"How did I find you?" When Duan bailing heard the speech, she shook her head. "I don't know. Since I found my senior brother, I've been following him. But today, he suddenly took out a scroll. As soon as we opened it, we came here, and then we saw your scarred appearance."

"And that kind of thing?" Ji Lei was more surprised and asked, "did your elder martial brother say where he got this scroll?"

"Yes, it seems that it was given to him by a man in a black cloak. He said that he must pull it back, and the elder martial brother did it, so..." Duan bailing's words made Ji Lei stunned. Then, Jilei suddenly thought of a man. It seems that Ji Lei has seen a man in a black cloak sitting quietly in the frost mansion when Luo Wuji and all of them are angry with him. However, this man has never made a sound, and Ji Lei has not paid too much attention to him. However, when mentioned by Duan Bai, Ji Lei seems to have really remembered him There is such a person.

And when he thinks that Duan bailing and Luo Wuji both have split hollow shafts, Jilei is more convinced that the man with the black cloak is definitely the one in the frost mansion!

"That is to say, the people of frost House asked you to come?" Ji Lei can't help saying this, but Duan Bai Ling is a little puzzled when she hears the speech. She doesn't understand: "what's the matter with frost house?" Ji Lei glances at Duan bailing and chooses not to answer Duan bailing. The little witch's IQ is touching. She is full of ideas to kill Jilei. However, when she meets something serious, her IQ goes out. If Ji Lei explains to Duan bailing, it is estimated that Duan bailing will have to take a long time to turn the corner.

, forget it, let the little witch be covered.

"Luo Wuji and Wei Changqing's split axis should all come from the frost house..." Jilei murmured, and then immediately thought of a person, that is, the frost queen.

Naturally, such things as the split hollow shaft are precious, so only the frost queen is qualified to hold such things, and Luo Wuji's rescue must have been approved by the ice queen, or... It is the frost queen who asked them to come! "How did she know I was in danger?" Ji Lei has doubts in his mind. According to reason, if a person wants to know whether another person is safe, there must be some interaction between them... Such as aura induction, or blood induction... Ji Lei takes Duan Bai Ling's blood, and there will be some reactions between him and Duan bailing. Duan bailing should also know these things, so he intentionally uses his divine sense to give this kind of induction to After all, the relationship with Jilei is not as close as that. Another kind of aura induction is that one person has delivered aura to another, and the other

will have the aura telepathy of the transporter in the body of the other person. However, the Reiki induction is the same as the blood liquid induction, and can be blocked at any time. Moreover, aura induction is extremely ethereal. Only when a large amount of aura has been transported, can there be such a trace... It depends on the probability. However, when Jilei comes to think about it, she doesn't know who she has delivered aura for. Jilei looks at Xiao Lingxue who is sleeping in her arms, and immediately denies it. Although Xiao Lingxue is very close to Jilei, Jilei seems to have never delivered aura to Xiao Lingxue.

who would have nothing to do with it? Even if they were unmarried couples, Jilei and Xiao Lingxue did not deliberately do such things.

"Who else could be the rest?" Ji Lei looks at Wei Changqing and Luo Wuji who are fighting fiercely in the sky...

"Luo Wuji... Luo Wuji..." Jilei repeatedly recites Luo Wuji's name. He always feels that something in Luo Wuji's name has been ignored by him.

"Luo Wuji, first name Wuji, surname... Luo!" Jilei is startled. This idea suddenly burst out. When it appears in his mind, Jilei is really shocked because he knows another person who has the same surname as Luo Wuji!

Luo qianrou!

Jilei remembers that he has indeed delivered a lot of aura to Luo qianrou, and for several days and nights in succession! In order to suppress the cold in Luo qianrou's body!

And the frost queen, also has the extremely serious cold!

How could this happen?

It would never have happened!

"Can't you say..." in Jilei's eyes, there was a flash of light, and immediately the whole person was frozen there. An idea that made Jilei frighten slowly appeared.

"Can we say... The queen of frost... Is qianrou..." in Jilei's mind, all kinds of details of contact with the ice queen suddenly fly up! At that time, jiley was quite strange. Why did the ice queen always look at her eyes...

always affectionate!

It turns out that she is Luo qianrou! Jilei suddenly began to regret. Why didn't he recognize Luo qianrou! It must be when conveying aura, the aura induction has already been generated in Luo qianrou's body. When Ji Lei is in danger, Luo qianrou will feel it! That's why she came to rescue Luo Wuji and Wei Changqing!

"BoomJilei's pupils are full of shock, but when Jilei is shocked by the result, a huge sound suddenly comes from the air!

His body was pierced by two swords, and then a soul like thing suddenly floated out of his body.

"Su!" The spirit of enchantment is about to escape, but the matchless spirit in Ji Lei's body is excited at the moment. It turns into a little dragon and rushes up to the spirit of enchantment, and then swallows the soul of enchantment which has no ability to resist!

"Boom... Boom!"

When the spirit of evil spirits was engulfed by the unparalleled spirit, the bodies of the monsters began to fragment layer by layer. The bone sword was broken into pieces, and the monster's body burst into ashes in an instant. After the soul of Wushuang devours the spirit of enchantment, it goes into Ji Lei's body. Luo Wuji and Wei Changqing are shocked by the scene and fall on the ground one after another. Their eyes are full of surprise. Then Luo Wuji asks, "how did you do it?" Naturally, he asked about the matter that the incomparable martial spirit devoured the soul of the demon.

"Instinct." Ji Lei looks dull and replies two words.

"Instinct?" Luo Wuji obviously didn't understand Jilei's answer, but Jilei looked up at Luo Wuji's cheek and asked, "your name is Luo Wuji?"

"Yes." Luo Wuji nodded: "did you already know when you were in frost house?" "Yes... I know... But I didn't expect..." Jilei's face was a little pale. Then he looked at Luo Wuji and asked slowly, "are you Luo Wuji and Luo qianrou Luo the same Luo?"

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