"Is there something magical? What is it? " Ji Lei looks at Nan Tian Di curiously, but then he smiles at him mysteriously. He tells Ji Lei: "you'll know when you come with me..." the environment of monster rain forest is quite humid. In such an environment, Ji Lei walks in the mud with deep feet and shallow feet, while the Southern emperor is walking on the ground. This skill makes Ji Lei very jealous and tells the truth Although Ji Lei has reached the peak level of Wuzong, he can only describe some footwork in a superficial way. The emperor of the South can walk on this level, of course, there is his unique method.

Jilei can only hobble along behind the southern emperor, and then he follows the southern emperor. The environment around him is particularly gloomy. Jilei looks around and shivers, "what's this place?" "This is the deepest place in the forest of monsters and beasts. It's called the forest of ghosts and spirits." The southern emperor replied faintly. Jilei suddenly found that after they got to the ghost forest, the humid environment immediately became extremely dry. I don't know whether the purpose of the monster rain forest is to cover up the ghost forest or something else. In short, he left the unpleasant wet place and felt comfortable.

"What are you doing here? It's a place where birds don't poop. " Jilei looked at the surrounding environment. Then she put her hands around her shoulder and looked around with some misgivings.

Smell speech, the southern emperor smile, and then said: "I fell in love with one of the master's things, now want to take away, get this, I can restore nearly 70% of the strength."

"Master... Here?" Jilei's eyes not only have doubts, but also fear, this ghost spirit Sen, unexpectedly still has the master? What can make the South emperor pay so much attention to is that Ji Lei can't think of anyone else. It must be a strong hand in the strong!

Ji Lei no longer spoke, because he saw that the southern emperor's look gradually solidified. Looking at the depths of the ghost forest, a powerful voice suddenly broke out in the elixir field: "ghost respect, give your dead spirit stele to the emperor!"

"Come on

The voice of the southern emperor startled a group of starlings in the forest of ghosts and spirits. In the dark and deep woods, a black fog suddenly swept out of the deepest place, emerging in front of Jilei and the southern emperor. In the dark fog, a figure slowly came out.

His whole body exudes a seemingly vicious black air, and even the whole person is dark. Jilei can't see his face clearly, but the aura from his whole body makes Jilei understand that this man is definitely a top-level strong man with strength no less than Wu Zun!

"The great emperor of the south? Why are you again? If you don't stay in your Jinan underground palace, what are you doing here The black air sent out severe questions.

Smell speech, south day emperor tiny smile, don't care to say: "just want to borrow ghost Zun's dead spirit stele just." "South emperor! Don't think you are enough to make me afraid! Recognize the reality, now you, living is already the biggest luck! Do you think you are still pan Yin, the great emperor of Nantian? Who has the right to come to me and shout GUI Zun was obviously provoked to be angry, and his words were very impolite.

But the southern Emperor didn't get angry. Instead, he looked at the ghost Zun indifferently. Then he raised his hand slightly, wrapped his aura around his fingertips, and said with a faint smile: "is it? Then... Do you want to come and see how far I have fallen? "

"Hoo --" the strong wind blows across the whole body of the southern emperor of heaven! Ghost Zun saw this, slightly frowned, and then pulled out the Ghost Head sword in his waist, and said to the South Emperor: "since you are so stubborn, don't blame me for being merciless!"

As soon as the words fell, the ghost Zun took a knife and chopped the emperor of the south! Suddenly, a strange black breath broke out in the blade. Each black breath had a terrible ghost face, and it was bound to the southern emperor! "Evil spirit bound? It seems that you really underestimate me... "The southern emperor pursed his lips a little, then raised his hand, and a pure white energy was slapped away at the ghost Zun. The strength hit the ghost Zun's chest. The ghost Zun experienced this huge force, and then retreated away. The black gas from the blade disappeared in an instant.

"Cha --!"

GUI Zun stepped back for dozens of steps. He had to stick his dagger into the ground to stop the step. He raised his head and looked at the southern emperor in shock: "how can it be? How did you recover the flesh? "

"Ha ha, I didn't expect it, otherwise what would I come to you for?" In the eyes of the South emperor of heaven, he showed a light contempt. The ghost stood up and suddenly murmured: "no wonder you come to the door on your own initiative."

"If you don't want to look ugly, I suggest you give me the tablet." The southern emperor stretched out his hand and looked at the ghost Zun indifferently, but the ghost Zun spat: "hum, even if you have a flesh body, what can you do? If you don't recover all your strength, it's not impossible for me to fight with you! " "Then you will have a try?" The southern emperor was quite provocative to the ghost Zun hook finger, this move, is really to the ghost Zun to anger, the ghost head big knife in the hand is like a living creature, instantly grew the exaggeration incomparable deformity sharp, twinkling cold and sharp luster! The ghost sword at the momentLike a hunting iguana, it's like a hunting iguana. It's dangerous!

"Ghosts cry!" Suddenly, GUI Zun Yang's knife splits, and the black Sabre Qi suddenly sweeps towards the southern emperor. The southern emperor's eyebrows slightly twist, and then opens his five fingers of his right hand, slightly palms at the Dao Qi, and the black Qi disappears in an instant! The sword, which was so fierce that it startled ghosts and gods, was so easily dissolved by the southern emperor!

"It's impossible!" Ghost Zun's tone seemed particularly excited, even with a strong anger in his voice, but the southern emperor slowly came forward and said lightly to the ghost Zun: "you see what strength I am now?"

When ghost Zun heard the speech, he raised his eyes and looked at the southern emperor. The southern emperor released his aura. After the ghost Zun felt it, he suddenly collapsed: "Wu Jun?! How is that possible? How did you break through to Wu Jun? "

No matter how strong GUI Zun is, he is just a top martial master. There is a general gap between him and Wu Jun. that's why the southern emperor dares to come here!

"Although I don't have the strength I used to have, I was once the only strong one between heaven and earth. How many people can keep pace with me?"

However, Ji Lei did not think that the southern emperor was exaggerating. He was probably a strong man earlier than Wushuang Wushen, and his seniority was even higher than the emperor of ten wars. It is not too much to say that he is a strong man in heaven and earth. "And you?" South emperor's eyes revealed a little pity, looking at the ghost Zun way: "but one is just a humble Wu Zun."

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