"No crazy, I just want to save Duan bailing." Jiley's answer was firm and straightforward. "It has nothing to do with you! The water in Jiuzun Yuxuan palace is too deep. If you get involved, you will die without a burial place Wei Changqing's tone is particularly severe, and his attitude towards Ji Lei is also unusually firm, "hurry back to me, this matter is not a joke! I know you are worried about

bailing, but you don't need to be involved in this matter! "

"Why is it none of my business? I'm the one who caused the problem. I'll solve it! " Jiley suddenly stood up, her eyes flashing with anger.

Ji Lei's words startled Wei Changqing, and then asked, "what do you mean?"

Ji Lei's face shows a little lonely expression. Then she sits down and confesses with Wei Changqing and long Chen.

A long time.

Wei Changqing's eyes twinkled with disbelief. Looking at Ji Lei, he was surprised to find that his mouth could not be closed: "you... Did you do it?"

After hearing this, Ji Lei nodded and did not refute: "according to this situation, it is only possible that I did it?" After hearing this, Wei Changqing's anger flashed in his eyes. However, he resisted the impulse to beat Ji Lei. He sat down and asked Ji Lei, "do you know that Bai Ling's blood is the unique ancient blood in the world, and the only one of the miraculous blood vessels in Jiuzun Yuxuan palace in the past 100 years! It's the best candidate for the next palace master of Jiuzun Yuxuan palace

"Where do I know that... I was almost dead at that time..." Jilei gave a bitter smile, but did not shirk responsibility, and sighed: "if things are so serious, I will compensate."

"Compensation? What do you compensate for? You can't take a drop of blood to pay for your life! "

"What are you talking about? Believe it or not, I killed you! " The Dragon morning hears the speech, is angry on the heart, a dagger light out the edge! Under Wei Changqing's neck!

"Long Chen, stop it." Ji Lei stops long Chen. When he sees Ji Lei intervene, he takes back the dagger reluctantly.

"I know it's a big deal, but if there's room for salvation, I'll try my best to save it."

Looking at Ji Lei's sincere expression, Wei Changqing could only sigh, then waved his hand to Ji Lei and said, "you don't know how difficult this thing is...

in the end, Wei Changqing can only sigh and shake off his hand. It seems that Ji Lei has left.

"When you get to Jiuzun Yuxuan palace, if you can't get out, don't blame me for not reminding you. Now you still have time to leave. I can treat it as if I don't know anything."

"No, I will be responsible for what I do." Jiley said indifferently.

The airship broke through the sky, and soon returned to the Jiuzun Yuxuan palace, a magnificent palace suspended in the sky.

"Let's go." Wei Changqing leads Ji Lei and long Chen, and then goes to Jiuzun Yuxuan palace.

Ji Lei was stunned, "do you want to talk to the people of the nine jade Temple directly?"

"What else do you want?" Wei Changqing white Ji Lei one eye, "anyway, sooner or later will be known, do you think you have a chance to escape?"

"Of course not," said Gilley, shaking her head. "I'll go with you."

Wei Changqing turns around and leads Ji Lei and long Chen all the way to a palace in the center of the palace. In the palace, there are many people standing in rows, and there are nine figures in the middle.

"This is Bai Ling's master. He is also the great elder of Jiuzun Yuxuan palace, Xuanyu elder." Wei Changqing bowed to these people, then looked at an old woman with white hair. Ji Lei stepped forward and saluted her.

"I know this little Lord of Tianlong sect," said elder Xuanyu, with his eyes on longchen. Then he put his eyes on Ji Lei and said, "but which young master is this? Why have I never seen it before? "

"The younger generation's surname is Ji and Lei. It's normal that elder Xuanyu hasn't heard of it."

"Why did you come?" Elder Xuanyu didn't seem to be very interested in Ji Lei's life experience. He just asked casually. But then, Ji Lei's words shocked all the people in the palace.

Ji Lei takes a deep breath, then spits out gently, and seriously says to the elder Xuanyu, "I am the one who caused the blood of Bai Ling to become thin."



All the other eight figures, with their eyes slightly closed, suddenly opened after hearing Ji Lei's words!

Xuanyu elder stares at Ji Lei, some can't believe: "you... What do you say?"

"I said that I caused the white silk to become like this." Jiley repeated it again.

"Do you know what will happen when you say that?" Xuanyu elder said coldly, "young man, you can't take back what you say."

"I know, so I want to save it." Ji Lei's tone was sincere, but as soon as he said this, he drew nine jade Xuan Palace's angry sneers: "what do you think you are? If such a thing can be saved, how can we be so angry? "A plump elder stands up and glares at Ji Lei and says, "do you know that the whole martial god can't find the second Duan Bai Ling's blood! You compensate? Can you afford it? "

The elder was eager to eat Jilei. He glared at him angrily. In a hurry, he ordered the guards on the side and said, "come on! Kill this bastard

"Hold on!"

All of a sudden, a voice came from the door, a figure came in slowly from the outside, and a fierce momentum spread to the palace from the outside! Blow down a bunch of servants!

"Who dares to be reckless in the jiuzunyuxuan palace?" Xuanyu elder glared at the door, but at this time, a bright young man came into the door. As he walked, he said to elder Xuanyu, "Jilei is covered by me. You are not qualified to move."

"Who are you? How dare you shout at me Xuanyu elder was very angry, and flew to the young man and clapped it! But the young man was not afraid at all and squinted: "wuzun peak... Do you dare to show off this strength in front of me?"

Then, he lightly waved his sleeve, and immediately a colorful light shot from between his sleeves. The aura of Xuanyu elder dissipated immediately after touching the colorful light!

"What?" Elder Xuanyu couldn't believe that he could cover the sky and the sun with one hand, but he was resisted by this handsome young man?

"What can't you say? You have to fight. " The young man gave a helpless smile, but elder Xuanyu couldn't laugh. He looked at him and said in a cold voice, "this is not a problem that can be solved by words."

"Oh, I have nothing to say to you old lady. Call out your palace master and I want to talk to him!" The young man waved his sleeve impatiently, and his mouth was full of frivolity, which made elder Xuanyu very angry. He said with a red face, "is it the palace master that you can see if you want to see it? Rampant maniac! Die

"Who wants to see me..." without waiting for the Xuanyu elder to hit again, a cold and sharp voice rang out in the palace.

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