"You can't get into my no man's land!" The leaves on XianMei's body trembled and seemed to be extremely angry. However, Luo Wuji gently took out a scroll and said to him leisurely: "although the Tang family's Guisun can't be human, they have to

say that their split hollow axis is really good."

"Cracked shaft? What is it "But just a few people broke into my no man's land, then I don't mind burying a few more bones here!" he said

Enchantment roared, and then ran madly toward Luo Wuji!

"Why does Luo Wuji want to save me... Why does he know I'm here..." Jilei helps Xiao Lingxue explore the injury with concern, and doubts in her heart. However, there, Luo Wuji has been competing with Yumei. The numerous flying needles of luomei directly rush to luowuji, but Luo Wuji is not in a hurry. A flying sword is waved in the wind, and the flying needles close to his body are shot down one by one. In this short period of time, these flying needles are not close to Luo

at all!

The evil spirit snorted coldly, and then the sword in his hand pointed to the sky, and the sword immediately released a bright light. Then, the devils moved slowly again under the command of the evil spirit!

"Kill him too!" The evil spirit roared, and the monsters immediately raised their huge claws and patted them to Luo Wuji!

Luo Wuji's pupils narrowed slightly, and then he drank fiercely: "Lao Ba!" In an instant, a figure immediately rushed to Luo Wuji's side. Two stout arms resisted the monster's paw. Jilei saw that a huge bear suddenly appeared at the moment, which helped Luo Wuji resist the monster's paw. Its strength was not weaker than that of the monster!

"Asshole!" The evil spirit saw the situation and could not help his anger. However, Luo Wuji didn't waste any time when he saw that the attack of the monsters was blocked. He directly raised his sword and rushed to the demon!

"You think I'll be afraid of you!" When she saw Luo Wuji, she dared to rush forward, as if she had been insulted. In a moment, she was infuriated. The bone sword in her hand was raised and she clapped it in front of Luo Wuji!


When the two swords fight, it is difficult to distinguish between the two swords. However, it is a monster after all. In this no man's land, she has the absolute dominant power!

"You go down for me!" With a sudden force from his arm, Luo Wuji's figure was suppressed by him. Then, she suddenly drank: "set!"

Originally thought that Luo Wuji's figure would be fixed, but she was frightened to find that in a short time, Luo Wuji's figure had already jumped up again!

"No way! How can you be out of my control! " Enchantment can't believe that Luo Wuji can still act after he orders!

"Well, don't you control here only by virtue of your Divine sense? Will I be afraid of you

When Jimei says this, a beautiful hum suddenly rings behind Ji Lei. Ji Lei turns his head and finds a black hole slowly split behind him. In the black hole, two figures walk out side by side.

"Little witch?" Ji Lei is surprised to see Duan bailing. Next, he sees a slender figure standing beside Duan bailing. His face is beautiful and he is dignified. He doesn't look like a mediocre.

"You can be fooled by such tricks. Your IQ is really moving." When Duan bailing sees Ji Lei, she throws a shudder at Jilei's forehead. Then she raises her hand and a piece of irregular crystal rolls into Jilei's hand.

"Refining the demon crystal, your internal injury can be better." Duan bailing returns the demon crystal of clouded leopard given by Ji Lei to Ji Lei. Although she is reluctant, Ji Lei does not allow Duan bailing to heal others with blood, so Duan bailing only thinks of this method for the moment.

At this time, Ji Lei takes over the demon Jing without affectation, and then looks at the blue figure beside Duan Bai Ling and asks, "this is..."

seeing Ji Lei ask questions, the man shows a kind smile to Ji Lei and says to Ji Lei, "in Changqing, the lower Wei, he is Bai Ling's senior brother."

"Are you the elder martial brother of the little witch?" Ji Lei is stunned. Unexpectedly, Duan bailing's senior brother is really Wei Changqing?

"Hum, this ugly thing dares to cheat in the appearance of my nine disciples of Yuxuan palace. I really want to teach this bastard a lesson!" Duan bailing said that she would go forward to participate in the battle, but was held by Wei Changqing. "Hello, Hello! Let me go! I'm going to fight! " Duan bailing is led away by Wei Changqing. At present, she is not satisfied. However, Wei Changqing does not pay attention to Duan bailing. Her warm eyes turn to Ji Lei. Then she nods to Ji Lei and asks, "brother Ji Lei, please take care of Bai Ling. Changqing will come soon."

On hearing this, Ji Lei nods. Wei Changqing looks up at the fierce battle between Luo Wuji and Wei Changqing. With a hook on his lips, he immediately pulls out his sword from his waist. His sleeve and robe are windless. Even if he steps forward with one foot, his whole body rises into the air and joins the fight in a moment! "What skill is this?" Ji Lei looks at Wei Changqing who joined the battle field in surprise. He turns to Duan bailing. Duan bailing is left in the same place by Wei Changqing. He is very angry. Seeing Ji Lei's question, he replies angrily: "my elder martial brother is the realm of King Wu, and the spirit of Wu is called the wind sword. I want to go up, NoIt's just a matter of thinking about it! " "Wu... King Wu?" When Ji Lei hears this, she can't help but widen her eyes. Seeing Ji Lei's stunned appearance, Duan bailing can't help but feel a little funny. Then she lowers her head, lowers her voice and whispers to Ji Lei: "you don't see my elder martial brother looks very young, but actually he's 28 years old...

" I heard that. "

When Duan bailing whispers these words to Ji Lei, Wei Changqing's gentle voice suddenly reaches Duan bailing and Ji Lei's ears, which makes Duan bailing shiver and shut her mouth.

"What's the matter with you?" Ji Lei is surprised to see Duan bailing's frightened appearance.

"Elder martial brother hates people to say his age." Duan bailing explained for Jilei: "he thinks it is the greatest shame in his life to become King Wu at the age of 28."


"Because it's too late." "What?" After hearing Duan bailing's words, Ji Lei almost bit her tongue. Is it too late to become King Wu at the age of 28? Which of the Wu kings in the eastern mainland didn't step into this realm after 80 or 90 years of life? It's still very impressive. It's too late for Wei Changqing to become king of Wu at his age?!

"It's a little late, but I can't blame him. After all, there was a time when the elder martial brother was busy falling in love and abandoned his practice. Otherwise, he would be king of Wu at least three years ahead of schedule." Duan Bai Ling said with a serious look.

Jilei is speechless. Is this still human thinking?! The 28 year old king of Wu, if you put it on Ji Lei, Ji Lei can steal it all his life. You're kidding. This is twenty-eight year old King Wu! Anywhere in the eastern continent can be regarded as the existence of top talent!

Ji Lei is bombarded by Duan bailing's words, and even feels that his hurt is not so painful, because his heart is hurt more. "But... How did you find me?" After Ji Lei comes back to her senses, she still asks Duan bailing.

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