"Poor and strange?"

The black wind stopped, inside, slowly out of a figure, swinging that empty arm sleeve, is not poor and strange, who can it be? "Thank you for helping me find the light of fire." Poor Qi's face was filled with a little sarcastic look, and the corner of his mouth raised a sharp radian. "The burning and shining seal on the gate of the fire spirit underground palace needs aura to open. I'm still distressed. I didn't expect you to help me open the door. I really thank you for


Looking at the poor and ironic face, the South emperor's face froze for a moment, and immediately responded: "you want us to get the map, so that we can help you open the door?" Poor Qi has already said that the burning and shining seal on the gate can only be opened with aura. The fierce beast, like the monster, has no aura. It's no wonder that poor Qi doesn't take the initiative to look for the flame of fire. It turns out that he already knows where the flame of fire is hidden. He just needs to find two fools to open the door.


"Those mole ants, the strength is just Wuzong up and down, there is no ability to open the Yan Yao seal, but you... The southern emperor pan Yin..." poor Qi looked up and down the South emperor, eyebrows picked up and said: "your strength is qualified, can open the Yan Yao seal, I do not follow you, who can follow?" "Asshole! How dare you tease us? " At this time, the southern emperor felt extremely humiliated. The guardian of the southern world, the great emperor, was suppressed by a fierce beast! This is unacceptable to the South emperor! But poor Qi turned his mouth carelessly, "if you are really smart enough, you won't be teased by me. Who can you blame? Blame yourself

Poor Qi sneered and said, "thank you for helping me find out where the flame is hiding! I'll take these permanent lights! "

He knew that the night was long, and he did not say much at the moment. He waved his sleeve robe directly and wanted to put all these long-term lamps in his pocket!

"No! Stop him The southern emperor's reaction was quick. Seeing that poor Qi had made some moves, he immediately jumped forward. The aura burst out of his sleeve robe and twisted it into a bundle of aura ropes. All these long-term lamps were tied up and started a wrestling battle with poor Qi. In fact, the strength of the two was not much different, which also surprised the southern emperor. He thought that the poverty and strangeness might have swallowed up the dark yellow fire shell, so his strength would have such a big improvement. Now, the poor and strange are probably the best among the martial kings,

he is superior to the others.

Moreover, a little bit, quite mysterious, poor and strange power seems to continue, in this tug of war like confrontation, the southern emperor to later actually some strength is not enough! "Big black sky skill!" Suddenly, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and his one arm black sleeve suddenly swung. The overwhelming black air suddenly rushed towards the South emperor, covering his eyes, and instantly making him invisible. At this time, the power of the southern emperor was so relaxed for a moment

, poor Qi immediately grasped the gap and put all the long-term lights on Into the black hole like sleeve robe!

"Hum, what the emperor of the south is actually this pair of strength. At the beginning, I thought highly of you. It turned out to be a paper tiger!" Poor Qi put all the Changming lamps in his pocket and sneered at him, derogating from the southern emperor.

The black gas made the South emperor dizzy and distended his brain. This force made him dizzy. There was a little blood flowing from his mouth and nose! "It's a pity that I can't stay for a long time, or I will kill you today. Before leaving, I'll tell you that you think you're very smart and have gathered all the maps, but you don't know that everything you've done has become someone else's dowry! Who will cause all this? I'm not the greedy one. Who is

after all? Think about it. " After chuckling, poor Qi turned into a black wind and quickly left the fire spirit underground palace!

"Poof!" The southern emperor finally couldn't help it. He spat out a stream of red blood and fell on the ground. Ji Lei quickly lifted it up and said, "are you ok? Do you need pills? "

"It's OK. It's just a bit of a trick. You mean little man. " In the eyes of the southern emperor, there was a flame of resentment, some of whom couldn't get angry: "injuries are still small things, but the ever burning lamp has been taken away by the poor."

Ji Lei's eyes gradually dimmed: "for poor Qi, having the light of fire is just like adding wings to a tiger..."

"now, we can only hope that poor Qi can find out the secret of the flame later... After all, we only guess that the light of fire is hidden in the ever burning lamp, and we don't know how to take out the light of fire."

"Hope..." Ji Lei sighed, and then his eyes suddenly became dark, "did you hear what poor Qi said before he left?"

"Who is the most greedy person..." the southern emperor narrowed his eyes. The greedy man in the poor and strange mouth must have informed the news and sent the map to the southern emperor and Ji Lei on purpose! They have long been caught in a poor scheme!

Two people look at each other, meet all the conditions of the person, immediately appeared in their mind, two people look at each other, and said a name: "Qin Tian!"


"Bastard! I won't kill you! You run to work for the poor, don't you? How long can you still dominate the Qin clan if the light of fire is gone The shining and high plaque of the Qin gate, in the words of the southern emperor full of murderous rage, fell to the ground and broke into dregs. All the disciples of the Qin clan who were about to come out were killed by Ji Lei without exception! In the past, the alliance of helping each other has turned into an allianceQiu, such a story, is a pity.

"Asshole! Where is qinmen! How can you go wild Qin Nian angrily comes out of the house and looks at Ji Lei and the South emperor of heaven in a murderous manner. He is about to start but is stopped by Qin Tian.

Strange is, Qin Tian's face, there is no anger or panic expression, but has been indifferent to looking at two people.

"Why did you come to qinmen?" "How about his mother and Laozi? You're not born when I'm pretending to be a liar to your little sister The southern emperor was so angry that he raised his hand and hit Qin Tian's abdomen. Hearing a dull sound, Qin Tian's face turned pale and his body fell backward. He fell on the ground and vomited blood.

"Dad Seeing this, the year of Qin ran to help Qin Tian, but the southern emperor kicked the year of Qin and came to Qin Tian's face. He held his hand on Qin Tian's head. In his eyes, he was determined to kill him. He asked in a cold voice, "tell me, are you helping poor people to stop us?" "If you don't tell me the truth, I'll let you die with your eyes closed."

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