"What? No one? How could this happen? " Ji Lei looks at Luo qianrou in a puzzled way. When Luo qianrou comes back, he reports to Jilei that those people in the eastern mainland, except those from Ji's family, have disappeared. "Was he killed? Did the bird emperor want to bring them to the western regions, not for himself, but for some other purpose? " If this is the case, Jilei will have made a big accident. Thinking of this, Jilei seems to be able to associate the angry expression of the sparrow emperor. At the thought of this,

Jilei shuddered.

"I'd better go back and have a look!" Ji Lei said to Luo qianrou, "I want to go back to the western regions. You can go with me."

"Good." Luo qianrou is not as anxious as Jilei, but calmly comforts Ji Lei and says, "don't worry too much. Maybe they have been taken back by the bird emperor."

Jilei sighed. He suddenly felt that he was wrong from the beginning. He should not doubt the bird emperor. He even despised the bird emperor from a high place. A demon beast didn't learn to learn these messy things. Now it seems that the fault lies in Jilei... The western regions thousands of miles away from the Eastern mainland. At the moment, the western regions are particularly lively and constantly After absorbing other sects, Jiuzun Yuxuan palace became the biggest master of the western regions. Everything was dominated by Jiuzun Yuxuan palace. As a result, the whole western region became an iron wall with close management and well-organized wells.

Before seeing the nine Grand Jade Palace, the jade Temple of nine times the size of the jade temple has been astonished, but before the jade palace nine big eyes have already burst out, how come Stunned, at least in the eastern mainland, there has never been such a huge sect.

Ji Lei slowly steps into the palace, but just as he is about to step in, he is stopped by two spears.

"Stop, what are you doing?" In front of the two armed guards looking at Jilei, eyes full of vigilance.

Jilei is embarrassed. The new comer doesn't even know himself. However, at the thought of such a strict defense in Jiuzun Yuxuan palace, Jilei felt a little relieved.

"I'm here to see the master of the nine jade Xuan palace." Ji Lei is very polite, but their faces are still very alert. After looking at each other, they both shake their heads. "Sorry, the palace master can't see everyone. You have to show your proof."

"Proof? What proof? " Ji Lei is a little confused by such a question. How can he not know that he still needs to prove going into and out of Jiuzun Yuxuan palace?

"No proof... I'm sorry." The two men shook their heads and said in a deep voice, "the proof is Xuanyu order. Without Xuanyu order, you can't go in. This is the rule set by the palace master. We can't violate it."

"No, you can't be flexible?" Jilei was a little worried. "I have something urgent to find the palace master." "If there is an emergency, you must also ask Xuanyu order. This is the rule and can't be violated." The guard's attitude is very stubborn. Jilei has no way to argue, but they can't do it, right? He is not a bully. Moreover, these people are just carrying out their own rules.

if the rules of the nine Yuxuan Palace are broken in Jilei, who will obey them?

Just when Ji Lei is in trouble, a guard suddenly passes by the door. Seeing this, he asks with some doubts: "what's the matter?"

"This guest wants to see the palace master, but there is no Xuanyu order, so we can't let him in." The guard said to him. Hearing the words, the soldier's expression suddenly became serious, nodded his head and said, "I'll report it. You wait here."

Smell speech, Ji Lei this just relaxed, nodded to that person very polite way: "that is lucky bitter big brother."

The soldiers left. After a while, a group of people came straight to Jilei. Ji Lei could not see clearly. But when the soldiers saw the visitors, they all showed a respectful look and bowed respectfully to the first figure and said, "see the palace master!"

The bird emperor nodded slightly, and then walked towards Jilei. After seeing Jilei, the look on the bird emperor's face suddenly sank.

Then, the bird emperor quickly walked towards Jilei. Seeing the gloomy face on the bird emperor's face, Jilei knew that he would have to scold again.

"Where have you been these days?" The bird emperor's expression is quite serious. He comes to Jilei and asks in a harsh voice.

Ji Lei showed the expression of chatting up, scratched his head and said with some embarrassment: "I... I went to the animal kingdom...

" what are you doing in the animal kingdom? " The bird emperor is also surprised, but Ji Lei is a wry smile, "now don't speak clearly, you have to let me go in to talk about it?"

In the palace, the bird emperor took a sip of tea. After listening to Ji Lei's narration, the bird emperor finally understood. After hearing this, he felt a little funny: "do you think I am like that?" "I don't know." Jilei shrugged his shoulders. After coming back, Jilei saw these people from the eastern continent. After listening to the explanation of the bird emperor, Jilei understood that most of these people had no use for anything, but some of them had the blood of the strongMai is even a top-level strongman. Since there are not so many strong people in the eastern mainland as in the western regions, the bird emperor has the intention to cultivate these people and bring them back together with ordinary people. It is just a scheme of mixing good and bad people with him.

I have to say that after hearing this answer, Jilei was quite shocked and said in a frustrated voice: "then you should tell me your original purpose! How embarrassing it is now

"How can I know you think so much?" The sparrow emperor did not stop crying for injustice, but at least things did not go wrong. After waiting for no longer, the bird emperor finally sent the strong men in the palace to take back all the people from the eastern mainland.

Ji Lei, by the way, has integrated the eastern continent into one, and by the way has made some relations with the animal kingdom. Although this relationship would have existed before, it has finally surfaced today. "Although there are some episodes, but generally speaking, you want to find a way back is for everyone's good. My goal has also been achieved, and I have also obtained the unexpected joy. If you can integrate the eastern mainland, it means that you have the ability to lead, and the eastern mainland will be in your charge..." the bird emperor smiles and looks at Ji Lei with satisfaction and says: "you have done well."

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