"I don't know where the new guy came from! How could Laomo answer such an old question As soon as this question was exported, it was reprimanded by countless people around him. However, Mo Lao waved his hand with a smile and said, "please be calm. This new VIP doesn't know. I'll explain it again. Don't be angry. If you're out of the house, you can make money with amity." Later, Mr. Mo explained with a smile to the guest who asked, "well, the rules of our Xuanji pavilion are like this. When we get the news, we must know it at the first time. But to be exact, we want to share the news with you, so we set up a

sales meeting. So you ask me why we are willing to sell the news Because we already know the news, so we will sell the news. Do you understand this explanation? " Mo Lao had a warm smile on his face. Seeing this, the guest nodded timidly, because there were two sharp swords on his neck. People in Xuanji Pavilion knew the news first, and then let others know it in the form of auction. This is the secret of the whole Xianyang City

and this guy broke the matter and didn't give Xuanji Although Mo Lao still has a smile on his face, it's hard to guarantee that under the smile, it's not a knife. "Well, now that I have answered questions and explained them clearly with the distinguished guest, I will go on." Mo adjusted his sleeves, and then said to the crowd, "what's in the ancient collection of Nanshan that day, I can only tell you that there are many mysterious treasures that even the strong at Wuzong level and even at wuzun level will flock to each other. Here, I won't tell you one by one. OK, the first news, the mysterious ancient collection of tiannanshan, starts at 3 Roll to the ground, inferior to martial arts

"Three volumes of ground level martial arts?" Jiley was not scared to death when he heard the price! Is this news too valuable? An ancient collection is worth at least three volumes of ground level skills?! If the person you are looking for doesn't find something of equal value, isn't it a loss?

However, the big families in Xianyang City, as they ought to be, began to bid actively: "four volumes of ground level inferior martial arts skills!"

"Five volume ground level inferior martial arts!"

"Six volumes!"

"Seven volumes!"

"Eight volumes!"

Under Ji Lei's shocking eyes, these big families have shown their shocking prices! Ji Lei is stunned by the accumulation of ground level martial arts skills!

Soon, martial arts skills quickly accumulated on the number of ten fingers!

"Twenty volumes of inferior martial arts!"

Suddenly, a big drink sounded, a figure stood up from the crowd, he directly more than the last one out of the martial arts test paper! This number makes many big families look at each other. Although they are all rich, they are not so rich. They can only use 20 volumes of ground level inferior martial arts skills at one time. He is either a fool or a real spendthrift. Ji Lei can only look at the wealth of this level. He is not good at fighting at this level.

"Twenty volumes once, twenty volumes twice, twenty volumes three times! A deal Mo's voice was fixed. Twenty volumes of inferior martial arts skills were exchanged for a piece of ancient Tibetan news. Old Mo's face turned into a chrysanthemum, which was really rich and had no place to spend. No matter how you look at it, Xuanji pavilion has made a fortune!

A piece of news for 20 volumes of martial arts... This is a deal that a fool can do. When the man took the book from old Mo's hand, everyone looked at him and all his eyes were full of ridicule. This fool!

Jilei continued to watch, such a battle, he can only watch, no money, is so helpless.

"Next, the second news is that a dangerous seven level monster has appeared in tianzhanjian of Daqin state!"

"Seven level monster?"

"It's useless to tell us such things as the seventh level monster. Can we go ahead and destroy it?" Someone frowned and said in a deep voice. "Please don't be impatient. I haven't finished yet. Although these seven level monsters are not necessary for you to kill, what they guard is what you must get!" Mo Lao said faintly: "the source of life of the seven level awakened beast must be what you all want to get

"The source of life of the awakened beast?" Many guests at this time all directly stood up and looked at Mo Lao eagerly: "is what Mo Lao said true?"

"Joke! I am not a man of nonsense Mo Lao reluctantly puffed his face, and then said, "the source of life, for anyone, is a treasure of longevity and immortality. There are even legends that can reincarnate and revive the dead!" "So amazing?" The eyes of the guests are all shining! One after another excited up, and Jilei at this time also can not sit still, the source of life? Is it the source of life? If it is really the source of life stone, if Ji Lei gets it, and then advances to Wuzong realm,

won't it be able to revive Jixing?!

Thinking of this, Jilei's mood is immediately excited. If it is true, then Jilei must get the source of life! "This is the map of Tianzhan stream. I don't know where the source of life is. The terrain of Tianzhan stream is very dangerous, and no one can draw a map. I sent someone to risk their lives and made a copy of it. This is the only one! Therefore, this volume of maps, thirty volumes of ground level inferior martial artsShoot

"Thirty volumes of ground level martial arts!" Suddenly someone directly opened the price!

Hearing this price, Ji Lei's heart sank, not to mention 30 volumes of ground level intermediate level. Now Ji Lei can't get a volume of ground level martial arts skills.

But jiley is not ready to give up. He still wants to wait and see.

"Forty volumes." There is an immediate increase in the price.



"Thirty volumes of top grade ground grade!"

"Forty rolls!"

"A volume of lower level martial arts."

In the scramble, there is a voice of indifference suddenly sounded, so that those who beat you to and from me, immediately shut their mouths.

A volume of sky level martial arts... What kind of existence is the sky level martial arts... Do you all know it?

This guy even auctioned his martial arts skills. Come on! Shoot! Sell!

In this way, any volume can be used as a family heirloom, and the existence of generations can be exchanged for a volume of maps?

Is this map really valuable?!

Although the source of life is valuable, it is not as valuable as the martial arts skills of Tianjie! "It turns out that it was the young master in the year of Qin... No wonder..." a young man stood up and immediately understood that the young master of the largest sect in Xianyang city must have suffered from a volume of Tianjie martial arts skills. However, because the old master was seriously ill, he had to put his hope on the source of life and exchange a volume of Tianjie martial arts skills for a map For this reason, if he added another volume, he would certainly not be able to afford it any more. "A volume of sky level martial arts skills for a map... It's not worth it..." Ji Lei murmured in his mouth, but in his heart, he had an idea quietly.

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