The original tranquility of Beihan capital completely disappeared under the endless anger of Xiao Jue Zhong. When all the warriors of the Xiao family rushed into the Li family courtyard with angry faces, they found that the whole Li family was already in the state of no leader. Li wuheng had already run away without a trace and did not know where he had gone. Without Li wuheng, the strong man of the Li family was just a mob in Xiao Juezhong's eyes! It's no big deal at all. Smoke beacon fire, lit at this moment! The strong man of Xiao's family, holding the cold blade of Minghuang, cut out one blood flower after another! At this moment, all the strong men of the Xiao family have turned into fierce tigers. Anyone who has something to do with the Li family will use all his strength to kill him!

The blood of the Li family suddenly flowed into a river! All over the body, all over the stump! The sound of crying and crying almost resounds through the whole Beihan capital! Without Li wuheng, Li's family is like a group of lambs to be slaughtered, which can only be slaughtered! It seems that the killing of the whole family is not enough! The fire burst into the sky. The huge and gorgeous building burned for three days and nights, and finally it was burned to ashes and debris!

"Brother Jilei, the Li family really doesn't exist in beihandu." Ji Lei looks at the dying fire from a distance, and suddenly the voice of Xiao Jue Zhong rings behind him. Ji Lei turns around with a smile on his face and says to Xiao Jue Zhong, "can we solve the hatred of the Xiao family master?"

Mentioning this, Xiao Jue Zhong's face still waves a trace of shade, biting his teeth and saying: "I hate that I didn't find Li wuheng that old man! If Li wuheng doesn't die for a day, my son can't close his eyes for a day! "

But when Ji Lei hears the speech, he smiles a little, and says to Xiao Jue Zhong, "the master of Xiao's family is wrong." "Wrong? What's wrong? " Hearing Ji Lei's words, Xiao Juezhong doesn't understand his meaning. He asks Ji Lei. Ji Lei sits down and explains to Xiao Jue Zhong: "Li wuheng is just a scabies now. A king of martial arts can no longer pose any threat to the Xiao family. The Xiao family can use a lot of forces to pursue Li wuheng, but Li wuheng can't turn over. Now Li wuheng is just like the fish in the water If you meet an angler, you can only avoid it and run away in a hurry. "

Ji Lei's words made Xiao Jue Zhong's mouth open. He clapped his hands and said to Ji Lei, "Ji Lei's brother is right. I just need to send someone to chase Li wuheng, and Li wuheng must run to the ends of the earth. But as long as he is still in frost Island, I must chase him to death!" "The master of the Xiao family is a man of understanding. He should know that if there is no Li family, there will be another force in the whole Beihan capital. Take the opportunity to come up?" Ji Lei's eyes twinkled slightly. How could it be his goal to wipe out a Li family? Those who should pay the price will never escape the sanctions!

On hearing this, Xiao Jue Zhong's eyes showed a trace of slight solemnity, and then asked Ji Lei tentatively, "what family did Ji Lei's little brother say..."

"I don't want to tell you more about which family it is. The head of the Xiao family must have a good idea." Jiley said with a smile. "There are a few..." Xiao Juezhong's eyes are a little confused, but Ji Lei knows that this is just a cover up by Xiao Jue Zhong. These masters are all old and become elite. If the Li family is destroyed, the situation of the whole Beihan capital will become a dominant family or a two legged one. Xiao Jue Zhong is clear, but in the past, because of the existence of the Li family, the Xiao family will be dwarfs everywhere, Now that the Li family is gone, the Xiao Jue Zhong will not let the previous situation appear again!

North cold capital, he is bound to win all!

"Some people are doing business in the open, but who can know how it develops behind the scenes? It has always been a common occurrence to hide one's talent and keep one's back. " Ji Lei said meaningfully, and in Xiao Jue Zhong's eyes, a trace of warning suddenly surged.

"One word awakens the dreamer. Xiao has been taught." Xiao Jue Zhong arched his hand to Jilei, and then went straight out of the door, leaving Jilei alone.

"Do you want to wake up the dreamer with a word..." in the dark, Ji Lei's lips are full of mocking radians: "the Xiao family master has been dreaming all the time... What he did before must be a long and dangerous nightmare...

" in a word, the next thing will be good for me... "Jilei looks at the sky, with light in the haze Bright, there is blood in the light, and the blood is filled with wisps of smoke like rain, precipitated down, reflecting the killing of the whole Beihan capital.

The night is like ink, and beihandu is no longer forbidden. Jilei walks out of the gate of beihandu and comes to a barren mountain. The corpse at the gate of the city gate has long been gone. It may have been eaten up by the bird's head, or it may be swaying and annihilated in the cold wind. But Jilei doesn't care, because his purpose has been achieved, and Jilei has no apology for her. The road of life is not what you owe her, but what she owes you. It is best to pay off the debt and not to owe each other.

"Are you happy that your purpose has been achieved?" Jilei is looking at the poor flames in the wind of beihandu. Suddenly, a cold voice rings behind him. Jilei turns to look. Li Wuyou's gloomy face is full of sadness."How did you come out? And the family? " Jilei ignored Li Wuyou and asked perfunctorily.

"Where are family members..." Li Wuyou laughed at himself and then sat down beside Jilei. "From the moment my father left, I had no family."

"Li Wujiang is dead?" Ji Lei turns to look at Li Wuyou with a serious look in her eyes for the first time.

"Dead." Li Wuyou nodded, his tone seemed to be saying that it was as common as home. Jilei finally began to seriously observe this man. The third son of the Li family, the eldest Li Wujiang, was a despotic person, worthy of the name of the superior! The third is Li Wudao, the top dandy. He is ruthless and ruthless. He has the means to achieve his goal. He is cruel! Only this second son

, Li Wuyou and Ji Lei really can't see what kind of person he is. "Curious?" Li Wuyou looks at Ji Lei with a bitter smile, and then slowly says, "I may... I should have been born in a civilian family... I don't like fighting and like to be tolerant in everything. That's why my father never intended to train me, but I stayed in the Li family for 22 years."

"You can't see through me." Li Wuyou finally said.

"Why can't I see through you?" Ji Lei heard the words, but with a smile, he said, "of course I know who you are."

"Oh?" Li Wuyou's eyebrows revealed a trace of curiosity, "say to listen?"

"You are a loose man." Ji Lei replies, Li Wuyou hears the words, ponders for a moment, then sighs and says to Ji Lei, "yes, I should be a casual person..."

Li Wuyou stands up and is ready to leave.

"Where are you going?" Ji Lei has his back to Li Wuyou, but he doesn't look back.

"Without the Li family, I can go wherever I want. As long as I don't go back to beihandu, any place will be my happy town."

"You are a cruel man, Jilei. You are very similar to Wu Dao, but you are more than Wu Dao on Dao," Li Wuyou said slowly, then spit out a wisp of loneliness. I don't know why: "at least... In your way, you are the biggest, which means that you still have a way in your heart

"Let's go. Thanks to brother Jilei for sparing my life." Li Wuyou arched his hands across the sky, and then disappeared in the thick night.

Ji Lei continues to look at the beacon fire of Li's family. Li Wuyou must be sad. This fire will become the permanent scar in Li Wu's heart. However, even in the world, the victory is always written by the strong. In any aspect, the winner is the strong one. The world is a scroll, with a knife as the pen and blood as the ink. The law of the jungle is truth. Every strong man is a bloody artist, and war and killing are the most perfect masterpieces in their hearts. , the fastest update of the webnovel!