"Boom Li Wudao's not majestic body was severely thrown to the ground by Ji Lei. The sound of bone fracture sounded. Li Wudao's waist was almost broken by Jilei!

Ji Lei's eyes are cold. The cold light in his eyes can almost freeze people up.

"Wheeze... Wheeze... Cough!" Li Wudao coughs up a mouthful of blood, spits on the ground, mixed with some bone fragments. Ji Lei turns a deaf ear, looks at Li Wudao's body crawling on the ground, then squats down and directly breaks Li Wudao's finger!

"Ah Li Wudao screamed. The finger with the ring had already been detached from his body. The bloody finger was pinched by Jilei in his hand, and then slowly unloaded the finger.

"Well, there are many good things." With Ji Lei's divine sense, it's easy to break the prohibition set by Li Wudao. As soon as Najie is opened, Jilei quickly rummages inside, which means that he has found a lot of good things.

It's not only the sea blue stone, but also the mysterious martial arts skills. Ji Lei roughly estimates that if all these things have a value, Li Wudao's one Na Jie is worth the wealth of the whole Ji family.

Naturally, Ji Lei is extremely satisfied with this harvest. He throws Na Jie back, and ye Qingqing immediately appears and catches him.

"It's good. Thank you first." Ji Lei laughed, then pulled up the Dragon grain halberd which was inserted on the ground, then pointed at Li Wudao's head and said coldly, "next, I'll take your life!"

"Brush!" Ji Lei's Halberd falls, but just as the halberd awn of the dragon pattern halberd is about to stab Li Wudao, Li Wudao suddenly shouts: "Ji Lei!"

Ji Lei's halberd, which was raised high, stopped in his hand. He squinted at Li Wudao, and then said indifferently, "is there any last word to say?"

"The last words are not..." Li Wudao Ninja was in severe pain. He got up half of his body and tried to straighten his body to make himself look less ugly. He said, "but do you know what will happen to Beihan after you kill me..."

"what will happen to Beihan city? What does it matter to me?" Ji Lei replied coldly that he left after he had killed others. It's none of his business to change the whole Beihan. "Oh... What you think is too simple..." Li Wudao's eyes suddenly gushed a touch of ruthlessness. Chao Jilei said, "I killed Xiao Ke, and you killed me again. When the Xiao family tracked me down, I was dead without proof. The murderer can only be young master Tang, who has a strange identity. Do you think Li family only knows your true identity by me? When the Li family announces your identity, the Xiao family will pursue you to the ends of the earth Li Wudao stopped. After seeing Ji Lei's face showing hesitation, he could not help but continue to say: "you may not know that the Xiao family has a family relationship with the famous Luo family in frost island! At that time, not only a Xiao family, but also a Luo family! As long as you are still in frost Island, you will not escape from their hands

Ji Lei's face changed a little. He looked at Li Wudao's face, but his back was slightly crooked. His voice was still cold and indifferent: "have you finished? I'm going to do it. " "Hey, hey, you come to kill." Li Wudao after hearing Ji Lei's words, suddenly bared his teeth, blood soaked to the tip of the teeth, Sen white and blood red look all revealed strange. Ji Lei knows that Li Wudao is just delaying time. However, Li Wudao's words make Ji

Lei completely in the same place.

"I don't care about death at all. Life is short. However, I would like to remind you that when the east window incident happens, don't think that the cold palace can cover you. You don't know how humble the people of the cold palace are in front of me after you left. "

"I'm enjoying the baby! Guess who she is? " Li Wudao's face, suddenly showed a pair of wretched face, looking at Ji Lei's face, Li Wudao's smile is even worse.

Ji Lei didn't guess. Li Wudao said to himself, "let me tell you, it's mengmo, the dream ink that helps you talk! After you left, the cold palace sent her to my house that night! But it's hard for me! A few nights of Spring Festival, she almost didn't die

Li Wudao's words hit Ji Lei's head like a thunderbolt. In Ji Lei's mind, he suddenly remembers the weak exposed figure. It turns out that... "Brute..." Ji Lei's eyes suddenly burst out with bloodstains! Red eyes as if to lose their senses in general! Li Wudao began to laugh, laughing wildly. He just wanted to see Ji Lei's performance, but ye Qingqing suddenly held out his hand and held Jilei's clothes. In an instant, Ji

Lei's eyes regained a trace of clearness.

Jilei's head is blank. When the volcano is about to explode, Jilei suddenly blocks the crater and suppresses his anger.

Perhaps most of his anger is due to his indifference at that time. At the beginning, if Jilei nodded, mengmo might not be able to... In an instant, guilt and anger occupied Jilei's mind.

"Brother jiley." Ye Qingqing's voice comes to Ji Lei's ears. Ji Lei lowers her head and rubs Ye Qingqing's soft, boneless hand. Then, in her eyes, she's killing!"You tell me this..." Ji Lei's face is very gloomy. He holds the Dragon grain halberd in his hand and aims at Li Wudao. In his eyes, suddenly a touch of cold overflows!

"What the hell is that?"

"Bang!" The Dragon grain halberd directly penetrates Li Wudao's arm. Before Li Wudao's reaction, he is directly stabbed on the ground by Ji Lei!

"Ah Li Wudao's painful cry rang through the world, but not far away, suddenly came a commotion.

"Young master! The young master "

is mostly the voice of a killer! Li's killers are back! Jilei can feel the rapid footsteps. It seems that they have heard Li Wudao's cry and rush back.

"You kill! Now you can't go away even if you kill me! " Li Wudao laughs wildly, Ji Lei's fury in the heart, also can't stop to gush out again! "Click Ji Lei directly broke Li Wudao's arm, and then a halberd pierced Li Wudao's chest, the position of the heart. At this time, the killers are approaching. Ji Lei takes a look at Li Wudao, whose eyes are gradually stagnant. Before he has time to check whether he is dead or not, he takes Ye Qingqing, and uses Jinglei and jingyunbu at the same time, and flies away in the distance.

"Young master!" The killers arrive at this time. When they arrive, Jilei has disappeared, while Li Wudao lies unconscious on the ground.

All of a sudden, Li Wudao's finger suddenly moved. Li Wudao, who was stabbed to death by Jilei, woke up at the moment! "Jilei, Jilei, you want to kill me, but you never thought that my heart is growing on the right...

in fact, my heart is growing on the right side of the tree...

in this paper, the author of this paper analyzes the reasons for this phenomenon www.novelhold.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!