"Are you... The emperor of Nantian?" Xuanyuchang Lao Wan didn't expect that standing in front of him was the famous guardian of the southern world. The name of the great emperor of Nantian was much louder than the emperor of the ten wars in ancient times. In the era when the emperor of the tenth war had not risen strongly,

the four heavenly emperors were the supreme masters of the whole martial god heaven. With the passage of time, the four great emperors also successively After falling or disappearing, Ji Lei almost went all over the Wu Shen Tian, and only saw pan Yin, the great emperor of the southern sky.

Therefore, the appearance of the great emperor of Southern heaven naturally surprised the elder Xuanyu. However, when he saw that the realm of the great emperor of Nantian was only Wu Jun, the elder Xuanyu was puzzled.

It is said that the four heavenly emperors have reached the peak of their strength, even higher than the ten war emperors. But why is it that the southern emperor's strength is only a small military king?

Although the state of Wu Jun is already quite high, it is not enough for the powerful emperors. "When you're in your twilight years, you can't keep up with your pace if you're too slow." The southern emperor suddenly showed a guilty smile. On his face, which looked much lighter than Xuanyu's, he felt a bit of vicissitudes for the first time. It was unnecessary for him to tell Xuanyu elder about his own experience. He only needed to prove that he was indeed the great emperor of Nantian. Therefore, when he met Xuanyu elder, he did not hesitate To show their identity proof - the sky axe.

The great emperor of the South can make a fake, but he can't make a fake by opening the sky axe. So he almost didn't think about it. Xuanyu elder immediately recognized the identity of the southern emperor and walked into the nine jade Xuan palace with Ji Lei.

"Why did you come here

Smell speech, the southern emperor then open the door to see the mountain said: "I come to ask you a thing."

"Oh?" Xuanyu elder smell speech, eyebrows slightly frown, can let the southern emperor condescend to come here to also ask them the matter, certainly will not be simple, "the elder may as well say." "Well, in ancient times, the fierce beasts were so poor that they landed in the southern boundary. You all know that." The southern emperor began to narrate with elder Xuanyu: "those epics used to be, and I think you know them, so I won't repeat them. Now I'll just tell you one situation... Poverty and strangeness get the light of fire."

"What? Poor Qi got the light of fire? " When the elder Xuanyu heard the words, his face turned white. How could he not have heard of the name of the flame? The southern emperor's words deepened the haze between Xuanyu elder's eyebrows. Looking at the southern emperor, he said with a heavy voice, "is what you said true?"

"Will I lie to you?" The southern emperor curled his lips and felt a little unhappy. "Of course, it doesn't mean that. If the light of fire is taken away by the poor and strange, I'm afraid that the God of martial arts will really be in chaos." Elder Xuanyu's eyes were all dignified and worried. The southern emperor added: "elder, you don't have to worry. Although poor Qi has got the light of fire,

but it will not be so fast to study and understand it. So we still have time. We must find out poverty and kill him before he can master the light of fire completely!"

The southern emperor's tone was very serious. On hearing this, elder Xuanyu's eyes flashed with determination: "jiuzunyu Xuangong, as a representative of the western regions, has the obligation to help the elder exterminate the fierce beasts and help the world. I don't know what you want us to do?"

"I heard that there is a mirror for subduing demons and Xuantian in Jiuzun Yuxuan palace. Can I borrow it?"

On hearing this, Xuanyu's old face suddenly changed: "how do you know...

the southern emperor waved his hand and immediately said," the Green Pheasant bird, the leader of the Jiuzun Yuxuan palace, has something to do with me. "

"What? You have something to do with quedi, too? What's the relationship? " Hearing what the southern emperor said, Ji Lei's eight trigrams immediately ignited. He asked him the way. The southern emperor attached to Ji Lei's ear and whispered, "the Green Pheasant bird was once my pet."

"Pet..." Ji Lei's eyes burst out, and he took the Green Pheasant bird as his pet... Once a pet, but now it's the backbone of the whole martial god sky... The great emperor is the great emperor, and even raising a bird can become the supreme one...

but Ji Lei thinks about it carefully, among the ten war emperors, only the bird emperor takes the name of "emperor". Is the Green Pheasant bird also in memory What about the southern Emperor... After all, he didn't know that the southern emperor had been reborn in the world... "Well, anyway, in order to wipe out poverty and strangeness, we can't keep our hands. Since the elder wants to subdue the devil and publicize the mirror, I'll take you there." Naturally, elder Xuanyu didn't hear what the southern emperor said. He thought that the southern emperor had some old friends with the bird emperor, and he didn't have the time to investigate these details. Naturally, the emperor of Nantian would not cheat her. Poor Qi really got the light of fire. The urgent thing was to find out his position! Otherwise, it will be too late for poor Qi to control the fire. "Both of you will follow me." Elder Xuanyu beckons to the two men, and immediately walks towards one place. Along the way, Ji Lei pays attention to him. There is no shadow of white Ling anywhere. Elder Xuanyu seems to see Ji Lei's mind and says to him, "Bai Ling has recovered her blood and is closing downIt should be out of the pass in the near future. "

"Attack wuzun..." Ji Lei sighs in her heart. She has to say that it is good to have the advantage of blood. She has been taken care of by the clan. She began to attack wuzun at a young age. Duan bailing is really lucky.

"Think carefully, after leaving tianlongzong and Duan's family, I haven't seen them again... But it's not the time to visit them in person again when you have time..." Ji Lei murmured in his heart. Unconsciously, he has already walked into a grand hall.

The gilded hall is magnificent, but there is nothing except the splendid beams and columns.

"The Lord of Tianjing hall is burning to help the heaven. Please see the elder!" A messenger like man suddenly appeared, standing in front of the three, respectfully said to Xuanyu elder.

"It's very useful for me to open the mirror of subduing demons." Xuanyu elder ordered.

On hearing this, Yan Jitian hesitated to take a look at Ji Lei and the southern emperor of heaven. Ji Lei knew that, but the man behind him was full of inexplicable strong man's breath. It was true that he felt a trace of palpitation.

"Don't be rude. This is the emperor of Nantian!" Xuanyu elder's tone suddenly congealed, "I want to call the elder!"

Yan Jitian was shocked when he heard the speech. Even the elder Xuanyu wanted to address the elder. How could he be strong? Busy do not dare to neglect, close to the temple of Tianjing palace, a remote finger, a bunch of aura immediately shot from between the fingers, straight to the zenith. After a moment, the temple of Tianjing suddenly began to vibrate www.novelhold.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!