Jilei's palm is so blocked on the lion Wuji's neck. As long as the lion Wuji moves slightly, his neck will immediately break into two pieces!

When he wanted to turn around and resist, Jilei's hand was already across his neck. "If you want to be killed by me immediately, just move it."

This word, scared the lion Wuji immediately stood there and did not dare to move! Trembling to ask Jilei: "you... You still want to kill me?"

"Do you have a place where I can save your life?" Ji Lei heard the words, but he disdained to hiss and laughed, "if there is, you can say it and listen to it. I dare not kill you."

"I... the power behind me, don't you dare to provoke?" Lion Wuji doesn't realize that Jilei is cheating him. He is still arrogant. When he hears his words, Jilei's heart suddenly opens up and says, "it's true."

But on the surface, but still calm, "you behind the power, I will not be afraid of it?"

"Well, who do you think is behind me? Have you heard of emperor Jizong of Luoyun kingdom? That's what they ordered The lion Wuji sneered, "are you afraid? If you are afraid, let me go Ji Lei murmured the name of huangjizong, and then released the lion Wuji. The lion Wuji thought that Jilei was really afraid of the emperor Jizong's self, and became more presumptuous for a time, "hum, if you are sensible, follow me and go to huangjizong! Otherwise, when they come, you will die! "

Jilei's eyes suddenly cold, "noisy!"

All of a sudden, a punch hit the lion Wuji's face. In an instant, the lion Wuji's face turned white. Ji Lei hit him with a fist. Lion Wuji immediately bled from his seven orifices. After several kicks on the ground, he did not move again. Ji Zhen looked at the scene with shock. Ji Lei killed the lion Wuji at will. How strong is his strength! However, Jilei could not sit still. She stood up and said to the emperor, "I suspect that there may be something wrong with the emperor Jizong. I didn't even hear the name of this sect.

said that this sect was going to arrest me. I'm afraid there are some secrets hidden in it."

"I see what you mean." The southern emperor nodded, and then said, "if the time required is not long, then go. I will accompany you to fight, and the solution will be faster."

Ji Lei didn't refuse the South emperor's good intentions, and then went to Ji Zhen and said, "Dad, where is this emperor Jizong?"

"Emperor Jizong..." Ji Zhen's eyes narrowed, and immediately replied to Ji Lei: "huangjizong is the gate of Ziyun City, the capital of Luoyun state, and its strength is very rich." "So... Then I should go to meet the emperor Jizong..." Ji Lei murmured, but this time, Ji Zhen didn't stop him. He already understood that his son was not the young boy who left home a few years ago. I'm afraid his strength has reached the level that Ji's ancestors haven't reached in his lifetime Kill Wuzong, such strength, enough to run the whole wushentian! What can Ji Lei and Ji Zhen worry about?

"If you want to go, you can go. Without the lion Wuji, the Tianshi sect is also a loose sand. I think these clan clans in Qingyun city have already been dissatisfied with the rule of Tianshi sect. As long as I fan the wind from it, I will surely arouse the anger of the crowd and destroy the Tianshi clan!"

After hearing this, Ji Lei nodded, "this can't be better. In that case, I'll go first! Come back to see you when you are free! "

After that, Ji Lei and the southern emperor jumped up and flew away! Two people in a flash disappeared in front of Ji Zhen!

"The child... Grew up..." Ji Zhen looked at the figure of Ji Lei leaving, stroked some white beard, and his eyes were full of joy.

It didn't take long for Jilei and the southern emperor to arrive at Ziyun City, the capital of Luoyun kingdom. Ziyun city is not as simple and natural as Qingyun city. The high wall and luxurious decoration make people linger. All the people who live here are the powerful people with prominent status in Luoyun kingdom. As the imperial capital, the entrance guard of Ziyun city is also quite strict. However, it is not a matter for Jilei and the southern emperor of heaven. It has already crossed the high level Towering city wall, came to the city!

"Is this the Ziyun city? I'm so big. It's my first time here." Ji Lei and the southern emperor walk on the road, can't help but say with some feelings, the southern emperor smell speech, very surprised, "this is your home, you didn't come here?"

Jilei gave the South emperor a look and curled her lips, "what's the matter? After I left Qingyun City, I went directly to cangyunzong, and then came the cloud kingdom of danwu city... Anyway, I didn't stay in Luoyun country for a long time. Even if I stayed, I never left Qingyun city. " "Tut, people who can't go out are really sad..." the southern emperor sighed with regret. Ji Lei glanced at him angrily. In such an occasion, he was a little relaxed, but it was also difficult to feel the height of the western regions in the bustling streetsIt's a different kind of leisure. After a while, Ji Lei and the southern emperor came to a tavern in Ziyun city. According to the Convention, Ji Lei naturally wanted to find out the position of emperor Jizong. However, what made Ji Lei extremely distressed was that no matter who he asked, he always got a white eye, and the white eye always turned up


"Can't these people talk? What are you always puffing at? " Ji Lei is a little agitated and makes a fuss. However, the southern emperor pulls rajilei's sleeve and then signals Jilei to look up.

Ji Lei followed the eyes of the South emperor. There was a huge Amethyst Castle floating in the sky!

"This... Difficult is..." Jilei eyes tightly at the Amethyst castle, and then can not help but take a breath, "emperor Jizong?"

"No wonder these people roll their eyes up. I'll tell you why there is always a dark shadow on the ground. " With a smile, the emperor immediately said to Ji Lei, "what are you waiting for? Emperor Jizong is already in front of you, don't you rush to rush? "

When Ji Lei hears the speech, he immediately raises a smile and looks at the southern emperor. The two figures are suddenly plunging towards the sky in the crowd!

All the people on the ground looked at Ji Lei and Nan Tiandi with dull eyes and could not speak for a long time:

"these two people are so fierce..." "they seem to be going to Emperor Jizong...

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