"Make up? What do you make up for? " The bird emperor's face was a little gloomy. He turned to Jilei and said, "boy, for the sake of the matchless martial god, I don't care about this matter with you. Don't worry about it any more. Otherwise, I don't want to worry about the old love!"

However, Ji Lei's expression was also as firm as before. Looking at the bird emperor, he said in a solemn voice: "I'm not joking with the palace master. As long as I can find a solution, I'll go through fire and water, and I'll be there for you!" "As like as two peas, I am all over the sky." the whole collection of nine jade Xuan palace books has been searched everywhere. I can not find any solution at all. I am unable to recover from the

. No one of the dark yellow and golden blood, ah, the whole God of martial arts may not be able to find a second match with her! way? What's the solution? "

"Dark yellow and golden blood vessels?" Ji Lei is stunned. It seems that he has heard of the name of this blood vessel somewhere... But who actually heard it? According to Jilei's memory, it seems that this is not what he thinks from a certain ancient book...

"you got it from my memory." All of a sudden, the voice of matchless martial spirit rings in Jilei's ear. Ji Lei hears the words and asks him, "do you know where there is the dark yellow and golden blood?"

However, the matchless spirit shook his head regretfully and said, "no one can have this blood in the whole martial god sky. It is a kind of artificial blood."

"Man made?" "Yes, the golden blood, also known as Shennong blood, is made by an ancient race called xuanhuang nationality, which can cure all kinds of diseases. However, the existence of xuanhuang canjin blood makes other races salivate. In a hundred years, all the xuanhuang people were slaughtered.

This blood has long been extinct. It should be some coincidence that the little girl has this blood, or... She is the descendant of xuanhuang nationality. "

"Descendants of xuanhuang? Isn't the xuanhuang people extinct? " Jilei Leng way. "That is to say, but at that time, there was no catch. The xuanhuang people were extinct earlier than I appeared. I only know so much. If this little girl is really xuanhuang people, there must be her parents, her parents, maybe

to save her."

After hearing this, Ji Lei's eyes twinkle with surprise. Then she pulls over long Chen and asks, "Duan Bai Ling's parents can save her. They are connected by blood and can certainly make up for it!" "But..." when long Chen saw Ji Lei's hopeful look, he couldn't bear to attack him, but he thought again and again and told him the truth: "however, Miss Duan Er is not the Duan's daughter... She picked it up when she was a child... She just took it as her own, so many people would think it was her own, and Miss Duan knew about it." "What?" After long Chen's three words and two words, Ji Lei's face turns white. But then, Ji Lei's ear suddenly rings an excited voice: "Jilei! Jiley! I remember another thing! There is a legend of the xuanhuang nationality, which is called xuanhuang fire, in which there is the essence of xuanhuang blood vessels! "

"Really?" Jiley's eyes are shining again! This is the road of heaven and earth. It's too timely to recall the incomparable martial spirit at this time!

"Where should I look for this dark yellow fire?" Jiley asked.

"I don't know. Maybe you have to ask Phoenix. I really don't know about this." The matchless spirit shook his head.

Ji Lei's eyes darkened, but he didn't despair. After all, things were not completely irreversible. So there was still room for maneuver. As long as there was a chance, even if it was less than one tenth of a million, Jilei would hold on tightly!

"I know how to save Bai Ling!" Ji Lei says to the bird emperor. This makes all the people in the nine jade Temple change their faces. The bird emperor is stern. Then he tells Ji Lei, "I hope you'd better not make a fuss."

"Do you know that there is a clan called xuanhuang since ancient times?"

"Dark yellow?" When the bird emperor heard the words, his face tensed instantly, and then his face suddenly changed. He said to Jilei, "what else do you know? Say it all

"All I know is this. Xuanhuang fire of xuanhuang nationality can save Bai Ling. I'll take this xuanhuang fire."

"You?" The bird emperor's expression is stagnant, looking at Ji Lei, his face is a little strange: "are you... Serious?"

Jiley nodded. "Of course it's serious."

"Do you know where the dark yellow fire is?"

"I don't know, but I always know." Ji Lei said faintly.

"Well, I'll give you a chance to find it. How long will it take you?"

Ji Lei looks puzzled, "what do you mean?" "As long as the little girl's blood is thinner, it will become more and more thin. I can only use my own strength to maintain her blood concentration temporarily, but I can only last for a year. When the year is over, even if I have great strength, it is impossible to control her blood concentrationYes

The bird emperor said, let Ji Lei make up his mind and said to him, "I know, within a year, I will offer a yellow fire!"

Smell speech, bird emperor nods, "hope you are not deceiving me."

Ji Lei suddenly showed a hesitant look and asked the bird emperor, "that... Can I see Bai Ling?"

"Of course." The bird emperor nodded.

"I didn't expect that you, the Green Pheasant bird, are very human. All right, I will not be involved in this matter. I have to help the boy find something. Go first!" Feng big hand a wave and ready to leave, but was called by the bird Emperor: "you don't hurry to go, I have some things to say with you."

"We..." The Phoenix's face is suspicious.

Jiuzunyuxuan palace, Zhonggong.

Duan bailing looks out of the window at the clear sky. Although the surrounding environment is excellent, she is no longer qualified to go out of the door, just like a bird trapped in a cage.

She's under house arrest.

Suddenly, outside the door sounded rustling footsteps, a figure, opened the door which had not been opened for a long time.

Duan bailing opened her gray eyes and looked at the approaching figure. Her eyes were filled with amazing light.

When Ji Lei comes to Duan bailing, Duan bailing is still unable to react. However, the person standing in front of her is not real.

"Here I am." Ji Lei leaned down, looked at Duan Bai Ling and said softly. For some reason, after hearing the three words of Jilei, Duan bailing's tears fell down. Faced with the culprit who pushed herself into this hopeless situation, Duan bailing's resentment disappeared with a long lost "I'm here".

Now she, only aggrieved, little girl general grievance.

After a long time, Duan bailing can't help it. She pours into Jilei's arms and wails. She cries out all the bitterness she has suffered during this period.

"You finally come..." for a long time, Duan Bai Ling leaned against Jilei's chest and sobbed. Ji Lei gently wipes the tears from the corner of Bai Ling's eyes. Her voice is full of apology and tenderness: "yes, I'm here at last. I'm here to make atonement."

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