Suddenly, there was a strong smell of dust in the temple of heavenly mirror. It must have been a long time since it was used. So when the voice of dust and vicissitudes sounded, the whole temple began to vibrate.

"This is... Fu Mo Xuan Tian Jing..." the shock in Ji Lei's eyes gradually becomes strong, and her eyes are tightly locked on the silver white mirror which slowly falls down from the sky top. Around the mirror, there are silver dragons swimming around, and the appearance is extraordinary.

After a while, the silver mirror slowly landed on the ground. Ji Lei looks at the mirror of Fu Mo Xuan, and a trace of expectation passes through her eyes.

At the same time, Xuanyu elder also took a step forward. He gently pressed his palm against the demon subduing Xuantian mirror. In a moment, a powerful and incomparable force immediately shot out of the mirror, pressing straight to the zenith, and the zenith reflected back to the mirror, which made the mirror have a trace of abnormal movement.

Elder Xuanyu closed his eyes. At first, the scene in the mirror was not so easy to see, but after a moment, there was a light arc passing through the mirror, and the scene gradually became clear...

Ji Lei quickly put his head forward and looked at the mirror, but he did not see clearly. The scene in the mirror was instantaneous It turned into a fog!

"What's the situation?" Ji Lei stares at the scene in the Fu Mo Xuan Tian Jing. He can't help but look at the Xuanyu elder. Seeing this, the face of Xuanyu elder also becomes a little confused. Suddenly, he closes his eyes, and then displays the seal again, ready to slowly open the Xuantian mirror...

however, no matter how hard master Xuanyu tries, the scene in the mirror can not be changed The mists of the road are scurrying in the mirror, as if they are deliberately hiding the scene inside! This surprised and irritated jiley! "What's going on?" The elder Xuanyu couldn't help but look at Yan Jitian. As the keeper of the Xuantian mirror, Yan Jitian's understanding of this mirror is probably the highest in the nine jade Xuan palace. But at the moment, Yan Jitian is also in a fog. Some of them don't

so he says, "I don't know why... It has never happened before Such a situation... "Is very poor." At this time, the southern emperor sighed and said slowly: "I'm afraid the fierce beast has made all kinds of preparations, including the means to hide itself. Now, the poor and strange should have hidden themselves and ponder the light of fire. If he hides, we can't find him."

Hearing this, all the people's faces turned pale. Jilei was even more anxious: "then we can only wait for him to control the flame completely, and then we can look for him? But in this case, we can't be his opponent at all "There is no other way for us. I know that he is hiding in the southern boundary. But the southern boundary is so big that it is difficult to become a poor wonder. Shall we destroy the whole southern boundary?" The southern emperor frowned and murmured. As soon as he said this, Ji Lei didn't know what to say. Looking at the mirror, he couldn't stand being distracted. His eyes were tightly locked on the mirror. He seemed unwilling to find a trace of poverty in it. However, the southern emperor patted Ji Lei on the shoulder, frowned and comforted: "now don't think about those useless things, The only thing we can do

is to defeat poor Qi after he is born again "What should we... Do?" Elder Xuanyu spoke at this time. The southern emperor looked at him and said, "the fall of the southern kingdom is a matter of time. The rest of the great regions, frost Island, western regions, and the eastern mainland must be condensed. First of all, starting from the western regions,

as the strongest fighting force, Jiuzun Yuxuan palace needs to use its own dignity to gather all the scattered sects Together, form an alliance After all, the nine jade masters in Xuanyu palace have no reason to change their mind Things.

"I'm afraid those people won't agree?" Yan Jitian heard the words of the southern emperor, and said with a little doubt.

"If you give up a small sect, you will abandon it. You will choose the best. You can't let go of a large one like tianlongzong." Xuanyu elder's eyes flashed a trace of cold, "if long Zhongyang does not agree, it can only be strong."

Hearing this, Ji Lei's face changed slightly. He immediately volunteered to say, "elder, tianlongzong will give it to me. I have some friendship with the two sons of the Dragon patriarch. If I show up, things may be easier to say."

Xuanyu elder smell speech, also feel some truth, he nodded, "good, tianlongzong will give you." "For the rest of the families, Jiuzun Yuxuan palace will issue an ultimatum directly. If they don't want to join, they will never see the sun again!" The tone of Xuanyu elder suddenly became colder and colder. The southern Emperor didn't say anything about it. After all, there were times when he had an attitudeBe tough, others won't think you're bullying, you won't kick your nose and face. Tough attitude can save a lot of trouble.

After all, such a big thing will appear, but any large one will not be ignored. After all, it is closely related to their own interests. If poverty and strangeness can not stop it, the destruction of their clan will only happen overnight. "In the western regions, there are nine Yuxuan palace and tianlongzong, and two are called lietianfu and cangyang palace. The patriarchs of these two sects are hard to chew. Let the old lady show up in person." Xuanyu elder frowned and said slowly. The southern emperor nodded, "if you go hunting in Tianfu, the cangyang palace will give it to me. Their strength is not enough for me." The confidence and domineering in the words of the southern emperor made Yan Jitian look at each other. If there was no bird emperor in Jiuzun Yuxuan palace, it would not be a simple thing to shake the three sects, but the southern emperor had so much confidence in it! It seems that what he has to face is just a group of naughty children. How many people have such courage in the western regions?

"If so, let's not wait." Xuanyu elder said so, then his body flashed and disappeared in the Tianjing palace. Ji Lei and the southern emperor of heaven see this, and have left the temple of heaven.

Western regions, cangyang palace.

At the moment, the atmosphere in cangyang palace is quite warm. The scene of singing and dancing is intoxicating.

The graceful and graceful posture of the dancing girl in the palace pushes the warm atmosphere to the beauty. On the top of the first seat, a middle-aged man is drinking wine and watching the beautiful women dancing, and his eyes are full of enjoyment.

Suddenly, a heavy aura broke through the zenith and hit the ground! The atmosphere in the palace was destroyed in an instant, and all the maids and dancers fled in all directions. What mood was there to dance in?

Seeing this scene, the head of the palace immediately burst into anger, "who! Dare to break into our cangyang palace without permission In the dust, slowly out of a tall figure, pale face. , the fastest update of the webnovel!