Ji Lei's body began to be dry and hot. An inexplicable burning flame made Ji Lei feel the pain in his chest. He curled up in pain. Some even doubted whether Shaoyuan intended to revenge himself, and gave him some poison pill as jingmie pill! You know, it's still terrible for women to be cruel.

Just as Jilei thinks so, the burning feeling in his body suddenly disappears. At the same time, there are several evil and ferocious spirits which are deeply rooted in the soul of Jilei.

Jiley has never felt like this! His body feels so relaxed! The aura works more smoothly!

The spirit of the fierce beast is really gone!

Not only that, after the soul of the fierce beast was thoroughly refined, Ji Lei felt that his stagnant martial arts realm had made a breakthrough again!

Six, seven, eight and nine!

Break through again! Emperor Wu!

This is really the joy of surprise. It has refined the spirits of these fierce beasts, and it has promoted Jilei's state of mind five times! Directly reached the realm of Emperor Wu!

"Su!" All of a sudden, a golden dragon comes out of Jilei's body, stares at him with wide eyes, and says in surprise, "what's the situation? You have wiped out all the spirits of those fierce beasts? "

"Should be..." Ji Lei looked at the matchless martial spirit and scratched his head. He didn't expect that the simple version of jingmie pill could really refine all the spirits of fierce beasts! It's true that this is true!

"I didn't expect it. I didn't expect that you can finally let me not suppress these things in these days!" After hearing Ji Lei's reply, matchless Wu Hun nodded with relief, then looked around and found that the surrounding environment was all different. It had never seen it.

"Where is this? Aren't you in frost island Seeing that the outside world is not a combination of wind and snow, Wushuang Wuhun understands that this place must not be frost island. Hearing this, Ji Lei gives a bitter smile, and then begins to explain to Wushuang Wuhun: "that... This is not frost island..." "what?! You came a thousand years ago? " Ji Lei explained to Wushuang Wuhun, and heard that Wushuang Wuhun glared at its small eyes and looked at Jilei. Jilei can only smile bitterly: "what... After all, these fierce beasts have been driven away... It's not that there is no harvest at all... It's just that they don't know how to go back..." "Damn it! I'm with you a thousand years ago? " The matchless warrior soul still can't recover from this shock. As a ground level warrior soul, it has intelligence and rich emotions. At least, there is no problem in talking with Jilei and making expressions. After seeing the shock of matchless martial spirits such as

, Ji Lei also scratched his head in embarrassment: "I didn't come here a thousand years ago... What do you think to do?"

Smell speech, matchless Wu Hun is to Ji Lei Meng a fierce stare, "you did not come, did I come?"?! Although this time and my age is similar, but I have not crossed ah! What do you want me to do? "

"Then I won't be unable to return, will I?" Jiley seemed to realize the seriousness of the matter and could not help worrying. Seeing this, matchless martial spirit can only white Ji Lei, and then said: "how did you come?"

"A guy named minkai brought me here with his reincarnation spirit." Ji Lei replied perfunctorily, but when he heard this answer, the matchless warrior soul was staring at him. After a long time, he repeatedly asked, "what are you talking about? say it again? What kind of martial spirit? "

"Reincarnation, what's the matter?" Ji Lei Leng Leng Leng, some do not understand why the performance of matchless martial spirit is so exaggerated.

"Am I... are you stupid?" After hearing Ji Lei's reply, matchless Wu Hun can't help but say: "the reincarnation spirit is in front of your eyes. Can't you let him send you back a thousand years later?"

"Er... It seems that there is some truth..." Ji Lei was stunned for a moment, and suddenly clapped his hands and said, "then I don't just have to find Mingkai and cheat him to start the reincarnation spirit. I can go back to a thousand years ago?"

Ji Lei's hindsight makes the matchless soul roll his eyes. Then he says helplessly, "my ancestor... Your brain is really pig brain... Hurry up! You couldn't stay too long a thousand years ago! Hurry back "Ah? Why? " After hearing the speech, Ji Lei couldn't help asking curiously. But then, the voice of matchless martial spirit became quite serious: "do you think that there was such a person who disordered time and space appeared a thousand years ago, which would not affect the future? History is coherent,

if you come here, once you do something wrong, you will change history! "

"What about... Then?" Ji Lei opened his eyes and asked. Seeing Ji Lei at a loss, the matchless spirit had the impulse to throw Jilei's tail to death! What kind of mentality is Wushuang Wushen? How did he give himself to such a stupid master?

But it has no way but to explain to Jilei: "for example, if you make any big moves here, some things will not happen in a thousand years. For example, you may not meet Xiao Lingxue and Luo qianrou... Or they will not be born at all..." "Damn it! So serious? " This word of matchless Wu Hun scared Jilei. He lost his wife a thousand years ago. Jilei has no place to cry! Wushuang Wuhun is just an example, but I didn't expect Jilei really listened to it! He held the matchless spirit and said anxiously:“Then I'll go back quickly! I don't want to stay here! " "Don't worry about it. Where is this guy with reincarnation Wushuang Wuhun suddenly asks Ji Lei. When he hears this, Ji Lei suddenly widens his eyes! He suddenly realized that he had never seen Mingkai again since returning to the Yan Clan! Or

said that...

he did not follow Ji Lei back to the Yan people!

"Mr. young! Mr. young Ji Lei suddenly breaks into Shaoyuan's room. Shaoyuan is dressed in a green skirt and looks very beautiful. For Jilei's arrival, she didn't expect it. She was surprised to see Jilei: "you... How did you come?" "Mingkai is gone!" Ji Lei looks anxious, as if he has lost his life. The matchless spirit suddenly appears in front of Ji Lei, stares at Shaoyuan, and sighs: "ooh! You came here a thousand years ago. Why did you bring your family? Bring luoqianrou all the way to

"She's not qianrou. Oh, I'll explain to you later!" Ji Lei didn't have time to explain too much with the matchless spirit. He looked anxiously at Shaoyuan. Hearing Mingkai's disappearance, Shaoyuan hurried to Ji Lei and comforted him in a warm voice: "don't panic. We'll send someone to look for him. If he's not in the Yan Clan, it's only possible that he's in the Ming kingdom! You can always find it! "

In the palace of the Ming Dynasty, Mingkang and his concubine were touring the dragon and playing Phoenix with his concubine. In the palace, the spring was suddenly released. The concubine, like a warbler's laughter, revolved around the roof beam, giggling and carrying on the joy under Mingkang. But just then, outside the palace, a roar came from the heaven and earth: "Mingkang dog thief! Come out to me

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