What is the Machiavellian scheme?

That is, they can employ people, and each superior is accustomed to manipulating it. They can use public opinion to attack a person or even a clan.

Xiao Juezhong, a strong man at the highest level of beihandu, is obviously proficient in these means. "The cold palace has helped the Li family to commit crimes for many years. The Li family has died, and the cold palace cannot exist!" The slogan of the Xiao family is loud and aggressive, and its goal is directly to the cold palace. This move of the Xiao family has really shocked many people, especially those famous families who still have some status in Beihan City

, they sent spies to inquire about the news, and the answer was true, which shocked them. The Xiao family actually planned to do something to the cold palace! "If you can't do well in literature, I'll do it! Why have I ever been afraid of cold Xiao Juezhong's attitude is extremely resolute. Many strong people have the idea of standing in line for a moment. All of us are not idiots. The Xiao family has no reason to declare and discuss the cold palace, but it must be the idea of cold palace. Under such circumstances, war is imminent! These families can't be left out.

Therefore, it is particularly important to stand in line at this time. Whether it is to help the Xiao family to deal with the cold palace or stand on the side of the cold palace to resist the Xiao family is to test the minds and decisions of these family owners.

I thought that the Li family would be destroyed, and the beacon fire of beihandu would stop. But nobody expected that the Xiao family would come up with this set again, which really surprised the owners. However, to everyone's surprise, when challenged by the Xiao family, Hangong chose to be silent, as if they didn't know that the Xiaos were denouncing themselves. It should have been frightening and restless that those charges were put on their heads one by one, but it was calm in the cold palace.

"Palace master... It's time..." Yan Kongshan respectfully stood behind a figure of snow in white, and said with a slightly lowered head.

"Well... All ready?" Answer him, is a younger voice!

"Yes..." Yan Kongshan nodded slightly, drooping his eyebrows and answering: "it's just... My subordinates really don't understand. Why didn't the palace master choose to fight the Xiao family to death? It's a bit of a joke to leave like this. "

"A joke?" The palace master of the cold palace turned around, which was a pure white face. His eyebrows and Phoenix eyes all exuded a cold sense of freezing through the heart and bones and extraordinary calm.

"It's just a matter of inspiration. Everyone knows that Xiao Juezhong is just a fool. Do you think he can really stir up any storm?"

"One's age is just the strength of King Wu's peak. In my opinion, he can't go any further in his life. This time, Xiao's family is out of the ordinary. It must not be Xiao Juezhong's idea."

Hearing this, Yan Kongshan hesitated and speculated: "what does the palace master mean... Is Xiao Jue Zhong ordered?" "It must be so!" The master of the Han Palace gave a firm answer. Then he looked out of the window at the cold snow. With his pure white hands, he held the tea on the table. He drew the cup cover and then put it down. "All along, I always think that beihandu is a short-sighted country bus, and its strength is nothing but an appearance, but it is a good place to collect wealth That's why I built the cold palace here

"However, with the arrival of one person, the whole pattern of Beihan capital has undergone earth shaking changes..."

on hearing the speech, Yan Kongshan frowned, "the palace Master said... Ji Lei?"

Han Palace master did not speak, fox fur around the face, gently point. "I'll take him and kill him now!" Yankongshan is naturally angry. A good Beihan capital and a treasure land for collecting wealth has been changed by Ji Lei alone. The key is that the Xiao family is so arrogant, but the master of the Han Palace is not moved. He also orders to pack up his things and leave Beihan capital! How can Yankong accept this?

"The Xiao family protects him. You can't catch him. This boy has a deeper heart than the sea. It's enough to play with those who think they are smart."

The words of the leader of the cold palace are not profound. It seems that he is alluding to someone. Yan Kongshan can't hear that the palace master of the cold palace is mocking himself. He is still stunned and does not know what to do.

Looking at the snow outside the window, the master of the Palace said with a faint smile: "in fact, Beihan has not been so stable, just like an explosive. It's just that the arrival of jiley and the fuse ignited the explosive

It's Gilley's style to stir up trouble everywhere.

"Well, it's time to go back. I don't know if this anode can relieve the damned cold."

"Palace master..."

"the one who came earlier is Luo Wuji, right? I didn't expect that he was also worried about it. He took pictures of all rivers and rivers in the sea? "

Yan Kongshan heard the speech and nodded.

"It's almost what I thought. Let's go. It's time to go back. Miss, I've been waiting for my anode pill for a long time..."

the wind and snow in beihandu gradually calmed down, and the snow covered the ground, covering up the bloodstain that had been printed into the ground. It was peaceful and peaceful, as if nothing had happened. The people of the Xiao family rushed into the cold palace, but what the cold palace left to the Xiao family was just an empty palace, which had already been empty. When those strong people who had made up their minds to stand in a good line and were about to face a bloody battle, they saw this sceneAfter the elephant, he was stupefied and at a loss.

"Gone..." Jilei lips slightly raised, and then turned to look at Hu lie, "you really don't go back to Xingyun pavilion with me?"

"I'm used to being free. It's nice to see the store alone." Hu lie showed a simple smile. A businessman would never smile like this. Now it seems that Hu lie has completely trusted or appreciated Ji Lei.

"Then I will go." Ji Lei, the former Ye Qingqing's little hand, then said to Hu lie.

"Wait a minute." Hu lie suddenly stops Ji Lei who is about to leave. Ji Lei smiles and thinks that Hu lie wants to go back. So he turns his head, but Hu lie turns his face and says to Ji Lei solemnly, "you still owe me 40 million. When are you going to pay it back?"

"Shit, you still remember that?" Jilei was caught off guard. Even Jilei almost forgot about 40 million yuan.

"Don't change the subject. It's not coming out yet, is it? You give me an IOU, and I calculate the interest...

"you are indeed a businessman! It's too dark

"Don't talk nonsense. You think it's so easy to be a hero?"

"Well, do you mind if you don't pay more interest?"

"Here's the IOU. Take it." "Damn it?! You're a loan shark?! It's too dark, too

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