In recent days, the wind of the holy imperial city suddenly began to tighten up. All the families heard a news that the contradiction between the land tiger clan and the moon wolf clan has reached a stage that is difficult to reconcile. In other words, the relationship between the two clans has become the same. However, it is Li Tianhu who killed the yuelang people, which is to ignite the relationship between the two clans This makes the two clans can no longer tolerate each other, and is bound to open a big war!

As we all know, the strength of the moon wolf clan is certainly inferior to that of the land tiger clan. Therefore, the fighting situation is not as evenly matched as expected by others, but is basically the unilateral crushing of the land tiger clan. For the other families of the top 100 families, it's natural that they don't do their business. As for who wins or loses, these families only need to get a result. In any case, if one of the top 100 families is eliminated or even eliminated, there will be another new

family instead, and no one will sympathize with the family that has passed away, In the realm of beasts, such things happen from time to time.

In the palace of the moon wolf family in the holy Imperial City, a brown male wolf covered with blood was lying on the ground, dying. His nose was buzzing. He was very fragile. After struggling for a period of time, the male wolf finally stopped living.

"Being beaten back to the original shape, our strong ones die one by one, and the consumption of the moon wolf clan is really unable to support..." an old man with a long white beard in the mansion looked at the corpse of the male wolf lying on the ground in despair, and then looked away with regret.

In just one day, the moon wolves were killed and nearly extinct. The land tigers were obviously ready to fight blitz and did not give them a chance to breathe.


Suddenly, the closed door of the moon wolf clan was kicked open! The man who broke into the door was a very strong man. When he saw the man break into the door, the people of the moon wolf clan turned pale and looked at the man who walked in slowly with a grim smile. All the swords on his waist came out of the scabbard! "Don't be nervous. I'm here to give you one last chance." The man with a face full of flesh and blood looked pitifully at many members of the moon wolf clan, and then said, "although the moon wolf clan is on the verge of extinction, it is still a large family. The clan leader of the land tiger clan will show mercy to you for your good value and give you a condition. As long as you all surrender and become the subordinate family of the land tiger clan, we will be the first to be a subordinate family of the land tiger clan Then you will not be destroyed. " The conditions that the man offered were quite high spirited. They were originally two big families. Although there was a gap in strength, they could at least be equal in status. However, once the yuelang clan became a subsidiary family of the land tiger clan, the whole yuelang clan would never have a chance to turn over again. Far away, they would have to live a life under the fence for generations to come.

Naturally, the wolf clan will not agree this month!

The old man stroked his beard, looked at the man and said, "Li Tianshan, don't dream! We only have soldiers who died in the war, and there are no domestic slaves who live on! "

Hearing this, Li Tianshan shook his head regretfully, and said with a contemptuous smile, "Alas, it's a pity. I was going to let you live. If you don't cherish it, I'm not to blame."

"Give it to me!" At the command of Li Tianshan, dozens of brown tigers suddenly appeared behind him! In the moment of attack, it turned into human form, and showed fangs towards many members of the moon wolf clan - the sharp claws that have not yet been fully transformed and can be rifled!

The old man was so angry that his face turned white. His long sleeve robe was windless! Suddenly burst out a strong breath between the sleeves! Although it is not aura, it still has the strength of Aura!

The strong man of the land tiger clan swam among the strong ones of the moon wolf clan. In a short time, the strong man of the moon wolf clan did not even have the opportunity to react, so he was directly cut off his head by the strong man of the earth tiger clan. For a moment, blood spattered and the ground was covered with separated stone heads, which made people feel scared.

The old man with white beard looked at the terrible scene, and the anger in his eyes gradually surged out. He wanted to tear Li Tianshan into pieces at once, "Li Tianshan, I'll fight with you!"

The old man stepped out one step. In his long sleeve robe, a strong and incomparable vigorous Qi was scattered like a strong wind. It turned into a sharp arrow and roared towards Li Tianshan!

Li Tianshan eyebrows slightly stirred, like the muscles of a hill, when facing the sharp arrow, he slightly raised, and looked at the attacking arrow with a look of disdain in his eyes.

"It's not enough to watch such a move." Li Tianshan sneered and shook his hand. He immediately had a brown breath and wrapped himself in it. Then, Li Tianshan, wearing his brown gas armour, went all the way towards the flying arrow!


The sharp arrow immediately turned into thousands of flying debris and scattered in the air. Li Tianshan dissolved the old man's hard blow, which was as simple as a child's play.

Seeing this, the old man's eyes trembled at once. He seemed to be reluctant to accept the fact that Li Tianshan was young and strong, and his strength had exceeded his own. He was the first strong man of the moon wolf clan, but he led the moon wolf clan to extinction!"The ancestors of all generations are above... The wolf clan may not be able to survive this month, but their descendants don't want to be left behind. They respect and abide by the legacy of their ancestors. The wolf clan on the moon has to die standing and never live on their back!"

After that, the old man's eyes flashed with resolute brilliance. He changed a crutch in his hand, and the wolf's head on the stick stood upside down. As soon as he knocked on the ground, he immediately made a loud and solemn voice like Huang Zhong Da Lu. The ground shook three times!

Li Tianshan looked around in surprise. He saw that all the people of the moon wolf clan, men and women, old and young, all stood out. In their hands, all the wolf fangs, which represented the keepsakes of the moon wolf clan, flashed the cold light of hunting, and all looked coldly at the powerful enemy of the land tiger clan.

"Want the whole army out? Are these old, weak, sick and disabled? " When the tiger's head comes out, the tiger's sword will crack open!

"Moon wolf clan, listen! Break the boat


Every month, all the members of the wolf clan are making a loud and clear whistling sound, just like the awe of the wolves before hunting. Li Tianshan looks at these people, but his eyes are getting colder and colder!

"All noisy things, die for me!"

With a wave of Li Tianshan's broadsword, the strong vigorous Qi instantly splits the air in front of him and cuts out the black void. After that, Li Tianshan brandishes a big knife and plunders to the members of the moon wolf clan!

"All on me!"

Li Tianshan yelled angrily, but no one answered. Seeing this, Li Tianshan turned around excitedly and found that all the powerful land tigers behind him were laid on the ground, with a long cloak standing among the corpses.

"Is this your man? I'm sorry, but I've killed all of them. " Under the cloak came a sound of banter. , the fastest update of the webnovel!