After returning to the western regions, Jilei did not keep on going back to the eastern mainland. After explaining the matter, Jilei felt a sense of relaxation that had never been so comfortable in the past few years. In these days, Jilei always lies on the bench in the courtyard, staring at the sky. In the vast sky, there are thousands of creatures wandering. The man who pursues freedom all his life has a great influence on Jilei. Therefore, when looking at the sky

, Jilei will inevitably think about whether people in the sky are really free.

"You are very free." In the garden full of birds and flowers, a voice rings from behind Ji Lei. Turning around, the emperor is walking slowly towards Ji Lei. Seeing this, Ji Lei smiles. When he leaves the western regions, the southern emperor is in the process of closing down. Therefore, Ji Lei has not seen the southern Emperor for a long time.

Nantiandi's loose sleeve robe is covered on his body, and his long hair is spread to his shoulders. He looks at Ji Lei with a smile and says, "your strength is improving very fast, but I'm surprised."

"Wu Jun..." Ji Lei pondered, then a smile: "absorbed the light of fire, the strength of the natural progress of the block."

Hearing this, the southern emperor sighed, "I didn't expect that poor people would have such a deep mind. When they knew that they couldn't crack the flame of fire, they simply polluted the light of fire. This kind of thinking is really vicious."

"Fortunately, the flame has been solved now." Ji Lei smiles and then looks at the southern emperor of heaven, "how can you come to chat with me today? At this time, you should still be practicing. " Nantiandi is an absolute Madman of cultivation. At any time, as long as he is free, he must practice in seclusion, because for him, fighting has not been able to enhance too much strength. The southern emperor has become a very strong existence in the martial god heaven, even a peak, so there are not so many opponents at all To provide an opportunity for the promotion of the southern emperor, want to become strong, only closed door practice.

"Recently, if you can't calm down, you won't practice." The emperor of the south is a hearty smile. Ji Lei hears the speech and says curiously, "what's the matter with you?"

"I don't know why, after the death of the poor, I always feel that something will come..." "what else will come? What is it? " Ji Lei was confused by the South emperor's words, but he couldn't explain why. He just shook his head and said, "I don't know what it is, but I always think that fierce beasts will not stop here..." "do you mean they will come again?" Reggie couldn't have been surprised? The prison of the upper bound has been locked up, and it is impossible for the fierce beast to come down from above. Moreover, there are ten warlords in the upper bound. How can the fierce beast break through so easily

Ji Lei's words didn't let the South emperor's eyebrows stretch, but said in a deep voice: "I hope so..."

as time goes on, Ji Lei does not indulge in peaceful life. Wu Jun is not his end point. There are also the highest rank martial saints above Wu Jun, who only want to be promoted to wusheng, that is to be the strongest one indeed! However, for thousands of years, there are not so many people who can step into the martial Saint level. No one is known to be a martial saint. Even the emperor Liannan can't touch the barrier that he used to be

after falling into the cloud. This is indeed a sad thing for the southern emperor, because once, the southern emperor was the most powerful one in the martial god heaven. He did not step into the ranks of martial saints. His strength was higher than that of the bird emperor. It's a pity...

in the war with him, he destroyed his body.

Fortunately, the southern emperor can see, even if it is no longer the past, but the emperor is still trying to break through, did not give up, there is still hope.

After a long silence, Jilei suddenly said: "now, the whole God of martial arts is getting closer. Even if there are monsters coming, we won't be afraid."

On hearing the speech, the southern emperor sighed and said, "I hope so..."

but when everything comes to an end, the tranquility of the martial god is finally broken after about a year....

on this day, Ji Lei still practices in the Jiuzun Yuxuan Palace. Suddenly, a panic cry comes from outside the door: "no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Yes! Phoenix... Phoenix is injured! "

"Phoenix?" When Jilei heard the name, her eyes opened immediately. She walked out of the door and saw many people standing in front of the door. Seeing this, Jilei could not help asking, "what's the matter? Did Phoenix get hurt? "

The bird emperor turned around and looked at Ji Lei with extreme solemnity. He said, "the Phoenix is seriously injured. Now he needs the treatment of pills. I don't understand these. You can have a look."

Ji Lei hears the words and quickly agrees. Then she comes to the Phoenix, but is startled. In front of the Phoenix, where there is before the body of the king of birds a little noble appearance! Their bright feathers are covered with blood! All of them are still on the groundThe scar of Tao, there is a huge crack on the body, even the skin inside can be seen!

Jiley has never seen such a serious injury! At the moment, Ji Lei's eyes suddenly dignified down, "extremely injured, blood loss is too much, need Jinchuang Dan, countless Jinchuang Dan!"

"Jinchuang Dan! Go get Jinchuang Dan Hearing this, the bird emperor quickly ordered humanity. Then he looked at Ji Lei and asked eagerly, "how can you save your life?"

After finding out the injury, jileicha stood up and sighed: "to tell you the truth, I'm not sure, but now we can save them only by stopping their blood and keeping the hope of saving lives."

Now, however, Gilley has a more serious problem in mind.

Phoenix, obviously went to the upper bound. If the three fierce beasts were all imprisoned, what else existed in the upper bound that could seriously injure the Phoenix like this?

Is there any other terror in the upper bound...

"jinchuangdan is coming!" Just as Ji Lei is thinking wildly, the servant suddenly comes to Ji Lei with a large number of Jinchuang pills. Ji Lei takes over Jinchuang Dan and says in a deep voice, "not enough, take more!"

"Go, go, go!" The bird emperor can't help urging. After that, Jilei crushed all the Jinchuang pills, and then quenched them with flame, turning them into a stream of streams, which penetrated into the Phoenix's body. , the fastest update of the webnovel!