"Is there no other way than this?" After hearing Ji Lei's words, long Zhongyang's eyebrows are also tightly clustered. He looks at Ji Lei nervously and says, "if it's a mistake..." it's no wonder that long Zhongyang is so worried. In front of Ji Lei, long Xuan is as crisp as a piece of paper, and even Ji Lei can kill him by blowing his breath. So long Zhongyang is so nervous, but Ji Lei says helplessly: "this is the only way The way to save him, otherwise, there will be no success for a lifetime

When long Zhongyang heard the speech, his face showed a look of thinking, and his gradually timid eyes seemed to indicate that long Zhongyang was retreating.

"Father, I am willing to follow this method." All of a sudden, the voice of Longxuan rings in the back. Ji Lei and long Zhongyang turn their heads and see the weak Longxuan standing behind them and say to them. Hearing this, long Zhongyang said uneasily, "but there is a great danger... In case of an accident...

hearing this, long Xuan smiles and says to long Zhongyang:" Ji Lei is helping me, but he won't hurt me. He knows it in his mind. " When Ji Lei hears that Longxuan is so assured of himself, he doesn't know whether he should be flattered or laughed bitterly. To tell the truth, Ji Lei has no idea whether to cure Longxuan. He can only take a step and look at it. However, Longxuan seems to have great confidence in Jilei, which makes it difficult for Ji Lei, who was still hesitant, to retreat.

Longxuan goes to Jilei and says, "I was saved by Jilei before. If I can save the first time, I can save the second time. Naturally, I won't be afraid. In order to cultivate myself, I can suffer anything!"

Long Xuan's words from the bottom of his heart, let long Zhongyang no longer say anything, no matter how many doubts can only be put in his heart. This is the choice of Longxuan, and long Zhongyang has to choose to agree.

Longxuan walks to Jilei, solemnly bows to Jilei, and says earnestly: "please!" Ji Lei curls her mouth and looks so dignified. Long Xuan really gives herself a lot of pressure. However, he didn't say anything at last. He said to Longxuan: "at the beginning, I won't frighten you directly with very strong dragon power, but I will gradually suffer. However, the suffering should not be light. You should be prepared for it."

Ji Lei's warning in advance did not affect long Xuan's unswerving belief. He said seriously: "I understand that I will bear any pain." "It's not a short time!" In Jilei's palm, a golden aura suddenly emerges. The aura turns into a holy dragon and hovers in Jilei's palm! Crazy Gang dragon roar, in the ear of dragon Xuan suddenly rings! The sudden roar of the holy dragon made Longxuan's feet suddenly unstable. As soon as his feet softened, he immediately fell to the ground. He raised his head and looked at Ji Lei. Ji Lei stood in front of him and said to Longxuan, "I just summon the spirit of martial arts, and you will fall directly on the ground. I haven't attacked yet. If you attack, you will suffer more than that This

is ten million times higher. " Just now a dragon chant makes Longxuan's ears still buzzing, which can't be slowed down for a long time. Ji Lei's words make Longxuan fall into meditation. But in the end, Longxuan stands up and pats his own dust and says to Ji Lei, "I've decided that I won't change any more. In order to practice

practice, I can bear any hardships!"

Ji Lei hears the speech. There is nothing more to say. He nods and spins. He says to Longxuan: "I know. Now find a secret room. Long Wei will last forever. Maybe the effect will be better." After hearing the speech, Longxuan nodded and whirled. Even though he took Ji Lei to a secret room, Ji Lei immediately summoned the matchless martial spirit. As soon as the matchless spirit appeared, it immediately turned into a holy dragon. The mighty dragon power spewed out from the mouth of matchless martial spirit. The huge and ancient power was immediately pressed on Longxuan's body. Although I feel very familiar with this feeling, the spirit of the matchless martial spirit is much more powerful than the holy dragon power of tianlongzong. Even if Ji Lei has tried his best to reduce his strength, he still makes Longxuan miserable. This power is too shocking! Even if Longxuan

tried his best to resist, Longxuan was still dizzy and distraught by the impact of this force. Long Wei was too powerful. As soon as he appeared, Ji Lei didn't even attack, and Longxuan was about to faint. "Hold on! I haven't attacked yet Just as Longxuan is getting a headache and is about to faint, Ji Lei's voice suddenly rings in Longxuan's ear, like a shot of cardiotonic in his body. The eyelids of the fight between Longxuan and Longxuan suddenly open and look straight ahead. Ji Lei

sees that Longxuan is awake, he continues to stimulate the spirit of the holy dragon and slowly suppresses it towards Longxuan's body.

"Poof!" The strong Qi force oppresses the body of Longxuan, and the skeleton of Longxuan is like a fierce bow that has suffered from the force of tens of thousands of Jin! Ji Lei looks at it, but he doesn't move at all. Long Xuan has to bear this force and his body will gradually become stronger. Otherwise, as soon as Ji Lei's dragon power is poured in, Longxuan will die directly!

This torture general behavior, but let the blood in Longxuan's body start to boil slowly. The blood flows into the eight meridians. All of a sudden, Longxuan feels that he has not touched for a long time. In his body, he gradually wakes up.Although Longwei makes Longxuan extremely painful, it also wakes up the long silent blood in Longxuan. With the help of the dragon, Longxuan's blood, which originally belongs to the dragon, is also boiling in front of the Eternal Dragon God, the matchless martial spirit!

The room temperature rises abruptly, the sweat of dragon Xuan exudes one after another, but no matter how painful, Longxuan is all gripping teeth and enduring!

Time goes by...

jiuzunyuxuan palace.

Elder Xuanyu was surprised to see Liu Qingshuang, who had made rapid progress during this period of time. Then he said with admiration: "Ji Lei has a good eye. It's not a vase to be beautiful. It's really rare."

Xuanyu elder praise, so that Liu Qingshuang's pretty face slightly ruddy some, to Xuanyu elder Yingying line a ceremony: "elder praise."

The more he saw Liu Qingshuang, the more he liked it. Then he suddenly showed a mysterious expression. He called Liu Qingshuang close to him and whispered, "tell me, is Jilei just a woman?"

Hearing the speech, Liu Qingshuang's cheek turned red instantly, but after hesitating for a moment, Liu Qingshuang still shook his head honestly.

Xuanyu elder looked very clear, nodded his head and said, "how beautiful are the others?"

"No less than a little girl." Liu Qingshuang replied politely. "Ho! This boy is a real chooser Elder Xuanyu seemed to be a little excited. After calming down, he said to Liu Qingshuang, "can you blow the wind in Jilei's ear? There are so many in any case, and there is no need for one more...

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