"Click A clear sound of bone fracture resounded from the sky and vibrated in each ear. When those people saw what happened, Li Qing covered his soft and twisted hand and lay on the ground crying and howling.

Li Xing and Li Meng, the other two brothers of the Li family, saw that their elder brother was defeated by Ji Lei and was beaten to tears. Their faces were covered with humiliating anger. Their auras suddenly poured out from their bodies and approached Ji Lei with bad looks.

"Break your arm, kowtow to my three brothers and apologize! I might have saved your life Li Xing has a ferocious expression.

"I don't think so." Ji Lei gave a faint smile, and then stood there, looking like he was beaten.

"Then don't blame me for my ruthlessness! People's lives here are like grass roots! " In Li Xing's eyes, there was a sudden rush of murderous opportunities. In this desolate city, the dead are normal things. Only the dead can shock the weak who want to attack the city!

If you want to make an example of a chicken, you'll have to be the chicken!

Li Xing and Li Meng immediately launched an attack. They both lunged up and surrounded Jilei's body. All of their aura suddenly rushed to Jilei!

"Star boxing!"

"Raptor's paw!"

There are waves of aura coming from both sides of Jilei's body. Then, Jilei's eyelids tremble slightly, feeling the two auras that are about to rush to his body. Jilei suddenly makes a move that startles everyone!

Ji Lei stretched out his arms and squeezed his hands into fists. He just aimed at Li Xing and Li Meng's hands, but his body did not move.

Ji Lei, it's actually intended to receive two people's attacks at the same time! "This boy is miserable..." all the people around look at Ji Lei with some sympathy. Li Xing and Li Meng are the most top-notch people here. Almost no one can catch their moves. Ji Lei wants to use one force to resist their attack. It's like looking for death.


"At this juncture, I dare to be big!" Li Xing's eyes are filled with cruel pleasure. Since Ji Lei is determined to die, he will make Ji Lei a success!


Li Xing and Li Meng hit each other with a fist and a slap, but the expected scene of Ji Lei being blasted by the two lives did not appear. Just when people were confused, Li Xing and Li Meng howled like a pig!


Li Xing and Li Meng, lying on the ground, bent and shaking, the blood flowers on their hands were particularly conspicuous. "He beat Li Xing and Li Meng!" Someone exclaimed, and then all their eyes looked at Ji Lei. Ji Lei stood in front of Li Xing and Li Meng, and his face was indifferent. On the fist that collided with them, there was not even a trace of injury. In contrast, the two brothers of the Li family had already had blood flowing in their palms, broken bones, and some even pierced their skin It looks like it's infiltrating. Just as everyone is stunned and looking at the miserable appearance of the three brothers of the Li family lying on the ground, Ji Lei suddenly acts, and the dragon pattern halberd is called out. Those people look at the majestic dragon pattern drawing halberd in Ji Lei's hand, and all of them feel a thump in their hearts. What a domineering spirit! Take a look at other people's spirits, and then look at their own... Those strong men who had previously ridiculed Jilei had the impulse to crash and die on the wall.

"Ah -" the three brothers of the Li family lay on the ground, just like three insects. After waiting for Jilei's shadow to cover them, they found that a painting halberd with sharp cold light had pointed to the tip of his nose.

"Big brother! Brother, spare your life! Let me have a way to live, this sand city belongs to you! You will listen to us At this time, Li Qing could not care about his face. He was going to die. What face would he want?

The three brothers of the Li family, struggling to endure the pain, knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Jilei. The head banged, but even though they had already knocked to the ground and broke the blood, they still could not change Jilei's mind.

"You're right. People's lives here are like grass roots." Jileilue with a trace of sarcasm and laughter, spread to the ears of the three brothers, the three people were frozen there at that time, then, Jilei continued: "so, I want to weed."


A cold light passed by, and the heads of the three fell to the ground in unison. Before they even had time to resist, Jilei had cut off their necks. When they died, they still kept their posture of kneeling.

The blood in the three bodies gradually dries up. Ji Lei looks at the three headless corpses lightly. It is not good for him to keep the life of the three brothers of the Li family. There is even a danger of raising tigers. In addition, they are contaminated with Gongsun family. These two points are enough for Ji Lei to kill.

As for the strength of these three people... Jilei doesn't care.

"Three brothers of the Li family... Dead... Dead?" Those people who clubbed at the gate of the city were all stunned, especially those men with strong physique. Their faces were even more like being slapped, burning with pain.They had nothing to do with the three brothers of the Li family, but the thin and weak chicken in their mouth had no use for aura, so they directly cut off the three heads!

This is the strength gap!

In front of this thin youth, strength is superior to all people!

"The three brothers of the Li family are dead... Go to the city!"

All of a sudden, there was a voice in the crowd. When they heard it, they woke up and rushed into the city gate!

"Greedy wolf halberd!"

Just when those people were about to enter the city, they suddenly fell into the front of the crowd. In front of the gate of the city, a deep pit suddenly sunken out, which scared those who wanted to enter the city to hurry back!

"Who told you that you can go to the city after the death of the three brothers of the Li family?" Jilei walked up to the city wall and looked down upon all living beings in the city. After hearing Ji Lei's words, those people's faces all showed a look of resentment. They all glared at Jilei, but they dare not speak out. After all, Jilei is the one who can pick out the three brothers of the Li family! Their strength has long been so strong that they don't know where to go. If they want to be the overlord, they have no way.

"Twenty second-order goblin crystals per person." Jilei stretched out two fingers and said to the people below, "if you did, I'll let you in. If you don't, you'll stay outside and live and die."

"Twenty demon crystals?" Those people all stare big eyes, originally Jilei than the three brothers of the Li family are ruthless which? People only need ten for one person, and Jilei wants 20 for one person?! Is the lion's mouth too wide?

Ji Xing comes out of Jilei's arms and looks at him anxiously: "will they not? I'm afraid it will be very difficult for you to resist the tide alone? "

But Ji Lei is a self-confident look, calmly said to Ji Xing: "don't worry, they will hand in, just before reluctant to hand in." Sure enough, as Ji Lei said, when they saw that Ji Lei had a firm attitude and had no hope of attacking the city, and the sky was getting dark, they all bit their teeth and threw the Najie in their hands to Jilei. Jilei took them one by one, and after counting the number inside, they put these people into

the city. "Sometimes violence is better than reason." Jilei's income is full of pots and bowls, and the corners of her mouth can't help raising a trace of satisfaction.

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