The voice with a trace of laziness suddenly reached the ears of Jilei and the rain devil of the jungle. Immediately, the figure appeared in front of the rain devil and Jilei.

"Master Nan Tian Di?" Ji Lei never thought that the southern emperor would appear in front of him at this time! The sudden appearance of the southern emperor of heaven was unexpected to the rain devil in the jungle.

"Who!" Facing the rain emperor, the rain emperor is angry and angry

The rain devil in the jungle looked at the southern emperor warily, "those who play tricks will be fed in my stomach!"

After that, the rain devil of the jungle rushed toward the southern emperor of heaven, but the southern emperor was indifferent with a smile, "I am the body of my soul, I'm afraid I can't be your food..." then, with a move in his long sleeve, the southern emperor's hand flowed slowly out of his palm, and bound the jungle rain devil. Seeing this, he tried to struggle but couldn't move , can only glare at the South emperor, roar: "bastard, put me down, there is a kind of single!

”"Don't you think it's ridiculous that a monster who kills the enemy to gain strength by ambush should say such solemn and righteous words in front of me?" The southern emperor sneered and didn't listen to the rain devil's words. He just held his two hands lightly, which meant that he had tens of thousands of powers. He rushed out of his body, bound the Forest Rain devil firmly, and then began to refine it!

The Forest Rain devil's body, in a short period of time, began to melt, and with the gradual dissolution of the body, the jungle rain devil's strength, also inexplicably rapidly disappeared.

"What's the matter! What's going on? "

The rain devil in the jungle was flustered. He was really flustered. The sad look on his face represented the anxiety and despair in his heart. He was bound by the southern emperor, and he could not get away from it any more. Such power, like a towering mountain, made life unable to afford the desire to climb and surpass.

"Ah ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah Suddenly, a deep pain came from the jungle rain devil's body, which made him start to howl continuously. Even if he tried his best to resist, he could not stop the fact that he was about to turn into a pool of water. Finally, after the struggle was fruitless, the jungle rain devil turned into a pool of water in the hands of the southern emperor. The southern emperor looked at the Forest Rain devil's body, and then unfolded his finger again. The finger condensed a knot. Then Jilei saw that the liquefied body of the Forest Rain devil immediately solidified and condensed into a skin like thing. Ji Lei saw that all the impurities in the Forest Rain devil's body had been removed by the southern emperor, and then the piece was condensed The skin was collected.

"I'm worried about whether you can find the rain devil in the jungle. I didn't expect that he would come to you on his own initiative." After the southern emperor cleaned up, he said with a smile to Ji Lei.

"Why are you here?" When Ji Lei hears the words, he can't help asking. The southern emperor explains to Ji Lei, "I've been following you all the time. Refining the body needs the environment here, so I have to follow you, so that I can protect you in time of danger."

Smell speech, Ji Lei nodded, and then said to the South Emperor: "I have collected all the materials. What do I need to do now?"

"It's very simple. You can shape this skin by pressing it into a human shape, smearing it with mud, and then burning it with fire."

On hearing this, Ji Lei takes over the skin of the rain devil from the South sky emperor. She resists nausea and spreads it with mud. Then she calls out the incomparable fire and slowly bakes the shaped body. When the mud is dry, the shape of the jungle rain devil's skin is determined.

"Although the jungle rain devil is extremely dangerous, his skin is still very good to use..." the southern emperor laughed, and then his body flashed. He immediately got into the mud shape and yelled at Ji Lei: "refine the demon crystal, refine the herbs, and inject all the power into the body!" Hearing this, Ji Lei quickly takes out five demon crystals and burns them with a blazing flame. These demon crystals, baked by the unparalleled fire, immediately break apart. The power inside them condenses in an instant. Ji Lei sees this, and quickly mixes these forces together and pours them into the mud body, which is the same with herbs.

This is much simpler than alchemy, just refining herbs, so these two steps are particularly easy. But when the power injection into the mud body, Jilei then quietly waiting for the South emperor to break out of the shell.

Ji Lei simply sits down and refines the demon crystal of Lin Jiao that he swallowed down. In the rain forest, Ji Lei sits beside the South emperor of heaven, practicing and protecting Dharma for him. Lin Jiao is worthy of being a monster at the peak of the seventh level and nearly the eighth level. Its power is completely fierce and wild. Although some of these forces are hard to be refined in a short time, it is at least quite pure. If such a demon crystal is put into the outside world, it may attract more or less greedy eyes!

"The demon crystal is broken, otherwise there will be more power..." Ji Lei smashed his mouth and refined all the demon crystals. However, when Ji Lei opened his eyes, he saw that the clay sculpture of the southern emperor of heaven was suddenly on fire.Jilei looks at the clay sculpture in amazement. Later, Jilei sees that the solidified mud begins to peel off slowly. Inside, a brand-new body slowly appears in front of Jilei.

This body is not the slightly pale white of the jungle rain devil, but a kind of healthy flesh color. The pupil of that pair of eyes is no longer narrow and enchanting, but appears to be extremely energetic.

"Hoo..." South emperor's long breath, has the body feeling, is quite wonderful.

"The body is finished? Then let's go to find poor Qi As soon as Ji Lei saw that the body of the southern emperor had been refined, he kept on trying to eliminate poverty and strangeness. This kind of thing is a disaster in the world for a moment. "It's not urgent. You can dress me first." When Ji Lei gave his clothes to him, he said to him: "there are many good things in the demon forest that we haven't found yet.

, it will take some time for me to fully recover my strength to 60% to 70%, so it's useless to be anxious I'll find the good stuff in it, and then I'll take it and I'll regain my strength. " "What else are you looking for?" Seeing this, Ji Lei felt helpless and dejected. On hearing this, the southern emperor of heaven gave a smile and said, "there's something in this monster rainforest, which is very magical..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!