"The third news is that I won't auction." Mo Lao said this, which surprised everyone. But after he laughed, he immediately continued: "the third news, I give it to all of you!"

"Really? What is the news? " All of them were in front of their eyes and asked about Mo Laodao. Mo Lao laughed and said, "the news I want to tell you is that in six months' time, in the southernmost part of the state of Qin, the Tianxu of Daqin will be opened once a century!"

"Tai Qin Tianxu?" Ji Lei is stunned. What he is looking for is xuanhuang Tianxu, but what is the great Qin Tianxu? Perhaps there is a connection between the two? "Tai Qin Tianxu?" When people heard the news, they were all excited and said, "this great Qin Tianxu is a treasure hunting place for a hundred years! Many martial arts skills left by our ancestors exist in the Tianxu of Daqin! Now we have to open up again. This good opportunity can be

not to be missed! "

Jilei looked at the people who were whispering their emotions to each other. Her eyes sank slightly.

Then he quietly left his position and walked out of the trading room.


The dark night and the misty Street cover up the walking figure perfectly. Of course, at this time, the streets are empty.

All of a sudden, a vague shadow quickly across the street, speed, it is only in the blink of an eye.

In a room behind the trading hall, a solitary lamp flickered with a lonely flame. The dim light was shining on a piece of yellowing parchment.

"Hey, hey." An old figure suddenly approached the lamp. After a careful look, it was mo Lao's face. He picked up the parchment and looked at the pieces of parchment painted together with a fine pen. His eyes were full of treacherous smile.

"I guess I'm right. You've made more than one copy, have you?" Suddenly, there was a sound outside the window! In the dim light of the light, a vague voice slowly appeared from the window edge, and then came to Mo Lao's back in a flash!

"You... Who are you?! How dare you break into Xuanji pavilion! Somebody! Kill him for me

"Stop yelling. If they could come, I wouldn't be standing here now." Ji Lei gave a faint smile, and then looked at Mo Lao with a cold luster in her eyes. "It seems that you have more than one copy of the map sold to the year of Qin?"

Mo Lao's eyes flashed a trace of fear, looked at Ji Lei and said in a cold voice: "what are you talking about? I don't know! "

"Oh, how hard are you With a cold smile, Ji Lei grabbed the roll of parchment in Mo Lao's hand, held it in his hand, and said with a contemptuous smile: "you don't want to take it back. Your strength of King Wu is not enough to see in front of me. I'll take this map." "You Mo Lao's face is very white! It's not because Jilei robbed his own map, but Jilei could see through his own strength at a glance! Generally speaking, the strength of a person who can do this is often stronger than his own, so he can see his own strength at a glance,

that is to say, Ji Lei, a young man who looks no more than 20 years old, is even stronger than himself!

"That's it. Take it." Mo Lao is also a man of judging the situation. The so-called man who knows the current affairs is a hero. Since he can't use a strong one in front of Ji Lei, he has to give in. There is no way.

Jilei glanced at Mo Lao's eyes, and then put the roll of parchment into Najie, but still stood there.

"Why don't you go yet?" Mo Lao said with some impatience.

"Are you really taking this one?" Ji Lei asked with a smile. In the smile, the opportunity to kill was awe inspiring!

"Where do I still have..." Mo Lao has not finished speaking, the desk that holds tightly in hand, is lifted by Ji Lei! Under the desk, countless papers, all scattered on the ground!

"This... This..." Mo Lao looked at the paper all over the ground, and didn't know what to say. Jilei continued to smile and look at him: "I asked just now, you said there was no one."

"I..." Mo's face turned white and wanted to explain, but suddenly a cold light flashed across his neck! In an instant, Mo Lao's neck broke into two pieces. "In my life, I hate to be cheated." Ji Lei looks at the dead Mo Lao. His palm bends slightly, and the scattered paper on the ground is automatically put together and falls in Jilei's palm. Ji Lei looks over the map of Tianzhan Jian! "I knew that." Ji Lei murmured and collected all these maps into Najie. If Ji Lei had a good idea, he would like to find an opportunity to sell them to others at a high price in the future. However, Jilei found out that these maps are all his own. Jilei can take one of them and take all the other maps For martial arts or other wealth.

Weigh the weight of that stack of paper in hand, it is not light! It seems that there are more than a hundred Zhang, Mo Lao's mind is really treacherous, in this way, the year of Qin has really become the head of injustice!

After reading this, Jilei did not stay much. She turned over and quickly ran away from the room. Her figure was hidden in the long night.The next day, the whole city of Xianyang was swept by a news! The auction elder of Xuanji Pavilion, Mo Lao, died last night! The separation of the corpse is terrible!

Hearing the news, Jilei chuckled in his heart. Anyway, he couldn't find his own body. Other people don't know about the map, so he won't doubt that Jilei did it. Now, Jilei can rest assured and sell all these maps to others.

"I hear you have a map here?" In front of Jilei, a figure suddenly appears. His indifferent face looks fierce.

"Yes, tianzhanjian. How many Ji Lei says faintly, and is preparing to take out the map inside Najie. However, when Jilei is ready to start, a big knife has been put on his neck.

Jilei's eyes were cold.

"What do you mean?"

"Your map, should be from Xuanji pavilion?" The man's face is indifferent. Ji Lei hears the words and looks at the man with a twinkle in his face.

"I'm from Xuanji Pavilion. I drew the map. Therefore, you are the one who killed Mo Lao." The man's face, with a little sneer, the strength of the force suddenly burst out, Ji Lei's face suddenly solidified down!

Wuzong! "Hum..." Ji Lei's mouth curled, and without saying a word, he directly swung his legs. As soon as all kinds of body skills and martial arts were applied, he ran to the distance!

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