue and she are over there. However, from that person's mouth, Jilei also knew another more important problem.

"Animal tide?" Jilei was stunned: "will there be a wave of animals in the evening?" The man's eyes gushed a little surprised, and then said with some contempt: "are you coming for the first time? In addition to the city, it is a monster! At night, monsters from all directions will pass through these cities, and there will be a giant insect desert near the fine sand city. Those insects are really... Tut tut... "Then

man made a look of disdain. He felt disgusted at the thought of the huge worms hiding in the ground.

"So..." Jilei murmured in his heart. If so, he would really like to go into the sand city to hide. Although the monsters are not necessarily of high rank, they are still dangerous in number.

"I'm going into town." Gilley pushed away the people in front of her, and then came to the closed door.

Seeing the excitement of the crowd, Jilei suddenly came out of those people. Naturally, he attracted all the people's eyes. Looking at the seemingly thin teenager, someone asked, "who are you?"

"I'm going into town."

"Into the city?" The three brothers of Li family standing on the city wall also heard Ji Lei's words, and then they called out to Jilei under the city: "it's OK to enter the city. Ten second-order demon crystals, I'll hang you up with a rope!"

However, Jilei shook her head regretfully: "I don't have so many demon crystals."

Hearing Jilei's words, those people behind him couldn't help laughing: "boy, you can't even find fault! That's a little bit of a loss of momentum, isn't it? " Then, there was a burst of laughter. The three brothers of the Li family on the wall looked at Ji Lei like a fool. Finally, the elder brother of the Li family who was standing in the front of the wall called to Jilei: "no demon crystal, do you say a fart?! Don't you know the rules? You are such a fool, you deserve to die outside when the monster food!

when brother Li's words reach Ji Lei's ear, Ji Lei's eyes are cold. Then, without saying a word, Ji Lei kicks on the gate of the city, and Ji Lei kicks the door open with a bang!For a moment, the city was silent. Those young people who are much bigger and stronger than Jilei are all stupid. They have tried to attack the gate with violence before. However, no matter how many people are on, they can't open the gate, but... But... The skinny man in front of him even kicked the door open with one foot? This makes those strong men feel helpless.

Of course, they don't know. Jilei's meridians are incomparable. Although it seems that Jilei is very small, in fact, Jilei's strength is greater than that of all the people here. Kicking open the gate is naturally the simplest thing.

The atmosphere condensed for a long time. Those who stood outside the door saw that Jilei had walked slowly into the city. They immediately responded and waved to the back: "the city gate is open! Let's go

"Who dare I see?"

The three brothers of the Li family, who were standing on the city wall, were also silly just now. They woke up when they saw those people preparing to enter the city. They jumped down the wall without saying a word. The three brothers' spirits surged up and drove all those who were ready to rush into the City back! "You The players who were about to rush into the city were violently repulsed by the three brothers of the Li family, and they all glared at each other. But in the end, they were helpless. The strength of the three brothers was much higher than them. Especially when the three men joined hands, their combat effectiveness was even more astonishing. They were such a mob that they were not rivals of the three brothers. The three brothers of the Li family, Li Qing, Li Xing and Li Meng, are only members of the Gongsun family, but their strength is beyond doubt. The eldest Li Qingzu has the strength of the ninth peak of the soul refining realm, while Li Xing and Li Meng also have the eight and seven levels of the soul refining environment. They are the strongest players here


Li Qing, with a cold face, walks to Jilei without saying a word. He reaches for Jilei with one hand. His aura suddenly bursts out and smashes at Jilei. However, to Li Qing's surprise, before he meets Jilei, his palm is firmly taken by Jilei. "You say I won't find fault, do you?" Jilei glanced at those strong men who had mocked him before, and his tone was cold.

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