"Qianrou, help me." Jilei whispered, Luo qianrou looked at Jilei with some doubts: "what are you going to do?"

"I seem to understand how to defeat it..." on Ji Lei's face, suddenly raised a trace of confident expression, which made Luo Qian gentle and Yu Wen Mingzuo all shocked, "what?"

"Do as I say!" Ji Lei's eyes squint, and his eyes are firmly fixed on the gluttonous abdomen, which seems to contain endless energy. "Dragon pattern halberd!" With Ji Lei's move, the dragon pattern halberd comes to Ji Lei's hand in an instant. Holding the dragon's halberd, Ji Lei steps towards Taotie. When Taotie sees Ji Lei dare to take the initiative to move forward, his eyes show scorn. Then he opens his mouth to the abyss, and a strong destructive force spurts out of Taotie's


"Yi --" Ji Lei felt that his body was constantly being pulled into the mouth of Taotie, but he still tried to keep his body stable. He thrust the Dragon grain halberd on the ground. When Taotie moved towards him, Ji Lei suddenly murmured, "thousand soft!"

Luo qianrou will, dance Feng Yu gun, in a flash toward Taotie!

"Hello! Danger Yuwen Mingzuo sees the situation, some anxious, but now Luo qianrou has no hesitation to rush toward Taotie!

Taotie saw Luo qianrou, who rushed to him like a dying man, and his eyes showed joy! Isn't this just what you give yourself? Busy mouth open, waiting for Luo qianrou to jump into his mouth!

"Phoenix dance for nine days!"

Feng feather gun suddenly a pressure, a bullet in Luo qianrou foot of the land!

Luo qianrou's figure stops in the same place in an instant. Without waiting for Taotie's reaction, Ji Lei's dragon pattern halberd has already rushed towards him!

"Stab!" Dragon grain halberd will cut off the skin of Taotie, although the blood gushes, but still can not hurt the root of Taotie! Jiley knew that for a long time!

However, although Yiji can't kill Taotie directly, it can transfer Taotie's attention to Jilei! Yuwen Mingzuo stares at Ji Lei nervously, and Taotie also turns his face. His bulging eyes glare at Ji Lei. Ji Lei smiles and then looks at Luo qianrou. At this moment, both of them are moving in tacit agreement. Their speed is extremely fast, and they turn around Taotie's body.

Taotie's eyes are like a turntable, which is slightly moved by Jilei and luoqian Dizzy, eyeball son bone flurry to turn, after a while, gluttonous body shape, began to become some standing instability.

"This... All right?" Yuwen Mingzuo is stunned by the scene. Taotie is surrounded by Jilei and luoqianrou. The body methods of Jilei and luoqianrou are quite agile, which can not be captured by heavy Taotie! Taotie is dizzy and distended. He opens his mouth directly and spits out a breath of great attraction. He wants to keep the same and swallow Jilei and luoqianrou into his stomach! But when the breath just appeared, a very long arrow flew from the distance! Actually, it is to connect the upper and lower jaws of Taotie directly and nail it up!

"Precision!" Yuwen Mingzuo held the Shenshan prison, and his eyes were full of excitement. This nail directly sealed the mouth of Taotie! Jilei and Luo qianrou are all at peace in a dangerous moment! Yuwen Mingzuo can be regarded as understanding what Ji Lei and Luo qianrou are going to do, because when they turn, the energy of the bunches in Taotie's abdomen becomes more and more agitated. The restlessness from the heart makes Taotie's eyes appear a little flustered, and the low howling voice constantly rings from his mouth. The power is constantly surging in Taotie's body!

The outline of a palm, suddenly printed in the belly of gluttonous! From the outside to the inside, the belly of Taotie becomes thinner and thinner!

"Rub! Rub! Rub

Jilei saw the increasingly thin abdominal skin began to wriggle, and suddenly began to roar at himself! It seems to be talking with myself, and it is like drinking some things in the body and breaking out!


Under the gaze of Jilei's eyes, a long and thin crack suddenly appears. Inside, a hand suddenly reaches out!

There are living people in here!

"I knew it!" Ji Lei has a little surprise in his eyes. He has already guessed that the name of Taotie is the meaning of swallowing. Taotie is as hard as iron on the outside, so from its interior, it may open Taotie's solid defense!

Facts have proved that Jilei is right. Those who swallow in the gluttonous stomach are not completely refined into strength, but temporarily exist in the belly of Taotie! Ji Lei and Luo qianrou join hands to dizzy Taotie, and at the same time awaken the people in Taotie's body!

They felt Taotie's panic, so they began to save themselves. They used their own weapons to break through Taotie's abdomen!

"Roar! Roar! Roar

Taotie sends out a shrill howl, and the skin of his abdomen is gradually broken by the sword! Inside the blood, constantly gushing out! Organs, livers and intestines, as well as those digested bones, are clearly visible in Taotie's almost transparent abdomen. To Jilei's surprise, there are hundreds of people in Taotie's alone! And still alive! The dead, huddled with the living, some have alreadyAfter being digested, some of those who survived have already changed their faces. The unique digestive juice secreted by Taotie's body destroyed their bodies into broken arms and limbs.

Feeling the pain, Taotie began to roll continuously and let out a low roar. His eyes almost burst out!

But it didn't work! The people in Taotie's body, all work together and use sharp weapons to cut open the belly as thin as Taotie paper!

"Stab!" The first hand came out of it, and then the second, the third!

One after another, the head of Taotie is sticking out of his body. In the pain of being rifled, Taotie gradually falls down! "Boom!" A huge figure falls to the ground, and the dead and the living all run out, cheering and congratulating. Ji Lei looks at the downed Taotie, and the matchless martial spirit in his body suddenly comes out and flies towards the fallen Taotie corpse! A touch of dark light was swallowed by the matchless warrior soul in an instant!

The fierce soul of gluttonous food! Jilei suddenly felt the power in her body become incomparably full, her eyes twinkled with spiritual light.

"What's the matter with you?" Luo qianrou looks at Jilei with concern, but Jilei shakes her head and says, "nothing. Let's go back." "What about these people?" Luo qianrou took a look at those who survived, Jilei glanced at them, and then faintly said four words: "live and die."

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