The sharp spear awn of Fengyu spear pierced the space in an instant, and stabbed at Taotie's blood red eyes!

"Stab!" A long sound of tearing and a roar of gluttonous sorrow were heard. The huge body fell to the ground and howled in pain!

"Ding Dong!" As soon as Taotie lets go, the Dragon halberd immediately falls to the ground. Ji Lei grabs it in her hand, and then inserts the halberd toward the ground, and the two dragons fall down in an instant!


Shuanglong falls to the ground, startling pieces of gravel! Hit on Taotie's huge head!

"Fengming nine days!"

Luo qianrou's moves are no weaker than Ji Lei's, and a phoenix is flying in the sky! Leap to the high altitude, then suddenly fall down!


A loud noise was heard in mid air! Ji Lei's feet are shocked. The Phoenix and the two dragons hit Taotie's body at the same time. The body is as strong as iron wall and iron wall. At this time, it also shows a little dilapidated. The blood red skin is agitated under the body, which looks extremely eye-catching. "Hang!" The sharp arrow of Shenshan criminal prison came in a flash and stabbed Taotie's body. With a roar, his body began to wriggle. At this moment, and then, there were gradually white bone spurs breaking through the shackles of the skin bag. Taotie was like a hedgehog, shaking his hard and dangerous bone thorns and demonstrating against Jilei Shaking a few times, a low roar, seems to be provoking Jilei, which makes Jilei angry.

"A fierce beast who doesn't grow up will dare to be wild here! Look, I won't kill you Ji Lei said that he raised the Dragon halberd and rushed toward the gluttonous fury. Luo qianroula couldn't hold on.

Ji Lei comes to the front of Taotie and stabs Taotie in his eyes!


Taotie sends out a shrill scream, and Ji Lei does not stop. He, with a nimble figure, steps on the startling clouds and flashes back and forth in Taotie's whole body. Taotie's body is immediately marked with blood marks!

Longwen halberd is indeed the sharpest in the world. When it cuts through the bone spurs growing on Taotie's body, the bone thorns are all broken one by one like dry wood, which is very easy to break!

"War dragon stranding!"

There's a fire burning in jiley's eyes! On the halberd front, the aura is rolling and surging. On Taotie's body, the wounds are marked one after another by Ji Lei's dragon pattern halberd! All of a sudden the blood flowed like a stream!


Taotie roared in pain, and Yu Wen Mingzuo was overjoyed: "this monster doesn't look so fierce! Jiley can't lift his head after a few blows

However, Luo qianrou on the side is Dai Mei micro Cu. If she thinks that is right, there is only one kind of creature called "fierce beast" that can stimulate Jilei's magnificent desire to fight. But how can such a fierce beast be defeated by Jilei at will? "This fierce beast has never fought back, even if he took Ji Lei's Dragon halberd away, it did not launch an attack. Why..." Luo qianrou is a girl. Girls are more careful than men. She finds that Taotie has always been in a defensive state, but never launched an attack

, and only when Ji Lei is close will she attack in self-defense This makes Luo qianrou quite puzzled.

Although this Taotie has not yet fully grown up, it should not be Ji Lei, an early emperor of martial arts, who rampaged at will?

Although always have confidence in Jilei, but at this time, Luo qianrou has incomparable reason.

If it is in a passive position for a long time, it is not to give up resistance, or... Want to accumulate a small amount of hair, one hit to death!

"No! Danger Luo qianrou suddenly sees Taotie's eyes. A trace of human cunning flashed in his chaotic eyes. He can't help but scream. At this time, Ji Lei has moved to Taotie's mouth, ready to pierce Taotie's jaw with a halberd!

"Hiss --"

all of a sudden, a long sound absorption is heard in Ji Lei's ear. When Ji Lei releases his hand, Taotie suddenly opens his mouth, and the abyss in his mouth suddenly bursts out a volume of irresistible suction!

Jilei's body, can't help but fly towards the mouth of the gluttonous!

Taotie wants to eat Jilei!

"Baifeng returns to the nest!"

Suddenly, the aura condensed into tens of thousands of small Phoenix, toward the mouth of the gluttonous fly away! The aura stopped Taotie's mouth in a flash. Thousands of Phoenix have defused Taotie's attack. Ji Lei's face is still full of shock. Luo qianrou pulls Jilei back, and finally he is no longer gentle. He points to Jilei, and his tone is slightly angry: "I say

don't be so rash, don't be so rash. Are you listening ? Almost another accident

Ji Lei knows that he is in trouble. Before he opens his mouth, he hears a roar of fury again!


The roar of gluttonous food resounds the world! At this moment, the color of the sky suddenly becomes dark. It seems that he is angry at Luo qianrou's troubles. Ji Lei sees this, and there is more fear in his eyes. This glutton is far less simple in mind than he imagined. This is just a cunning fox!"Almost eaten..." Ji Lei looks at Taotie with a lingering fear. This fierce beast can only devour everything he sees. It is the most anti beating beast that Ji Lei has ever seen. Ji Lei almost drew a picture on it with a dragon grain halberd. He has not seen too much blood loss and death! It can even be said that Ji Lei's attack can't do much harm to Taotie. For Taotie, Ji Lei's attack seems to be just like scratching. Although it seems that Taotie's body is covered with blood and wounds, there is still no Taotie falling down! It shows that Taotie root has not been hurt much!

"What the hell is this... How can it have such a thick skin?" Yuwen Mingzuo at the moment also see clearly, Ji Lei's attack is nothing to this thing at all, those flowery attacks, can't hurt the root of Taotie at all!

A flesh wound is not a wound at all.

"Everyone has his own soft, fierce beast is no exception." At the moment, Jilei is willing to settle down and observe Taotie carefully. Its huge body makes Jilei tremble even if it has not evolved into a whole. Generally speaking, the reason why he stays still for a long time is because he doesn't want to waste his physical strength...

it seems that Jilei has discovered something that can't be done!

Although Taotie has been resisting Ji Lei's attack, it seems that Taotie has not moved much since he started fighting with him! Even at the beginning, when they came to Mancheng, they were attacked by Taotie! "I understand..." Ji Lei's eyes, suddenly flashed the light of enlightenment! , the fastest update of the webnovel!