"Gilley! Dig into the ground

The southern emperor suddenly said to Ji Lei. Jilei was surprised. "What? Digging

"Oh, stop talking nonsense! According to my guess, under the ground, there should be a blaze of fire! " South emperor's mood is a little excited, smell speech, Ji Lei immediately stare at the elder brother, "are you sure?" "Try it!" The southern emperor spread out his hands and grasped the ground from afar. A force was immediately ejected from his palm and stuck to the ground. Then he lifted it upward. The tightly fitting land immediately ejected a piece of gravel wrapped with soil. It can be seen that the same method was used to dig out all the soil on the ground!

Three feet after digging, a huge pit appeared at the foot of Jilei and the South emperor. Originally, they wanted to continue digging, but the southern emperor suddenly made a new discovery.

"I feel the aura..." the southern emperor frowned suddenly, and Ji Lei was curious, "can you feel it all?"

"It should be here!" The southern emperor pointed down his finger, and a bunch of aura burst out in an instant, which exploded a solid and thick rock in that position! After the rock burst open, the scene behind made Jilei's eyes widen and her eyes twinkle with incredible light!

Behind the rock, there is a door like thing! It looks a little bit old-fashioned. Ji Lei and the South emperor are busy in the pit and push the old looking door.

"I can't open it. It's very firm. I can't use brute force." The southern emperor frowned and looked at the door, murmured. Hearing the words, Ji Lei's heart began to become heavy: "can the flame be in it?"

"I don't know, maybe." The southern emperor has no time to analyze and still can't open the door which looks very old with many means! This makes the South emperor very angry!

"I don't know good or bad!" The southern emperor glared at the door, "although you are left by the God of war, I am not a vegetarian either!"

Immediately, a pure white aura suddenly appeared in the palm of the southern emperor, which condensed into a huge ax.

"Open the sky?" Jiley is surprised.

"Broken!" The southern emperor took a sharp drink. With the sharp edge of the sky opening axe, he rushed down with the aura. He chopped the door with an axe, and even broke it directly!

"Actually let you open it?" Ji Lei looks at Nan Tian Di in surprise and strangely. After seeing Ji Lei, he immediately walks behind the door. After entering the door, both the emperor and Ji Lei are greatly surprised.

The environment inside is just like an ancient temple. There are tiny candle lights flickering in the temple, and the dim lights are dispensable. However, these candles reveal the flavor of vicissitudes. It seems that they have been burning quietly for a long time.

"Changming lamp..." the southern emperor looked at these lights, and his eyes became slightly dignified. "This long light has been burning all the time, which indicates that something important must be stored here... This lamp has been burning for thousands of years..."

"thousands of years?" Jilei Wan would not have thought that this little candle was so old! Thousands of years! These long-lasting lights, like elves, jump and twinkle in Jilei's eyes. Jilei's eyes gather together and look at these lights for a long time.

"OK, don't be dazzled. Find out where the light of fire is. Now I'm quite sure that the flame is here." The southern emperor patted Jilei on the shoulder, and then went straight ahead.

After seeing this, Ji Lei quickly followed up and found the light of fire among the dim lights. However, after searching for a long time, Ji Lei and the southern emperor of heaven did not see anything more than these lights!

Ji Lei was stunned for a long time in the same place and looked forward. At the end of the Changming lamp group, there was a bronze throne.

"Will the light of fire be there?" With a try, Jilei walked towards the bronze throne. But when he came to the bronze throne, he didn't see anything.

"Master, come and have a look." Ji Lei waved to the southern emperor. Seeing this, he went to Jilei. Before the bronze throne, he studied the throne carefully. Later, he simply fell on the throne and observed it carefully.

"Have you found anything?" Jiley asked urgently.

But the southern emperor stood up, sighed and shook his head. He regretted that he did not find anything. This is a very common throne

"There must be something strange about this throne standing here for no reason." Ji Lei firmly believes in his intuition, and his eyes touch with the southern Emperor: "or... Shall we lift the throne?" "Are you sure? It's no exaggeration to say that it's a miracle. It's disrespectful to lift the throne, but it's disrespectful to the gods. " At this time, the southern emperor even began to be religious, but Jilei jumped on the throne without any consideration. "In the extraordinary period, we can't care about so much. The gods are very clear and will not compare with us!"

After Ji Lei finished, he directly pulled out the Dragon grain halberd and inserted it at the bottom of the throne. After reaching the corner of the throne, he began to pry it up!"What are you doing?" The southern emperor looked at Ji Lei with some puzzlement and asked in doubt. Ji Lei replied with force: "I once heard a wise man say, give him a fulcrum, he can pry the whole world, so I also want to try to pry away the throne."

The southern emperor smacked his lips, "what's your wise man's name?" "It's called ah or something... Forget it, forget it. Anyway, it's over." Ji Lei wiped the sweat on his forehead, which was like a raindrop on the ground. However, the throne did not move. Soon after, Jilei looked up and saw the southern emperor of heaven. He did not move. He was angry and said, "what are you doing? Come and help

"Are you a fool?" The southern emperor finally couldn't help it. The great emperor yelled at Ji Lei: "are you wrong? We are warriors! Not ordinary people! What are you doing here with your stick?! Get out of the way

The southern emperor pushed the dull Ji Lei aside, and then came to the front of the bronze throne. With a move of his hand, the motionless throne immediately made a heavy running in sound, and then slowly suspended up...

"it's done!" Ji Lei's eyes are full of excitement, and the throne clang is thrown aside by the southern emperor. Under the original position, there is a deep depression.

"Go down and have a look! Perhaps the light of fire is buried below! " Seeing this, the southern emperor said to Ji Lei in a hurry. After hearing this, Ji Lei stepped into the pit and searched for a long time. Then he walked out of the pit with a disheartened face and said, "there is nothing below."

"Nothing? How could it be? " Hearing this, the southern emperor of heaven rushed to the side of the pit and looked down at the bottom. But to his disappointment, there was nothing like what Ji Lei said.

"Really did not..." the South emperor's eyes, began to loose, face dull sitting on the ground, staring at the front, do not know what to do, that dim yellow light, in the eyes of the South emperor, is so dazzling.

The southern emperor looked at those candlelight stupidly, looked at, the bottom of the pupil suddenly passed a trace of fine light!

"Gilley! Gilley The emperor of the South sky got up in a hurry, looking nervous.

"What are you doing?" Ji Lei was tired for a long time and got nothing. He was decadent. He responded to the southern emperor impatiently. The South emperor, lying on the side of the pit, said to Ji Lei, who had not yet come out of the pit, "we are here to find the light of fire, right?"

"Nonsense! Are you okay? Now you play amnesia with me

"What is the point of the flame?" The southern emperor continued to ask Ji Lei. This question is to ask Jilei. Yes, what is the focus of the flame? He never seemed to have thought of it.

"Fire! Fire Seeing this, the southern emperor anxiously said, pointing his finger at the ever burning lamps: "fire! Burning a thousand years of flame

Jilei's eyes suddenly shrank, opened his mouth and said in disbelief, "you mean, the light of fire is in these long-term lamps?"

"Come out! Take away all these permanent lights "Late! It's too late for you When the South emperor spoke, there was a sudden gust of evil wind outside! A black gas, suddenly from the door, burst in!

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