The words of elder Xuanyu made Liu Qingshuang look as red as sunset. Looking at elder Xuanyu, she said in disbelief: "you... You don't want to...

" what do you think? " Elder Xuanyu patted Liu Qingshuang's forehead and said, "if I do those old things, I'm afraid I'll be late!"

Smell speech, Liu Qingshuang this just relieved a breath, "then what are you going to do?"

"I think Bai Ling didn't want to eat after Jilei left. When I think about her age, I can't just focus on cultivation. I'm not a stubborn person. She really wants to inherit the nine jade temple. Yes, but I have to think about her life."

Xuanyu elder's words or more obscure, Liu Qingshuang did not understand for a time, "elder... I still don't understand."

"It's just... Do you think you can tell Jilei about it and take away Duan bailing as well." "What?" Liu Qingshuang's face changed as soon as she heard this, but elder Xuanyu's attitude was quite sincere: "you can't see that Bai Ling likes Ji Lei. Although it's hard for me to know whether Ji Lei has such feelings for Bai Ling, as a member of Jiuzun Yuxuan palace and Duan bailing's master, I also want to create more contacts between Bai Ling and Ji Lei Opportunity, or... You can talk to Jilei directly. You don't have to let her become a person in the bed curtain, as long as you can follow Jilei. " Liu Qingshuang felt dizzy with the words of elder Xuanyu. She could not believe that, as the helmsman of Jiuzun Yuxuan palace, the superior elder Xuanyu would say these words! As the Pearl in the eyes of Jiuzun Yuxuan palace, Duan bailing, a man in the world, who does Duan bailing want to choose? For such a beautiful, elegant and noble woman, how many young heroes have no chance to have a green Fangze, but elder Xuanyu even has the idea of making Duan bailing a servant of Jilei? I don't care about Duan Bai Ling, do you?

Liu Qingshuang is not sure what elder Xuanyu wants to do when he says this, but the only thing that can reply him is that Liu Qingshuang can't do it.

"I'm sorry, elder. I have to wait until Jilei comes back to make my own decision. If Jilei thinks it's OK, I won't say anything." Liu Qingshuang showed an apologetic look and replied. On hearing this, the smile on Xuanyu elder's face became more and more kind. Liu Qingshuang was even a little creepy. She said, "you can see what you said. As long as you are a man, Bai Ling will like us. I just want her to follow the people she likes.

why should I ask Ji Lei's advice On hearing this, Liu Qingshuang's expression was suddenly dignified. After thinking for a moment, Liu Qingshuang seriously said to elder Xuanyu: "elder, I admit that my man is a bit of a lover, but he also has a bottom line. He is not that kind of extravagant and extravagant man. If you don't respect his wishes, I'm afraid that he will

even if he has some palpitations on Duan bailing, he will force him back."

Liu Qingshuang has made it clear that Jilei values marriage in emotional matters, which is true, but there is one thing that Ji Lei attaches great importance to, that is, dignity. The two sides must be equal. If either party has a half point difference, Jilei will immediately resent it.

Although she is always smiling, she will never be vague on big issues. Liu Qingshuang thinks that giving them enough and basic respect may be the reason why so many of them are so devoted to Jilei.

Seeing that Liu Qingshuang was in a hurry, Xuanyu comforted Liu Qingshuang: "don't worry, girl. I mean...

" report --! " Before Xuanyu's words were finished, he was interrupted by a flustered voice. Halfway through the conversation, elder Xuanyu frowned and said, "what are you doing? Don't you see that I'm talking about something? "

"Forgive me, elder!" The man knelt down in front of Xuanyu elder on one knee and reported to him: "frost island... Frost island has come. They said that the army of the southern border suddenly attacked the North! Across the eastern continent, straight to frost island

"What?" Hearing this, elder Xuanyu stood up directly and looked at the man under the stage with wide eyes: "what you said is true?"

"My subordinates dare not tell lies!"

"What's going on?" Liu Qingshuang raised her eyebrows, looked at the man and said, "how did the southern boundary suddenly come up?" "I... I don't know... Anyway, I'd better go and have a look." The servant turned pale with fear. It was obvious that the situation had become quite terrible. Elder Xuanyu was no longer as calm as he had been before. His intuition told him that the balance of martial god's heaven pattern had been completely broken in the northern part of the southern army!

In other words, the southern border has been occupied, poor and strange, and has begun to fight against other large areas!

They came to a side hall in a hurry, where there was a man with blood all over his body. It seemed that he was just hanging a breath and would die at any time. Liu Qingshuang came to the man in small steps all the way. As a doctor, she carefully checked the injury for the big man. After confirming the injury, Liu Qingshuang's eyebrows were tightly clustered: "extremely injured, death is justIt's a matter of time. "

"Can it be saved?" Asked elder Xuanyu.

Liu Qingshuang bit his head and sighed, "it's too serious to be saved."

However, after seeing Liu Qingshuang, the big man suddenly got excited, struggled to get up, and sobbed vaguely to Liu Qingshuang: "frost island... Attacked... Southern boundary... Qin gate..."

"Qin gate?" Liu Qingshuang's face changed abruptly. Looking at Xuanyu elder, he said, "what he means is that Qin gate is the one who marches into frost island?"

However, no one answered for Liu Qingshuang. After the man finished, he immediately swallowed his breath and looked straight at the zenith. He was badly injured and could survive until now, but he just wanted to report to Liu Qingshuang.

"Qin gate... It's strange... I heard Ji Lei say that Qin gate has been destroyed by him..." Duan Bai Ling murmured in doubt. Hearing this, Xuanyu elder was also a little surprised. He immediately asked Duan bailing, "where is the southern emperor?"

"Closed. It's been closed for a long time." Duan Bai Ling replied.

"Damn it! Shut up at this time Xuanyu elder secretly resented, Liu Qingshuang's pretty face was covered with clouds, and said to elder Xuanyu, "elder sister, my sisters are still in frost island. I have to go back. So when Jilei comes back, please tell her my whereabouts." "I'll go with you!" For some reason, Duan bailing volunteered to follow Liu Qingshuang, but Liu Qingshuang didn't refuse. After all, Duan bailing's strength is quite strong. Now Liu Qingshuang's strength is at the peak of Wuzong's, but it is still no better than Duan bailing. With Duan bailing there, the danger of battle will be much easier.

"I'm sorry I can't go with you. There are a lot of things to do in the western regions. Be careful. I'll entrust it to Jilei." Xuanyu elder zhengse road. The two girls nodded, and then their delicate bodies flashed into streamers and disappeared in the nine Zun Yuxuan palace. , the fastest update of the webnovel!