Above the sky, it is very lively. There are many figures, and the atmosphere of jubilation is rising in huangjizong.

Ji Lei and the South emperor, hidden in a small corner, in the absence of a clear understanding of the strength of emperor Jizong, they will never easily start.

"They seem happy?" Ji Lei looks at the singing and dancing children of the clan. The southern emperor frowns and looks at Ji Lei. Then he says, "do you think they are doing something similar to a ceremony...

after hearing this, Ji Lei finds that the steps of these people are very regular, and they are constantly jumping around something Make an unintelligible noise.

"It seems that they are chanting some incantation..." Jilei cocked up his ears and listened carefully. With the sound of those sounds, Jilei's mouth also said something: "the blood moon is in the sky... The spirit of the gods falls... The ancient spirit... The heaven opens the earth..."

"what?" The southern emperor frowned and looked at Ji Lei. Ji Lei calmed down and sighed: "I don't know what they are talking about. Do you know what the blood moon is?" "Blood moon?" The southern emperor was stunned and showed an expression of thinking. After thinking about it for a moment, he suddenly remembered something. He said to Ji Lei: "in the records of the ancient period of Wu Shen Tian Tai, the blood moon is a rather unknown astronomical phenomenon! It represents a great disaster from the sky. It has been recorded that when the blood moon is flying across the sky, the tide of heaven and earth changes suddenly, and countless ancient ghosts climb out of the hell and invade the martial god heaven. Although we don't know whether it is true or not, the blood moon is certainly not a good thing. " "What blood moon do these gods and gods talk about Ji Lei thinks it's a bit incredible. After all, whether there are facts or not about myths and legends is still unknown. Emperor Jizong's ostentatious display is just like a stick of God. Won't people laugh at them?

At least Jilei thinks, this is a thing that can't be stupid any more. Only children will believe it.

But the southern emperor was not as optimistic as Ji Lei. He frowned, his eyes fixed on those who jumped, and whispered to Jilei, "did you see that man?" "Which one?" Jiley pokes her head. The southern emperor pointed to the surrounded man in the crowd. His head was decorated with exaggerated feather headdress and his black and gray feather robe. He looked like a crow, but in his hand he held a scepter with an ancient shape. On the scepter,

was inlaid with a blood red gem.

"If I'm not mistaken, the red gem, called the scarlet moon, is a kind of gem with a fierce reputation in ancient times, one of the hundred spirits."

"One of the larks? Is it not the God of war Ji Lei was a little surprised, and the southern emperor nodded, "until now, the larks have been stolen and lost, and how many of them have been spread to the God of martial arts. If the scarlet moon is true, it will be very serious."

The southern emperor's heart looked very heavy. Seeing this, Jilei couldn't help asking, "what's the scarlet moon for?"

"Open the door of hell and release the demons and beasts of hell!" The so-called Yanluo monster is the vicious curse body that the soul of the dead monster went to hell. They may have quite frightening corpses and bodies, and also have the terror strength far beyond the ordinary living monsters! This kind of existence violates the rules of heaven and earth. If they are released from hell, the consequences will be unimaginable!

"What?" Ji Lei is shocked at the speech! "How could there be such an evil thing among the hundred spirits?"

The South emperor is not in the mood to answer Ji Lei's question. His eyes are fixed on the red gem. Suddenly, a bad idea gradually emerges in his mind.

At the beginning, the fierce beast stole the spirit of war. I'm afraid that the loss is not just the five spirits. A large part of the spirit may have been scattered in the world, and it happens to be picked up by people. It happens that the person who finds this thing knows how to use it...

"boom!" Suddenly a thunderbolt fell from the sky! The cloud covers the whole sky in an instant!

"Stop him!" At the same time, the man in the black feather robe suddenly looked at the direction of Ji Lei and the South emperor with Falcon like eyes. A low and hoarse voice came out in his dry throat: "there are... Enemies... People!"

"Boom While speaking, Ji Lei and the southern emperor of heaven have already rushed into the crowd, and the Dragon grain halberd sends out the majestic dragon chant! The southern emperor's hands are nimble and powerful, and the mountain is like a tsunami that covers the crowd. He incarnates as a sailfish in the ocean of aura. He shuttles among them. The sharpest edge is bound to stab the people in the center!


The southern Emperor didn't stay at all. He knew that if he really opened the scarlet moon, the whole martial god would fall into chaos! Become the purgatory of the world! Just a poor and strange person is enough to make people headache. If there are monsters in hell, the world will be destroyed, it is only a matter of time!The man in the black feather robe looked at the southern emperor who had been killed. His Scepter suddenly knocked on the ground, and a heavy voice sounded. In front of him, a thick black barrier was suddenly erected. The southern emperor clapped it with one hand, but it was easily blocked by the black wall!

The southern emperor was shocked! There is someone in the eastern continent who can resist his own hand! He really didn't expect it, but the southern emperor was not an ordinary person. After a blow, he immediately turned back and clapped again!

This time, he did not use aura to resist. He thought that he would beat him to death with one hand. But to his surprise, when his palm was toward the man with black feather robes, other disciples of emperor Jizong unexpectedly stopped him in front of him! Not one! But one by one! Like moths to the fire, intrepid to the front! These disciples, before the hand of the southern emperor, were naturally annihilated, but all this was worth it for them! Because, after two palms of time, the black clouds on the sky

suddenly gathered like fish migration, black as if the sky was about to collapse!

At the same time! The hand of the man in the black feather robe, the scepter, and the jewels on it, suddenly released a palpable luster of blood red! Brilliant! Black sky, instantly full of blood red light! Above the sky, after the clouds, a blood moon rises in the sky!

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