"Hoo... Hoo..."

the fierce wind across Ji Lei's face and Ji Lei's expression of wanting to eat people. Ji Lei has never felt so powerless. For a strange woman, or even a woman who meets by chance, Ji Lei has such a big heart of guilt. "Now that Li Wudao is dead, brother Jilei doesn't have to worry about it." Although Ye Qingqing doesn't quite understand what happened, she can also see it. This event must have a great shock to Ji Lei's mind. Ji Lei will never forget the mixture of disappointment and despair in mengmo's eyes when she leaves her room. When she finally asked, she also kept in Jilei's mind for a long time.

At present, it seems to be a great irony to Ji Lei's narrow-minded attitude towards people. Although Ye Qingqing is only 12 years old, she is also brilliant. What's more, she seems to be able to understand what Ji Lei thinks. She always comes forward to comfort Ji Lei at the right time.

Jilei's whole body is entangled with the spirit of madness, and his eyes are cold. The whole person is like a walking corpse, constantly walking to one place.

"Where is brother jiley going?" Ye Qingqing asked.

"The Li family." Ji Lei's simple answer is that he can't help but frighten Ye Qingqing's cold sweat. Looking at the murderous Ji Lei, ye Qingqing quickly pulls Ji Lei and stops him: "brother Jilei can't go! To go is to die! "

"Let go." Ji Lei moves Ye Qingqing's hand away. He seems to have lost his mind. The most ridiculous thing is that he doesn't know why he is like this. Looking at Ji Lei, who can't hear any words, ye Qingqing is more anxious.

"Where are you going?" Just as ye Qingqing tries to stop Ji Lei from walking forward, a voice suddenly rings behind him. Ji Lei turns around, but he sees Hu lie's figure and is coming towards him.

Hu lie goes to Jilei and ye Qingqing. Without saying anything, he pulls them to the direction of Fengxue hall. Regardless of Jilei's struggle, he forcibly takes Jilei back to Fengxue hall!

"Are you stupid? Now the whole Beihan is blocked. Lao Hu, as soon as I think about it, I know it's catching you. Do you still want to rush out? Do you want to die? " As soon as Hu lie entered the door, he locked all the doors of the Fengxue hall and refused to do business. When he closed the door, he glared at Jilei and cursed. "I'm going to kill those bastards of the Li family!" Ji Lei can't hide his anger in his words, but Hu lie directly pours cold water on Ji Lei's head: "do you want to go hard with the Li family because of the strength of your Wuling state? Who do you think you are? Now Li Wudao is looking for you, young master Tang! You have been wanted in beihandu for a long time! The Li family and the Xiao family are going to arrest you! "

"Li Wudao is not dead?" Ji Lei hears the speech, but can't help but be stunned, "how can... I stabbed him in the heart..." "you stabbed the left chest, right?" Hu lie didn't want to look at Ji Lei, so he asked directly. After getting the affirmative nod from Ji Lei, Hu lie then said, "the Li Wu Dao of the Li family is different from ordinary people. All the organs in his body grow in the opposite position with ordinary people! His heart is on the right Hearing Hu lie's words, Ji Lei's eyes suddenly lost. Looking at Ji Lei's stunned face, Hu lie sighed and said, "now Li Wudao is not dead. Naturally, Xiao Ke's death has been planted on you. Now the two families are united unprecedentedly, pointing out that we should not die with you. We should seize you and put you to death!"

Put to death! These four words made Ye Qingqing's body tremble when she was listening to them. She knew what it meant, that is to cut the meat piece by piece from her body... For several days! Can ordinary people bear such pain?

Ji Lei's eyes, gradually confused, raised his head to look at Hu lie, "then i... you should also know..." "already know! You are not a young master of the Tang family at all Hu lie took out some clothes and handed them to Ye Qingqing: "help your brother change his clothes. Even a bird can't get out of Beihan. If I don't open the door for a long time, I'll be suspicious. I know a little about the art of changing faces, and I'll change your faces. Then you'll act as the servants of Fengxue hall. When the wind is over, you can go! "

Hu lie's words make Ji Lei very surprised and confused. Ji Lei blinks his eyes and asks Hu lie in a somewhat puzzled way: "you all know my details. Why do you want to help me?"

"Because it's my job!" Hu lie glared at Jilei, then reached out to Jilei and said, "take out the three things you got, and I'll help you build a forging position." "You... Can you play forging position?" Ji Lei was surprised and suspicious, but he still gave it to Hu lie. Hu lie took over the material from Ji Lei and said with some feelings: "only at this time will the Xingyun Pavilion think of me, the elder who is far away from home... If Hongji had not disclosed her information, I would have

not known your identity..."

"do you know elder Hongji?" Ji Lei is more startled when he hears the speech. He stares at Hu lie and says. Seeing this, Hu lie sighed with emotion and said, "who do you think Hongji said can forge the forging position?""Then... How did you recognize me?" "From the moment I saw your character, I knew that you were definitely not from the Tang family. When you asked me for money, in order to save the little girl, I decided that you must have been sent by Hongji... Only Hongji has the ability to look at people. Your respect for personality is really beyond the comparison of ordinary people."

Jilei doesn't know whether Hu lie is praising him or not, but now there is a good result that Hu lie can create a forging position for Jilei. As long as he gets the forging position, Jilei can quickly improve his strength.

"How long do you need?" Jiley asked. "It's not a short time. It's about seven days. When someone asks, they say I've gone out to collect herbs." After Hu lie ordered to arrange all the affairs, he returned to his room. The faint jingle sounded after about half an hour, and then disappeared immediately.

"Change clothes." Ji Lei takes the clothes from ye Qingqing's hands, then takes out the face leather which Hu lie gave to himself before he leaves and puts them on his face. For a moment, Ji Lei can no longer see the trace of the past. His body and appearance seem to have been changed. So is the change of ye Qingqing. Seven days later, while Jilei is waiting and guarding, she begins to pass slowly www.novelhold.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!