Li Tianshan's eyes twinkle with the fierce intention of killing, and the red tiger pupil can almost drip blood!

Before he started, a man suddenly appeared and killed all the strong men of the land tiger clan! How can this not make Li Tianshan angry!

"Damn bastard, you dare to kill the land tiger people... I will tear you to pieces!" Li Tianshan's throat gave out a low roar, just like a tiger hunting ready to go. Suddenly, a terrible explosive force broke out between his legs and rushed towards the man with the cloak!

"Die!" Li Tianshan's palm suddenly changed, and his cold claws suddenly appeared. The wind from the claws hit him. At this moment, the cloak man's robe was torn open, revealing his clothes inside. "There is no family mark on this man. Who is it?" When Li Tianshan frowns and doubts, the figure suddenly raises his hand toward Li Tianshan. Just when Li Tianshan thinks he is going to use Qi, the figure actually pinches his palm into a fist. When Li Tianshan rushes in front of him, a fist suddenly bursts out and hits Li Tianshan's abdomen with strong force!

"Bang!" At the same time, Li Tianshan's brow was wrinkled tightly, and his eyes bulged out a little. Seeing Li Tianshan's expression of pain, the cloaked man had no trace of pity

, stretched his hand into a knife, raised his palm, and split it on Li Tianshan's head!


Li Tianshan's skull, like a broken egg, made a crisp sound. Then, Li Tianshan's body lost its strength and fell to the ground.

The soldiers of the yuelang clan were staring at the sudden scene. Some of them could not believe that Li Tianshan, the strong man of the land tiger clan, was killed by this man in a few minutes!

"Who are you... Who are you?" The old man took a mouthful of saliva and looked at the figure standing in the sun.

Hearing the speech, the figure moved slightly. Immediately, a voice came from under the cloak: "the land tiger people are dead. What are you going to do?"

"Di... I..." the old man was stunned. Although the cloaked man suddenly appeared to help himself and kill all the people of the land tiger clan, it would certainly cause the anger of the whole land tiger clan. If the land tiger clan no longer covered up and the whole army attacked, how could the moon wolf clan be an opponent?

"It seems that you are doomed." The old man raised his head and looked at the cloaked man angrily: "are you trying to kill them, and then let the contradiction between the land tigers and the moon wolves deepen?"

"I had this plan," the cloaked man admitted without hesitation. "But when I came here today, I found that the contradiction between the land tigers and the moon wolves needs to be deepened? If it wasn't for me, the moon wolf clan would no longer exist now! "

As the Cape man's final tone of voice suddenly increased, the people of the moon wolf clan all lowered their heads in silence. No matter for what reason, the cloaker pulled back the dying moon wolf tribe, although it may not be able to live for long.

"I really want to ask, how long can the moon wolf clan survive in the future?" Under the cloak, suddenly came an interested voice, the old man heard the speech, lowered his eyes, shook his head and said: "it can't survive for long."

"Yes, but you still have a chance." The cloaked man suddenly said this sentence, so that the strong men of the moon wolf clan all raised their puzzled eyes. The old man also looked at the cloaked man quite puzzled, "what's the meaning of this remark?" "Although the land tigers and the moon wolves are in the same situation, but... The news has not been sent back to the land tigers for the time being. But this evening, the Linshi are getting married, and the land tigers are determined to destroy you, but they will certainly give the Linshi a face. At least this afternoon, they will have no time to take care of you."

"You mean we can take advantage of this opportunity to move the ethnic groups to other places to avoid the pursuit of the land tigers?"

"No!" The Cape man's tone suddenly increased, "I want you to go to the wedding!" "What?" All the yuelang people were shocked. If they really attended the wedding ceremony of the Linshi clan, wouldn't it be equivalent to telling the land tiger clan that the moon wolf clan was not exterminated? This will only attract further persecution of the land tigers! Naturally, the old man understood this and shook his head and said, "no, no! This will harm the moon wolf clan! "

"If you don't participate, I will destroy the moon wolf clan immediately. Do you believe it or not?" When the cloaked man heard this, he suddenly had a glittering dragon halberd in his hand. The halberd tip was aimed at the old man's eyebrow, as if he would take his life at any time!

The old man naturally believed that Li Tianshan had lost his hand. How could he be his opponent?

Looking at the old man's tangled appearance, the cloaked man suddenly said, "don't worry. At the wedding ceremony, the land tigers will give the Linshi a face. How much anger they have to suppress at that time. I just need you to show up and let the people of the land tigers know that you still exist."

"What on earth do you want to do?" The old man is a little anxious. He has no idea what the purpose of the cloaker is, which makes him feel insecure. If the cloaker wants to hurt him, he can do nothing."I will not harm you." The cloaked man said coldly, "at least until today, I can guarantee that the moon wolves will survive in the holy city. If you cooperate with me, maybe even the land tigers will be lost to you, but if you don't cooperate, the moon wolves will disappear immediately!"

The old man was shocked when the voice fell down. He did not know why the cloaked man had such confidence to say such a thing. However, this sentence somehow gave him a reliable feeling, as if everything was not in his eyes. His indifference made him superior.

"Do I have a choice?"

"In fact, there is no such thing."

After getting this answer, the old man sighed, "I know. I'll go to the wedding."

"That's good, but don't be late." The cloaked man chuckled and then left with his halberd. Just as he was about to leave, he was stopped by the old man: "dare you ask your name?"

The cloaked man stopped and then replied coldly, "you call me yingtianxi."


as dusk falls, the whole holy city is immersed in a festive atmosphere. More and more guests step across the red blanket and enter the courtyard in the clan mansion of Linshi nationality.

In the room, Sikong Tianxing, dressed in a red robe, looked at Lin zhirou with a red cap on one side. Suddenly, a voice rose from the bottom of his heart, telling him not to leave. "No, no, no, no matter how you say, this is the chassis of monsters. I am a human being, and I have to go!" Sikong Tianxing said to himself in a hurry. After a moment, he took a deep breath and stood up. , the fastest update of the webnovel!