The young man came to Jilei. His familiar face was full of holy light. Who else could he be besides Feng? At the critical juncture, Ji Lei decisively breaks the feather given by Feng. Unexpectedly, Feng arrives in time. With Feng's protection, Ji Lei is almost safe.

However, with the arrival of Phoenix, it also leads to another peerless strong - the palace master of Jiuzun Yuxuan palace!

This strong man, slowly falling from the sky, young face, but with the young face does not match the strength of the young face! All over the body are whirling the strong wind and clouds of blue color, which looks very majestic.

"See the palace master!"

The nine masters of Yuxuan palace knelt down one after another when they saw the Lord of the palace coming. All the disciples of the palace knelt down on the ground. Ji Lei looked at the Phoenix. It seemed that the leader's strength was not inferior to Feng.

After seeing the Phoenix, the handsome and free and easy face was solidified. Looking at the Phoenix in surprise, "Phoenix master?"

"Phoenix Lord?" Ji Lei looks at Feng suspiciously, and makes sure that the blue figure is after calling Feng. He asks, "do you still have this name?"

"I used to be one of the ten warlords of the God of martial arts. I was honored by the common people, so I got the name." Phoenix's flat voice, spread into all people's ears, looking at the Phoenix's eyes are full of incredible! Such a seemingly frivolous man, could he be one of the ten emperor of war?

For this title, Ji Lei is very strange, but they are not strange, the God of martial arts ten war emperor! Exist in ancient times, the peak of the strong! There is the ability to destroy human beings when you turn your hands! Compared with them, the nine statues in Yuxuan Palace are nothing but great.

"Bird emperor, long time no see." Feng raised the corners of his mouth. He and the palace master of Jiuzun Yuxuan palace were old acquaintances.

"I don't want to see you." The bird emperor's mouth slightly took a puff, murmured, immediately amplified the volume: "say it, what do you want me to do?"

"To keep my benefactor's life, of course!" Feng said to the bird emperor. As expected, Feng is not surprising. Ji Lei, a little emperor of Wu, is actually the Savior of Feng Lord, one of the ten war emperors?! Who will believe it! But Feng such existence, where can rare and they these young people joke! In other words, they have to accept the fact that Jilei is Feng's savior!

The bird emperor's brow slightly wrinkled, the handsome face gushed some hesitation: "do you know what you are talking about? He is the one who hurt Duan bailing, and he is also a criminal who destroys the future of my nine Yuxuan palace! You told me to let him go

"Yes." Feng nodded solemnly, and then added, "if you don't agree, I'll use strong."

"Oh?" The bird emperor's eyes twinkled slightly, but some disdained the way: "you and I are equal in strength. What do you think you are qualified to say these threatening words with me?"

"By me, do you feel qualified?"

Suddenly, outside the palace, a noble and beautiful woman came in! The indifferent face still exudes incomparable charm.

"Huang Xian?" The bird emperor was a little surprised. He looked at the Phoenix and looked at Huang. "You..."

"yes, now Huang is my man." The Phoenix looked at Huang's fragrant shoulder with pride and said to the bird emperor, "now, gather the strength of the two of us. Do you think I have the qualification to say these words to you?"

Bird emperor's eyes twinkled with a trace of dignified, but still said: "even if you two work together, I may not lose!"

"Well, do you know the identity of this boy?"

"He? Isn't he an ordinary emperor of Wu? " The bird emperor curled his lips.

"Ah..." the corner of Feng's mouth slightly grinned, and then said to Ji Lei, "come on, give this dead mouth a look at your soul."

"Oh." Ji Lei nods and does as Feng says. With one hand, a little dragon will jump out of Jilei's palm and float in Jilei's palm.

The pupil of bird emperor shrinks suddenly! Their eyes twinkled with astonishment, and the nine venerable masters were shocked. Usually, the palace master they saw was always calm and calm. When did you see the palace master show such an expression?

It's abnormal. It's extraordinary!

"This... This is..." the bird emperor's eyes and body are constantly shaking! His eyes are staring at the holy dragon in Jilei's hands. Tears come out of his eyes at last!

"You know what happened? You fight him to the end. " Feng walks to the bird emperor's side, pats his shoulder to comfort a way.

In the past, it was a thorn in the heart of the bird emperor that he could never pull out. Originally, he thought that he could stay in his heart forever, but unexpectedly, Jilei appeared and pulled out the thorn.

"Matchless martial spirit..." the bird emperor naturally knows what Ji Lei's spirit is! He can't be familiar with any more! The man who saved his life at the beginning is the master of this matchless spirit!

The bird emperor took a deep breath, and then motioned to Jilei to take back the matchless spirit. He turned to the nine masters behind him and to all the people in the Yuxuan palace and said, "this man, no one is allowed to move him!"Boom!

It was like a blockbuster in their ears!

"Palace master, but..." there is nothing good but! This is an order The bird emperor glared at the Xuanyu elder who was talking with impatience and anger. The elder could only shut up angrily. The sudden change of situation made Ji Lei stunned. Just now, he said that he would not let go of his own bird emperor. How could he let go of himself?

"Seeing the matchless warrior soul choosing the Lord, that guy is also a successor. I owe him a life, and now I give it back to his descendants." The bird emperor sighed, and then turned back, "go, go, I won't kill you." At present, there are two fairies, one of them is zhengyutian! And then, Jilei's own history is even more extraordinary! The soul of martial arts is incomparable. The people of the whole nine jade temple are shocked and respected by it! Because it was the first generation master of this martial spirit who saved the bird emperor when he was in danger. Without him, there would be no master of the Jiuzun Yuxuan palace now!

But now, the master of the matchless martial spirit has become the target of the Jiuzun Yuxuan palace! This dramatic change caught people off guard. We can only say that fate has made people wrong... The bird emperor turned his back and was a little agitated. Ji Lei hesitated for a moment, but then said to the bird emperor, "Lord, I'm here to make up for my fault. I owe Bai Ling, and I'll make up for it one by one." , the fastest update of the webnovel!