"A humble wuzun" makes Ji Lei feel ashamed. After all, if even wuzun can be described as "humble", then what is a Wuzong like Jilei? Grass mustard?

The southern emperor's words obviously irritated the ghost Zun, but it didn't matter, because whether the ghost Zun was angry or not, the southern emperor always wanted to take away the tablet.

"I won't go around with you. I have to. If you can give it to me, I can give you a way to live, and let you continue to dominate the forest of ghosts and spirits. But if you don't give it to me, then... I'm afraid you won't even have a chance to see these trees again."

The southern emperor's tone is quite insipid. It seems that a superior person is giving orders to the inferior. In fact, the southern emperor has such capital! In this area, he is the strongest without dispute!

There was a flicker of doubt in the ghost Zun's eyes. It seemed that he was making a rather difficult decision. Then, he raised his head, gritted his teeth and said, "you know, the death tablet is my way to gain strength..." "that's why I can't talk about it? Well, I'll kill you, and then I'll take the tablet. " The southern emperor shrugged his shoulders. It doesn't matter if the ghost emperor agrees or not, it will not change the outcome, because the southern emperor will get the death tablet in any case, but whether the ghost Zun agrees or not is determined by whether he can get a life under the southern emperor. "Wait! I promise you Seeing this, the ghost immediately bit his teeth off and said in a hurry that his own life is more important. After that, he quickly took out a small stone tablet and held it in his hand, with a trace of flesh pain in his eyes. However, seeing that the southern emperor raised his hand slightly, he was so frightened that he was in a cold sweat and handed the tablet to the emperor.

The southern emperor took over the stele and held it in his hand. With a satisfied smile, he immediately said to the ghost Zun, "thank you."

A trace of hatred flashed in the ghost Zun's eyes, but soon disappeared. Finally, he sighed and sat helplessly on the ground.

Ji Lei followed the southern emperor out of the ghost spirit forest, some doubts asked: "master, why is a martial Zun thing so persistent?" Hearing this, the southern Emperor gave a mysterious smile, "you don't know. This stele is not a mortal thing. As long as I swallow it, its power will be transferred to me. Naturally, a tablet of dead spirit can't enter my eyes. But do you know what's left in the tablet

"What remains?" Jiley asked curiously.

The southern emperor smiles mysteriously, and then says to Ji Lei, "there is a volume of soul swallowing method in this dead spirit stele."

"The method of swallowing spirit? What is that? "

"It's a kind of martial art. It's very mysterious. It can swallow everything you see and then refine it for your own use. Just as the name suggests."

"So good? Isn't it that as long as there is aura, it can be swallowed by you? " Jilei looked left and right, dexterously leapt from the tree to grab a fruit, put it in front of the South emperor, "can you swallow this water spirit fruit?" "What do you think is of any use to me?" The southern Emperor gave Ji Lei an angry look, and then said, "I have the strength of the king of Wu. It's about quadruple, which is quite different from that of the poor. So after swallowing the dead spirit tablet, I have to hunt and kill some high-level monsters. Their demon crystal is the biggest supplement for me. With the method of swallowing spirit, I can get half the result by swallowing and refining aura Times, and the high-level monster is also very helpful for me to attack skillfully, so I will come here specially Ji Lei nodded and followed Nan Tiandi out of the ghost forest. Even if Nan Tian Di didn't say anything, Ji Lei knew that next, Nan Tian Di would have to hunt more high-level monsters. Ji Lei had to help Nan Tian Di to cross the road. Now it seems that Nan Tian Di tied Ji

Lei to do this and that, but Jilei did not complain at all It's to stop poverty and wonder. It's all for the common people in the world. What Jilei has done is quite great. The southern Emperor didn't know what Ji Lei was thinking, so he went to look for some high-level monsters. Ji Lei didn't want to help him. As a king of Wu, Ji Lei didn't know how much more efficient he was to do such things than Ji Lei. Ji Lei went to help him.

it was just a waste of trouble.

"I've refined it." The southern emperor completely refined the death tablet. Then, he stood up and looked at the distance with golden eyes. Then he said to Ji Lei, "I will go back."

Jilei, leaning against a tree, half squinting his eyes, nodded leisurely on his face, just like herding sheep, he left the South emperor of heaven to hunt and kill monsters.

"Boom! Boom! Boom Br > when you look at nanjingdi's eyes, you are shocked and tremble when you look at nanjingdi's eyesHearing this, the southern emperor said with indifference: "is this a very difficult thing? These eight level monsters are as fragile as fish in my eyes. As long as the monsters are there, I want as many as I want. "

South emperor's words, let Ji Lei smile bitterly, can only shake his head helpless way: "that here demon beast, isn't want to be all killed by you?"

"Am I such a man? I have calculated that as long as 30 level-8 demon crystals and 40 level-7 demon crystals can be restored to their original strength. In fact, I have this strength and devour the demon crystal, but I want to speed up the recovery of aura. It's OK. " After listening to the southern emperor's words, Ji Lei was speechless. He had to let him do it. Soon, the southern emperor flew directly into the sky with one palm. His aura covered the whole xuanhuang mountains like a net, just like fishing. He trapped the monsters in it together. In this way, the efficiency of the southern emperor is indeed much higher, but it is a tragedy for these innocent monsters. They are involuntarily rolled up, and then they are slaughtered without any resistance. In a few moments, the whole xuanhuang mountain range is spread with fear. For a moment, birds and beasts cry and howl. However, the southern emperor is not killing the embryo. He is killing After enough monsters, they stopped without hesitation. Holding full of demon crystal, the southern emperor fell in front of Ji Lei and said, "the things are here. Give me time. I want to refine and protect the Dharma for me."

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