The power of the holy dragon is a very important treasure for the main blood of Tianlong sect. Its importance even exceeds life. As one of the few non substantive high-level martial spirits in the world, once the saint Longwei is lost, it will be difficult to make up for it. There is no magic thing like this, which is extremely difficult to find. And the willow bone can also provide a feasible way for Ji Lei. But if long Zhongyang's Saint Longwei is transferred to Longxuan, will the leader of the dragon clan be lost immediately All aura realm? What's the difference between this and falling? Although Longxuan got the power of the holy dragon to practice, he didn't reach the level of long Zhongyang at the beginning. It would take a long time to become a wuzun. How can they have time to cultivate a high-level wuzun? Therefore, this road will never work.

Just as Jilei was thinking hard, a strange light flashed through the corner of Liugu's eyes. Then he came to Jilei's side, turned around and said, "you... Seem to be different?" "Well?" Ji Lei is stunned. What is Liugu saying? Liu Gu, on the other hand, comes to Ji Lei's side and sniffs like a dog, which makes Ji Lei uncomfortable. When Liu Gu raises his head, he looks intoxicated and sighs: "ah... What a power of intoxication... Is there any more pure dragon power in the world...

" what do you mean? Does Jilei have dragon power Elder Xuanyu was stunned, and then he looked at Ji Lei. Countless fragments in his mind flew up. Suddenly, he thought of something and suddenly realized: "I remember. Isn't your martial spirit unparalleled? In principle, it can be used as well! " "What, my matchless martial spirit and holy dragon power are not the same thing, how can they be universal?" Elder Xuanyu's words are quite confusing. Although Ji Lei's martial spirit is indeed a dragon, the matchless spirit and the holy dragon's power are obviously not the same thing. Ji Lei does not modestly say that the dragon power contained in the matchless martial spirit is higher than that of the holy dragon!

"The same dragon, why not?" Elder Xuanyu was a little puzzled, but more did not understand. She wondered whether Ji Lei was selfish and did not give up his martial spirit. She was trying to persuade him. The willow bone on one side said, "don't say it. It's really not possible." "What?" The elder Xuanyu frowned, and the willow bone saw the situation, and explained to him: "Ji Lei's martial spirit is a kind of extremely pure and violent masculine spirit. It's not too much to say that such a spirit is the first Yang Gang in the world. Compared with this spirit, the holy dragon power of Tianlong sect is not as bad as this one! Do you want a person who has been used to the strength of the holy dragon to suddenly bear another more powerful martial spirit power "I have to say that if the strength of the dragon power in Ji Lei's martial spirit is weakened, I can't have a try. But now, in Ji Lei's martial spirit, the dragon power is really too strong! Once the dragon power is infused into Longxuan's body, his meridians will be broken and his body will burst to death

This extremely serious consequence made Xuanyu elder shudder. He stopped talking immediately. Ji Lei was on the side and asked Liu Gu: "if the dragon power in my martial spirit is entrusted to Longxuan, will the dragon power in my martial spirit disappear?" Liu Gu hears the speech, thinks about it carefully, and then answers Ji Lei: "according to the truth, it's true. However, in your martial spirit, Long Wei is really too strong and strong. The loss of Longxuan is less than one tenth of your. Even if you give it to him, it will not have any effect on your martial spirit. It will be repaired automatically soon."

"In this case, I'd like to try..." Ji Lei frowned and said to Liugu: "can there be any way to enhance the body strength of Longxuan to the point where it can bear the dragon power in my martial spirit?"

"Do you want to do this?" Liu Gu is obviously puzzled about Ji Lei's idea, but Ji Lei explains: "I promised his father that he would be cured. It is because of this promise that long Zhongyang will agree to join the nine Zun Yuxuan palace."

Hearing this, Liu Gu suddenly snorted, turned his back and said in a disdainful tone: "this is your business. Who told you to promise others without measuring your own ability? Now you come to someone else when you have a problem? How could there be such a shameless man as you "What are you talking about, asshole?" The sudden discoloration of the willow bone made the Nian Shilong on the other side furious, but he was pulled by Jilei. Even Xuanyu elder couldn't look down on it. He asked Liugu and said, "Liugu, don't think you can be presumptuous here because you have some skills. This is jiuzunyuxuan palace,

it's not xuanlongmen!"

"If you don't like me, I'll give you two choices: drive me away or kill me directly. What's wrong with me?" Liu Gu coldly glanced at the elder Xuanyu, which made her very angry. She patted the chair and said, "you think I really dare not kill you, do you?"

"Elder, calm down." Ji Lei suddenly ran to Xuanyu elder and comforted him: "a capable person will be so arrogant. If he can cure Longxuan, what can he say? I can bear it." Xuanyu elder takes a look at Ji Lei, but he is still a little unhappy, but finally he is silent. Ji Lei went back to Liu Gu and said to him, "I admit that at first I was not sure that I could cure Longxuan. But now, I beg you to do me a favor. If it is successful,Whatever you want, I will listen to you! " "Well, what can I do for you?" Liu Gu snorted coldly, but his attitude eased down. "You want to cure Longxuan. Indeed, as you said, the only way is to increase the body strength of Longxuan to the level that can withstand the dragon power in your martial spirit, and to achieve the goal of

is also very simple... That is..." Liugu's lips and teeth are light, and immediately said to Ji Lei, "use it The dragon power in your martial spirit, attack him "Attack him? Then he must die? " Ji Lei knows that there is no aura realm in Longxuan now, and Jilei is a real martial art realm. He can kill Longxuan easily. However, Ji Lei's problem has not been solved by Liugu. He shook his head and said, "this is the only way to help Longxuan improve his physical strength. In addition, I can make a list for you List some medicinal materials. If you have time, you can collect them, soak them in the prepared medicine soup, and let Longxuan soak in it to absorb the medicinal power. It's also a little auxiliary

Willow bone pen flying, immediately for Ji Lei made a list, Ji Lei took a look after, to Liugu deeply bowed, "thank you."

"It's just a doctor's heart, just a responsibility." Liu Gu answers Ji Lei lightly, and then goes outside the palace. Ji Lei suddenly stops Liugu and comes to him. "There is a girl of Liu family, Liu Qingshuang."

"So what?" Liu Gu's reply is very insipid, but Jilei is a little surprised, "I met you in the western regions thousands of miles away. Don't you want to see him?" "I left Liu's house just to break the relationship with them. How can I be bound?" Liu Gu glances at Ji Lei, and then goes forward without looking back. , the fastest update of the webnovel!