The delicate fragrance stimulates Jilei's sense of smell and soft touch. Leaning on Jilei's side, the sweet and pleasant voice spreads to Jilei's ears. At that moment, Jilei has some blood vessels, and her mood suddenly stirs up. An evil idea can't be contained in Jilei's heart. A man will not refuse to send a beautiful woman to her door!

Ji Lei's palm suddenly twists Shaoyuan's snow-white chin. The slender swan's neck has been slightly flushed. The beautiful eyes that want to refuse to return welcome, just like fuel, ignite the flame in Jilei's abdomen.

Shaoyuan slowly closed her eyes. She didn't know whether she was right to do so, but she was driven by instinct to express her will in her heart. If this happened, would Jilei want to return to her own era?

has what it as like as two peas. It seems that there was nothing wrong with it one thousand years ago. At least I grew exactly the same as the lover in your heart, didn't I? You will take me as her, stay with me, and never leave again, ok...

Jilei's cheek is getting closer and closer, and her lips are gently touching the edge of Shaoyuan's ear. The sound of the ear grinding makes people itch and can't stop.

"I'm sorry, Mr. young." Shaoyuan is worried but expectant. What he is waiting for is an apology from Ji Lei. "What?" Little yuan suddenly felt as like as two peas, and looked at Ji Lei. He was two steps away from her. There was not a single line of confusion in her eyes. She was totally pure and clear. She looked at the abyss and said earnestly, "you are the same as her, but it is only a leather bag. I can tell the difference between

and you."

"You are you and she is her. I can't mix you two into one, and I will never admit it." Beyond all expectations,

as like as two peas and as like as two peas, Luo and Qian Luo had the same appearance and even no change. But Ji Lei was quite aware that the beautiful woman who was exactly the same as Luo's looks was definitely the two person.

Ji Lei can't feel Luo qianrou's innocence and innocence from Shaoyuan's body. More of her responsibility is as a young master of Yan nationality. This is not Luo qianrou whom Ji Lei misses. She is just the young master of Yan Clan!

"What happened just now, I'll take it as if it didn't happen. It's almost time. After all the people in the Ming Kingdom have killed, I'll go back." Jilei's eyes turned to a trace of indifference, and then turned back to his camp.


Just as Ji Lei is about to return to the camp, Shaoyuan suddenly steps forward and comes to Ji Lei. Ji Lei frowns and doesn't know what Shaoyuan means. However, Shaoyuan puts a scroll into Ji Lei's hand. Ji Lei looks down and there are three big characters on it: jingmiedan.

"Why do you have a seven grade pill?" Shaoyuan even took out the elixir of jingmie pill! This makes Ji Lei quite confused and puzzled. It is clear that the highest level of elixir in this era is just five grades, but he can take out seven grades of Dan Fang! What's the reason?

"Is this seven grade pill?" Shaoyuan throws her hair behind her and shows a moving smile to Jilei: "it's just four pills."

"Four grade pills?" Ji Lei lowers his head and looks at the volume of Jing Mie Dan in his hand. When he opens the Dan Fang, the first line of the title page is marked with two prominent characters: Sipin. "Is it true that the matchless spirit is deceiving me?" Ji Lei can't help but feel shocked, but he also knows that the matchless spirit can't cheat him. Therefore, there can only be one conclusion, that is, the elixir of jingmie pill really only has four grades in this era! In other words, after a thousand years, jingmie pills have been upgraded and improved by numerous Dan masters, so their grades have gradually increased to the level of seven grades. But in fact, in this era, jingmie pills are just four grade pills. Of course, for people in this era, four grade pills are already quite high. "No one in the Yan Clan can refine it. It's better to take it and save your life than to let it fall into ashes among the Yan people." Shaoyuan smiles at Ji Lei. His smile is as pure and beautiful as a green lotus. He is afraid that Ji Lei will think more. Shaoyuan also reminds Ji Lei: "don't get me wrong. I saved your life, but I didn't mean to threaten you with it. If the Yan people still owe you a wish, you can offset it with this volume of jingmie pill." After that, Shaoyuan turns around and walks into the camp without looking back. Ji Lei holds jingmiedan in his hand and laughs bitterly. Then he sits on the ground. Although it is not clear what the difference is between jingmiedan in this era and jingmiedan one thousand years later, there should not be too much difference.

differences are always better than none. When he returns to the Yan Clan, Ji Lei starts to try Refine this jingmie pill to see what effect it will have after taking it!

After a long breath of sulky breath, Ji Lei is still a little alarmed by the ambiguous incident just happened. He is really afraid that he can't control himself for a while, and then he treats Shaoyuan...

fortunately, Jilei still reacts to it in the end, and finally nothing happens...

"Mr. Shao, you are very considerate of me, I am very grateful, but only grateful That's it... That's it. "The night of white sand hell, after all, is over. The sky and earth washed by rainstorm has no blood color. However, a corpse lying on the ground still tells how bloody and cruel this night is.

The mud river turned into a blood River, and the corpses piled up like mountains. The current finally washed away and dried up again.

These corpses, some of the Yan people, some of the Ming Kingdom, of course, the most of the Han people. "Let them go. Quicksand will hide them." Shaoyuan says at Ji Lei's side. At the moment, she disguises herself as a man again. Ji Lei is also very smart. She pretends that she doesn't know anything. She nods. Then she turns on her horse and shouts to the generals of the Yan Clan and says, "take back the soldiers, return to the Yanzu!"

"Yes Echoing like thunder, it echoed in Baisha Tianjian for a long time.

The war in the Ming Kingdom has been eased. The result of the battle was passed back to the kingdom of Ming. Not only was Mingkang surprised, but the whole country was shocked by the news.

However, the army of the Ming Dynasty was completely destroyed, but Mingkang didn't care about it. If these people died, they would die. If they won the battle, they would do.

Among the Yan people.

Ji Lei slowly opens her eyes. The flame in the medicine cauldron is gradually extinguished, and a fragrant danxiang lingers in the secret room. "Cheng Dan!" Ji Lei's two palms close together, and a pill darts out of the dark cold cauldron. Ji Lei waves, and the pill is firmly held in his hand. Looking at the round pill, Ji Lei opens his mouth and swallows it. The pill rolls down his throat into Ji Lei's abdomen. Ji Lei waits with a little uneasy heart. After a while, Jilei suddenly felt that her body had a slight reaction. , the fastest update of the webnovel!