Mingkang was in a good mood, but he was so frightened by the sudden roar that he almost didn't shrink back. He quickly got out of bed and roughly tidied up his clothes. Then he looked out of the window and saw Jilei's angry figure walking towards the palace! This is not the most important thing. What scares Mingkang most is that behind Ji Lei, a group of strong men of Yan nationality are full of killing intention and cold air. Seeing this scene, Mingkang cries out in his heart that he is not good. He quickly tidies up his robes and clothes. While walking towards the depth of the palace, he calls the attendants around him: "stop the intruders outside! If I can't, I'll kill you! "

"Yes But without Lin Tian, the power of the Imperial Palace, how could it be compared with the Yan people?

Ji Lei walked in the front of him, and saw a group of soldiers rushing towards him. It was not difficult to solve the problem, but it took time.

"Go, go The cry of soldiers resounded from heaven and earth, shaking the palace. However, in the eyes of the strong men of the Yan Clan, these people are just a mob of rotten fish and rotten shrimp. "I'm in a hurry. You solve the people here. I'll go to the palace to find Mingkang." Ji Lei turns his head and looks at the strong men of Yan nationality behind him. The strong men of Yan nationality, such as long bow Xiao Ji Changqing, nodded without hesitation. Only Shaoyuan, when hearing Ji Lei say "in a hurry", gives a thump in his heart

, and intuitively tells himself that Ji Lei is in such a hurry, perhaps because... He is going to leave here. "Startle the clouds!" Having allocated his strength, Ji Lei displayed his startling steps. He leaped into the air and stepped directly over the Imperial Palace soldiers who had rushed to the palace and stepped on the eaves of the palace. Then, Jilei jumped directly through the bricks and tiles on the roof, and "bang Dang" made a loud noise! Ji Lei's body

directly jumps into the palace. The enchanting concubine, who was still entertaining with Mingkang for a moment, is shivering on the bed. Jilei's eyes move to her body indifferently. Then he draws the dragon pattern halberd, and points the halberd tip at the concubine's forehead, and harshly drinks and asks: "say! Where is Mingkang? "

Seeing Ji Lei come down, the concubine has already turned pale with fright. Being forced to ask by Ji Lei, the concubine is even more out of his wits. In a shaking voice, he says to Ji Lei: "he... Walked towards the east palace...

east palace! In Ji Lei's eyes, a map of the imperial palace is immediately reflected. Ji Lei doesn't pay attention to the imperial concubine any more. He breaks through the back door and heads for the east palace!

"Mingkang! Get out of here Jilei's voice, in every corner of the palace sounded! Jilei is alone, as if with thousands of troops. People are constantly blocking Jilei, but now Jilei is blocked by gods and Buddha is killing Buddha. More and more people come to stop Jilei, and more and more people fall under Ji Lei's

Dragon grain halberd!

Mingkang breathlessly pushed open the gate. The guards on both sides stood on both sides. Mingkang didn't look at them. Instead, he said, "I'll kill all the intruders! Don't let anyone in. Do you hear me

"Yes! Your majesty The bodyguards on both sides agreed directly without thinking about it. Hearing the words, Mingkang's heart was finally put down a lot. He went to the East Palace, which belongs to his own palace. He completely put down his heart and sat down on the chair.


"Have you had enough hiding?"

But Mingkang didn't even sit hot on his butt, so there was a silver light in front of him! Thick blood will be shining halberd surface painted mottled incomparably, halberd reflection, reflecting Mingkang's face of fear.

"Ji... Jilei?" Mingkang never thought of it! Jilei even appeared in front of himself at this moment! Mingkang looks at the door. The two bodyguards who were full of self-confidence just now have separated their bodies and fallen to the ground.

The blood pool beach is at the gate of the east palace. Mingkang is too scared to speak, but Jilei doesn't want a mute! He grabbed Mingkang's collar, glared at Mingkang and asked, "you! Tell me where minkai has gone

"Ming... Mingkai..." Mingkang's legs are trembling with fear. His eyes are on Jilei's eyes. The fierce light in his eyes makes Mingkang's fear spread to his heart and can't fade away!

"I... I don't know!" Although he was afraid, Mingkang still shook his head and said to Jilei like this. When Jilei heard the answer, the flame in his eyes was more than half of what he wanted to do. He snapped: "don't play silly for me! tell me! Where on earth is minkai?! " "I... I really don't know..." Mingkang almost knelt down to Jilei. What kind of evil did he make? Today, he enjoyed himself. Ji Lei broke into the palace for no reason... He could not help but say a massacre and blood stained palace! Mingkang is scared to death! Now he is able to speak, which shows that Mingkang's concentration is quite strong.

"Don't you say that yet?" Ji Lei sees Mingkang still does not say where Mingkai is going, and glares at Mingkang. The bloody dragon pattern halberd is ready to kill another person at any time! "I... I really don't know! He never came back after being robbed by an assassin one night! You believe me! You believe me Mingkang kowtows to Jilei. Seeing that Jilei doesn't believe him, he really has nothing to do. He can only repeat himself pale and mechanicallyMy own words.

Ji Lei frowns. He sees that Mingkang really doesn't know where Mingkai has gone. No matter how hard he asks, he can't find out anything. He can only give up.

"Even if I had cut my hair to a monk and hid in the temple, I still couldn't escape the ending..."

this voice suddenly rang out in Jilei's ear, which echoed in Jilei's mind. Jilei suddenly thought that Mingkai died in the temple in the end, indicating that he had become a monk at that time!

"Are there any temples around here? Tell me!" Ji Lei glared at Mingkang. Mingkang heard his words and quickly nodded, such as pounding garlic: "yes! yes! Go to the West and there will be a big Buddhist temple

"No matter, go there first." Ji Lei says secretly in his heart that he is ready to leave. When Mingkang sees Ji Lei ready to leave, he can't help showing a trace of vitality in his heart. But before Mingkang opens his mouth, a halberd goes straight through Mingkang's head!

Mingkang's body suddenly froze there, and then slowly fell down...

"you are not a good thing for my brother to use the knife. Do you still expect me to let you go?" Jiley sneered, then turned and walked out of the palace.

Seeing Ji Lei appear, the burning Yan people can't help stopping the knife in their hands, looking at Ji Lei and saying, "how about it? Has Mingkang found it? " "Found it. Kill it." Jilei replied coldly, "I'm going to the West now. You... Will destroy the kingdom of Ming."

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